Move content from stx-utils into stx-integ or stx-update Packages will be relocated to stx-update: enable-dev-patch extras stx-integ: config-files/ io-scheduler filesystem/ filesystem-scripts grub/ grubby logging/ logmgmt tools/ collector monitor-tools tools/engtools/ hostdata-collectors parsers utilities/ build-info branding (formerly wrs-branding) platform-util Change-Id: I5613b2a2240f723295fbbd2783786922ef5d0f8b Story: 2002801 Task: 22687 Signed-off-by: Scott Little <scott.little@windriver.com>
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# The host config file is referenced in various parser scripts. It contains host specific
# parameters.
# PLATFORM_CPU_LIST config parameter is used to generate memstats csv for each host
# For CPU occupancy, the cores that are used for platform can be determined as followed:
# Controller & storage: all cores
# CPE and compute: see file /etc/nova/compute_extended.conf. For instance
# PLATFORM_CPU_LIST="0,20,2,22" means the sum of cores 0, 20, 2 and 22 represents platform
# occupancy.
# The platform cores can also be determined via the command
# >system host-cpu-list <host-name>
# When PLATFORM_CPU_LIST value is not set, it is assumed all cores are reserved for platform
# use.
# Sample configuration below is for one of the lab computes
# SERVICE_LIST config parameter is used to generate process level schedtop csv
# This list can from one release to another so please keep it up to date
# Controller services that are of interest are:
# AODH: aodh-api, aodh-listener, aodh-notifier, aodh-evaluator
# CEILOMETER: ceilometer-api, ceilometer-collector, ceilometer-agent-notification, ceilometer-polling, ceilometer-mem-db
# CEPH: ceph-mon, ceph-rest, ceph-alarm-manager
# CINDER: cinder-api, cinder-volume, cinder-scheduler
# GLANCE: glance-api, glance-registry
# HEAT: heat-api, heat-engine
# (ignore heat-api-cfn, heat-api-cloudwatch)
# KEYSTONE: keystone-all
# NEUTRON: neutron-server
# NOVA: nova-api, nova-scheduler, nova-conductor
# (ignore nova-consoleauth, nova-api-proxy, nova-novncproxy)
# HORIZON: openstack-dashboard
# SYSINV: sysinv-api, sysinv-agent, sysinv-conductor
# OTHERS: postgres, fmManager, libvirtd, rabbitmq-server, lighttpd, dnsmasq, beam.smp
# Compute services that are of interest are:
# VSWITCH: vswitch
# NOVA: nova-compute
# NEUTRON: neutron-dhcp-agent, neutron-metadata-agent
# Storage services that are of interest are:
# CEPH: ceph-mon, ceph-osd
# Sample configuration below is for the controller host
SERVICE_LIST="aodh-api aodh-listener aodh-notifier aodh-evaluator ceilometer-api ceilometer-collector ceilometer-agent-notification ceilometer-polling ceilometer-mem-db ceph-mon ceph-rest ceph-alarm-manager cinder-api cinder-volume cinder-scheduler glance-api glance-registry heat-api heat-engine keystone-all neutron-server nova-api nova-scheduler nova-conductor openstack_dashboard sysinv-api sysinv-agent sysinv-conductor postgres beam.smp libvirtd rabbitmq-server fmManager lighttpd dnsmasq"
# NETSTATS_INTERFACE_LIST config parameter is used to generate netstats csv
# Sample configuration below is for one of the lab controllers
# Either cat the /proc/net/dev file or inspect one of the collected netstats bz2 files
# (e.g. bzcat controller-0_2016-11-23_0546_netstats.bz2 | less -S -#10) to see the list of
# interfaces configured for the host. Those interfaces with all 0 values can be skipped.
NETSTATS_INTERFACE_LIST="eno1 bond0 ens801f0 ens801f1 bond0.109"
# IOSTATS_DEVICE_LIST config parameter is used to generate iostats csv
# Sample configuration below is for one of the lab controllers
# Inspect one of the collected iostat.bz2 files
# (e.g. bzcat controller-0_2016-11-23_0955_iostat.bz2 | less -S -#10) to see the list of
# devices configured for the host.
IOSTATS_DEVICE_LIST="sda sdb dm-0 dm-1 dm-2 dm-3 dm-4 dm-5 dm-6 dm-7 dm-8 drbd0 drbd1 drbd2 drbd3"
# DISKSTATS_FILESYSTEM_LIST config parameter is used to generate diskstats csv
# Use "df -l" command to see the list of partitions
# Sample configuration below is for one of the lab controllers. The format for each fs item
# is <filesystem-name>|<mount-name>.
# Either use "df -l" command to see the filesystem list or inspect one of the collected
# diskstats.bz2 files (e.g. bzcat controller-0_2016-11-23_1057_diskstats.bz2 | less -S -#10)
# to see the list of filesystems configured for the host.
DISKSTATS_FILESYSTEM_LIST="/dev/sda3|/ /dev/mapper/cgts--vg-scratch--lv|/scratch /dev/mapper/cgts--vg-log--lv|/var/log /dev/mapper/cgts--vg-backup--lv|/opt/backups /dev/mapper/cgts--vg-ceph--mon--lv|/var/lib/ceph/mon /dev/mapper/cgts--vg-img--conversions--lv|/opt/img-conversions /dev/drbd2|/opt/platform /dev/drbd0|/var/lib/postgresql /dev/drbd3|/opt/cgcs /dev/drbd1|/var/lib/rabbitmq"