OSTree structure requires /usr to be readonly as OSTree's dracut hook creates a read-only bind mount over /usr. 1. deploy validate_postgresql_connection.sh directly to /usr/local/bin. It was copied to the location after installation. 2. move /usr/local/etc/ldapscripts to /etc/ldapscripts, files need writable. 3. move /usr/libexec/cni to /opt/cni/bin. Plugins are installed at runtime. TCs: provision aio-dx centos with /usr mount to readonly fs. unlocked host provision aio-sx debian and unlocked host. upgrade AIO-DX from 21.12 upgrade AIO-SX from 21.12 successfully apply cert-manager and nginx-ingress-controller Story: 2009101 Task: 44314 Change-Id: I99231f3f7db3d2d8eaceba137e13dea650370f71 Signed-off-by: Bin Qian <bin.qian@windriver.com>
The spec file used here was from the Centos 7 src rpm for containernetworking-plugins. The orig file is included to help show modifications made to that spec file, to help understand which changes were needed and to assist with future upversioning.