MariaDB downloaded from upstream requires bison to build, this caused a failure in the building. Adding the proper line in the spec file solves the issue Story: 2003041 Task: 23075 Change-Id: I4d404ae02b9e3166fb49bed318058860a4e1519f Signed-off-by: Erich Cordoba <erich.cordoba.malibran@intel.com> Signed-off-by: Scott Little <scott.little@windriver.com>
The upstream mariadb includes TokuDB source code with AGPL license. As AGPL-3.0 is considered a prohibited license by WR, we've modified the source tarball to delete the storage/tokudb directory and remove the AGPL reference from the EXCEPTIONS-CLIENT Foss License file. The spec file has also been modified to compile without tokudb support.