In order to support running the galera arbitrator we need to add it to the openstack-helm mariadb docker image. This means building our own docker image for now. I've talked with "jayahn" on the openstack-helm IRC channel, and they said they had no objection to adding galera-arbitrator to their mariadb image, so we should upstream it as soon as possible. Once it's upstreamed we can remove this. Change-Id: I6ab2607abcd8e0d130ef80fbd1979c62a20a6ff4 Story: 2004712 Task: 29053 Signed-off-by: Chris Friesen <chris.friesen@windriver.com>
The upstream mariadb includes TokuDB source code with AGPL license. As AGPL-3.0 is considered a prohibited license by WR, we've modified the source tarball to delete the storage/tokudb directory and remove the AGPL reference from the EXCEPTIONS-CLIENT Foss License file. The spec file has also been modified to compile without tokudb support.