#!/bin/bash # set -x # # Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # Refer to build-tools/default_build_srpm and modify for git repo from linux-yocto. # source "$SRC_BASE/build-tools/spec-utils" source "$SRC_BASE/build-tools/srpm-utils" CUR_DIR=`pwd` BUILD_DIR="$RPMBUILD_BASE" if [ "x$DATA" == "x" ]; then echo "ERROR: kernel build_srpm (${LINENO}): Environment variable 'DATA' not defined." exit 1 fi srpm_source_build_data "$DATA" "$SRC_BUILD_TYPE" "$SRPM_OR_SPEC_PATH" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: kernel build_srpm (${LINENO}): Failed to source build data from $DATA" exit 1 fi if [ "x$PBR_VERSION" != "x" ] && [ "x$PBR_VERSION" != "xNA" ]; then VERSION=$PBR_VERSION fi if [ "x$VERSION" == "x" ]; then for SPEC in `find $SPECS_BASE -name '*.spec' | sort -V`; do SPEC_PATH="$SPEC" VERSION_DERIVED=`spec_evaluate '%{version}' "$SPEC_PATH" 2>> /dev/null` if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: kernel build_srpm (${LINENO}): '%{version}' not found in '$PKG_BASE/$SPEC_PATH'" VERSION_DERIVED="" fi if [ "x$VERSION_DERIVED" != "x" ]; then if [ "x$VERSION" == "x" ]; then VERSION=$VERSION_DERIVED else if [ "x$SRC_DIR" != "x" ]; then echo "ERROR: kernel build_srpm (${LINENO}): multiple spec files found, can't set VERSION automatically" exit 1 fi fi fi done if [ "x$VERSION" == "x" ]; then if [ -f $SRC_DIR/PKG-INFO ]; then VERSION=$(grep '^Version:' $SRC_DIR/PKG-INFO | awk -F ': ' '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//') fi fi if [ "x$VERSION" != "x" ]; then echo "Derived VERSION=$VERSION" else echo "ERROR: kernel build_srpm (${LINENO}): Failed to derive a good VERSION from SPEC file, and none provided." exit 1 fi fi if [ "x$TAR_NAME" == "x" ]; then for SPEC in `find $SPECS_BASE -name '*.spec' | sort -V`; do SPEC_PATH="$SPEC" SERVICE=`spec_find_global service "$SPEC_PATH" 2>> /dev/null` if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ "x$TAR_NAME" == "x" ]; then TAR_NAME=$SERVICE else if [ "x$SRC_DIR" != "x" ]; then echo "ERROR: kernel build_srpm (${LINENO}): multiple spec files found, can't set TAR_NAME automatically" exit 1 fi fi else NAME=`spec_find_tag Name "$SPEC_PATH" 2>> /dev/null` if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ "x$TAR_NAME" == "x" ]; then TAR_NAME=$NAME else if [ "x$SRC_DIR" != "x" ]; then echo "ERROR: kernel build_srpm (${LINENO}): multiple spec files found, can't set TAR_NAME automatically" exit 1 fi fi else echo "WARNING: kernel build_srpm (${LINENO}): 'Name' not found in '$SPEC_PATH'" NAME="" fi fi done if [ "x$TAR_NAME" == "x" ]; then if [ -f $SRC_DIR/PKG-INFO ]; then TAR_NAME=$(grep '^Name:' $SRC_DIR/PKG-INFO | awk -F ': ' '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//') fi fi if [ "x$TAR_NAME" != "x" ]; then echo "Derived TAR_NAME=$TAR_NAME" else echo "ERROR: kernel build_srpm (${LINENO}): Failed to derive a good TAR_NAME from SPEC file, and none provided." exit 1 fi fi if [ "x$TAR" == "x" ]; then TAR="$TAR_NAME-$VERSION.tar.gz" fi SOURCE_PATH="$BUILD_DIR/SOURCES" TAR_PATH="$SOURCE_PATH/$TAR" STAGING="" if [ "x$COPY_LIST_TO_TAR" != "x" ] || [ "x$EXCLUDE_LIST_FROM_TAR" != "x" ]; then STAGING="$BUILD_DIR/staging" mkdir -p $STAGING fi mkdir -p "$BUILD_DIR/SRPMS" mkdir -p "$SOURCE_PATH" if [ "x$SRC_DIR" == "x" -a "x$COPY_LIST" == "x" -a "$ALLOW_EMPTY_RPM" != "true" ]; then echo "ERROR: kernel build_srpm (${LINENO}): '$PWD/$DATA' failed to provide at least one of 'SRC_DIR' or 'COPY_LIST'" exit 1 fi if [ "x$SRC_DIR" != "x" ]; then if [ ! -d "$SRC_DIR" ]; then echo "ERROR: kernel build_srpm (${LINENO}): directory not found: '$SRC_DIR'" exit 1 fi fi if [ "x$COPY_LIST" != "x" ]; then echo "COPY_LIST: $COPY_LIST" for p in $COPY_LIST; do # echo "COPY_LIST: $p" \cp -L -u -r -v $p $SOURCE_PATH if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: kernel build_srpm (${LINENO}): COPY_LIST: file not found: '$p'" exit 1 fi done fi if [ "x$STAGING" != "x" ]; then \cp -L -u -r -v $SRC_DIR $STAGING echo "COPY_LIST_TO_TAR: $COPY_LIST_TO_TAR" for p in $COPY_LIST_TO_TAR; do # echo "COPY_LIST_TO_TAR: $p" \cp -L -u -r -v $p $STAGING/$SRC_DIR if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: kernel build_srpm (${LINENO}): COPY_LIST_TO_TAR: file not found: '$p'" exit 1 fi done echo "EXCLUDE_LIST_FROM_TAR: $EXCLUDE_LIST_FROM_TAR" for p in $EXCLUDE_LIST_FROM_TAR; do # echo "EXCLUDE_LIST_FROM_TAR: $p" echo "rm -rf $STAGING/$SRC_DIR/$p" \rm -rf $STAGING/$SRC_DIR/$p if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: kernel build_srpm (${LINENO}): EXCLUDE_LIST_FROM_TAR: could not remove file: '$p'" exit 1 fi done fi TRANSFORM=`echo "$SRC_DIR" | sed 's/^\./\\./' | sed 's:^/::' | sed 's#^.*/\.\./##'` if [ "x$STAGING" != "x" ]; then pushd $STAGING fi TAR_NEEDED=0 if [ "x$SRC_DIR" != "x" ]; then echo "SRC_DIR=$SRC_DIR" if [ -f $TAR_PATH ]; then n=`find . -cnewer $TAR_PATH -and ! -path './.git*' \ -and ! -path './.pc/*' \ -and ! -path './patches/*' \ -and ! -path "./$DISTRO/*" \ -and ! -path './pbr-*.egg/*' \ | wc -l` if [ $n -gt 0 ]; then TAR_NEEDED=1 fi else TAR_NEEDED=1 fi fi if [ $TAR_NEEDED -gt 0 ]; then echo "Creating tar file: $TAR_PATH ... $TAR_NAME $VERSION" #cd $SRC_DIR #pwd #git checkout -b linux-rt remotes/origin/v5.10/standard/preempt-rt/intel-x86 #cd - echo "tar --exclude '.git*' --exclude='.pc' --exclude='patches' --exclude='$SRC_DIR/$DISTRO' --exclude='pbr-*.egg' --transform 's,^$TRANSFORM,$TAR_NAME-$VERSION,' -czf $TAR_PATH $SRC_DIR" tar --exclude '.git*' --exclude='.pc' --exclude='patches' --exclude="$SRC_DIR/$DISTRO" --exclude='pbr-*.egg' --transform "s,^$TRANSFORM,$TAR_NAME-$VERSION," -czf "$TAR_PATH" "$SRC_DIR" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then if [ "x$STAGING" != "x" ]; then popd fi echo "ERROR: kernel build_srpm (${LINENO}): failed to create tar file, cmd: tar --exclude '.git*' --exclude='.pc' --exclude='patches' --exclude="$SRC_DIR/$DISTRO" --exclude='pbr-*.egg' --transform \"s,^$TRANSFORM,$TAR_NAME-$VERSION,\" -czf '$TAR_PATH' '$SRC_DIR'" exit 1 fi echo "Created tar file: $TAR_PATH" else echo "Tar file not needed." fi if [ "x$STAGING" != "x" ]; then popd fi if [ ! -d $BUILD_DIR/SPECS ]; then echo "Spec directory '$BUILD_DIR/SPECS' does not exist" exit 1 fi if [ $(ls -1 $BUILD_DIR/SPECS/*.spec | wc -l) -eq 0 ]; then echo "No spec files found in spec directory '$BUILD_DIR/SPECS'" exit 1 fi for SPEC in `ls -1 $BUILD_DIR/SPECS`; do SPEC_PATH="$BUILD_DIR/SPECS/$SPEC" RELEASE=`spec_find_tag Release "$SPEC_PATH" 2>> /dev/null` if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: kernel build_srpm (${LINENO}): 'Release' not found in '$SPEC_PATH'" fi NAME=`spec_find_tag Name "$SPEC_PATH" 2>> /dev/null` if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: kernel build_srpm (${LINENO}): 'Name' not found in '$SPEC_PATH'" fi SRPM="$NAME-$VERSION-$RELEASE.src.rpm" SRPM_PATH="$BUILD_DIR/SRPMS/$SRPM" spec_validate_tis_release $SPEC_PATH if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "TIS Validation of $SPEC_PATH failed" exit 1 fi BUILD_NEEDED=0 if [ -f $SRPM_PATH ]; then n=`find . -cnewer $SRPM_PATH | wc -l` if [ $n -gt 0 ]; then BUILD_NEEDED=1 fi else BUILD_NEEDED=1 fi if [ $BUILD_NEEDED -gt 0 ]; then echo "SPEC file: $SPEC_PATH" echo "SRPM build directory: $BUILD_DIR" echo "TIS_PATCH_VER: $TIS_PATCH_VER" echo "PBR_VERSION: $PBR_VERSION" sed -i -e "1 i%define _tis_build_type $BUILD_TYPE" $SPEC_PATH sed -i -e "1 i%define tis_patch_ver $TIS_PATCH_VER" $SPEC_PATH sed -i -e "1 i%define pbr_version $PBR_VERSION" $SPEC_PATH rpmbuild -bs $SPEC_PATH --define="%_topdir $BUILD_DIR" --undefine=dist --define="_tis_dist .tis" else echo "SRPM build not needed" fi done