The following dependency was generating a "unresolved dependency" warning during bootstrap on Debian: puppet-stdlib (>= 4.6.0 < 5.0.0) Debian is currently using puppet-stdlib 5.0.0 and the most recent version of puppet-etcd asks for puppet-stdlib (>= 4.6.0 < 5.0.0). puppet-stdlib 5.0.0 provides the same manifests, classes and functions as puppet-stdlib 4.25.1, the changes are more present in the packaging architecture, inclusion of a new function, and improved and updated documentation. Updating the dependency declaration to allow version 5.0.0 of puppet-stdlib removes the warning, shows no signs of malfunction, and does not prevent from successfully bootstraping and unlocking. For that, the package puppet-etcd-1.12.3 was included and patched. Debian Bullseye tests: PASS: Build & install PASS: Successful Bootstrap PASS: Successful Unlock Story: 2009101 Task: 44772 Signed-off-by: Matheus Machado Guilhermino <Matheus.MachadoGuilhermino@windriver.com> Change-Id: I940faf6c406fa0146da86976154f4e4793621c40