Jiping Ma 2cb3d041cd Upgrade to 5.10 Linux kernel.
Move to kernel version 5.10 using source from the Yocto Project.
1. Add STX patches for kernel 5.10.
2. Support git source for linux-yocto.
3. Add build_srpm from build-tools/default_build_srpm
   and modified for git repo from yocto
4. Modify std and rt config files.
5. Build python-perf instead of python3-perf for std kernel.
   python-perf is needed by tuned-2.8.0-5.el7.noarch.
6. Modify rt spec to build out package kernel-rt-tools and kernel-rt-kvm.
7. Add kernel-5.10.30-x86_64-rt.config.tis_extra and
8. Add a dist field to avoid undesired rebuilds.
9. Ensure -unsigned package is populated

Story: 2008921
Partial-Task: 42519

Signed-off-by: Jackie Huang <>
Signed-off-by: Vefa Bicakci <>
Signed-off-by: Jiping Ma <>
Change-Id: Id1f635302f265826f7ff2860a3bed4b7755b2888
2021-07-26 02:40:01 -04:00

82 lines
2.3 KiB
Executable File

#! /bin/bash
# Destination was specified on the command line
test -n "$3" && Dest="$3"
pushd $Dir
rm -rf modnames
find . -name "*.ko" -type f > modnames
# Look through all of the modules, and throw any that have a dependency in
# our list into the list as well.
rm -rf dep.list dep2.list
rm -rf req.list req2.list
touch dep.list req.list
cp "$List" .
# This variable needs to be exported because it is used in sub-script
# executed by xargs
export ListName=$(basename "$List")
# NB: this loop runs 2000+ iterations. Try to be fast.
[ -z "$NPROC" ] && NPROC=1
cat modnames | xargs -r -n1 -P $NPROC sh -c '
depends=`modinfo $dep | sed -n -e "/^depends/ s/^depends:[ \t]*//p"`
[ -z "$depends" ] && exit
for mod in ${depends//,/ }; do
match=$(grep "^$mod.ko" "$ListName")
[ -z "$match" ] && continue
# check if the module we are looking at is in mod-extra too.
# if so we do not need to mark the dep as required.
mod2=${dep##*/} # same as `basename $dep`, but faster
match2=$(grep "^$mod2" "$ListName")
if [ -n "$match2" ]; then
#echo $mod2 >> notreq.list
echo $mod.ko >> req.list
' DUMMYARG0 # xargs appends MODNAME, which becomes $dep in the script above
sort -u req.list > req2.list
sort -u "$ListName" > modules2.list
join -v 1 modules2.list req2.list > modules3.list
for mod in $(cat modules3.list); do
# get the path for the module
modpath=`grep /$mod modnames`
[ -z "$modpath" ] && continue
echo $modpath >> dep.list
sort -u dep.list > dep2.list
# now move the modules into the extra/ directory
for mod in `cat dep2.list`; do
newpath=`dirname $mod | sed -e "s/kernel\\//$Dest\//"`
mkdir -p $newpath
mv $mod $newpath
# If we're signing modules, we can't leave the .mod files for the .ko files
# we've moved in .tmp_versions/. Remove them so the Kbuild 'modules_sign'
# target doesn't try to sign a non-existent file. This is kinda ugly, but
# so is modules-extra.
for mod in `cat ${Dir}/dep2.list`; do
modfile=`basename $mod | sed -e 's/.ko/.mod/'`
rm .tmp_versions/$modfile
pushd $Dir
rm modnames dep.list dep2.list req.list req2.list
rm "$ListName" modules2.list modules3.list