457 lines
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457 lines
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# This is a sensor profile file for the following sever
# All commands are SMASH CLP commands
# The SMASH CLP Spec is here - http:/dmtf.org/standards/smash
targets = Targets:SP:SYS
name_cmd = show /SYS
bmc_cmd = show /SP
name = Quanta Computer
bmc = Quanta(TM) Embedded Lights Out Manager
info = show /SYS
dump_cmd = show /SP ; there is no dump, this just prints the bmc version
# A sensor profile file is ini/config format that organizes sensors in groups
# using a heirarchy of [labels] and 'variables = value'
# targets
# name_cmd
# bmc_cmd
# name
# bmc
# dump_cmd
# group_types
## Detailed Explaination ...
# dump_cmd = command to read all the sensors and server info
# name_cmd = command to get the server name
# bmc_cmd = command to get the bmc name
# name = 'string name for the server' ; server name if available
# bmc = 'string name for the bmc' ; a string that can be queried from
# the bmc using the show command.
# targets = Targets:system1:map1 ; a list of SMASH command targets
# ; delimited by :
# Example: show
# Targets"
# system1"
# map1"
# Properties"
# Verbs"
# cd version exit show"
# group_types = COOLING,POWER,VOLTAGE,TEMPERATURE ; comma delimited list of sensor type labels
# Generic commands used to pull data from the BMC
# [LOGS] - read the SEL
# [CMDS] - reset, power on and power off commands
# reset = reset /SYS
# poweron = start /SYS
# poweroff = stop /SYS
# [INFO] - log board info like firmware versions, switch settings etc.
# [FIT] - force failure of a specific sensor
# hostname = compute-1
# sensor = fan1
# severity = critical
# Next Level of Heirarch is each label in the group_types. 3 Examples are used
# [COOLING] ; [SERVER]:<group_types>
# groups = FANS1,FANS2 ; Here we have 2 group types FANS1 and FAN2
# [FANS1]
# group = server fans ; the group name that shows in the GUI
# cmd = show -a /system1/fan* ; the smash command that reads the sensor
# sensortype = power ; or fan,temperature,voltage,etc
# datatype = discrete ; discrete or analog
# interval = 100 ; seconds
# sensors = FAN1,FAN2,FAN3 ; abstract list of labels; one for each sensor
# [FAN1]
# name =
# cmd =
# [FAN2]
# name =
# cmd =
# [FAN3]
# name =
# cmd =
# [FANS2]
# ... another group with same format as FANS1
## sensor attributes for this group
#### Next Group Type
# groups
# sensors
# List of sensor types.
# Each group type contains one or more groups and one or more sensors.
# Here is the heirarchy model
# - targets - a key word list of targets delimited by ':'
# - name - string read from the target that represents the server
# - bmc - string read from the target that represents the bmc
# - group_types[i] - list of functional group types
# - groups[j] - list of sensor groups within this type
# - group_name - list of sensor groups within this type
# - sensors[k] - list of sensors within this group
# Other key labels include
# This file contains the sensor profile for the following SERVER name
# show commands for brief and detailed log dumps (if applicable)
show_brief = na
show_detail = na
# Show commands for server information (if applicable)
cmds = 0
reset = reset /SYS
poweron = start /SYS
poweroff = stop /SYS
hostname = none
sensor = none
severity = none
# Server Power
# abstract labels for each group if this group type
groups = POWER1
# The name of the group that will show up in the GUI
group = server power
# sensor attributes for this group
sensortype = power
datatype = discrete
interval = 100 ; seconds
# the command that will read the sensors in this group
cmd = show /SYS/powerSupply
# list of abstract labels for the sensors in this group
sensors = PSU12,PSU1,PSU2
# the individual sensors in this group
name = PSU Redundancy
name = PSU1 Status
name = PSU2 Status
# FAN sensor management
# abstract labels for each group if this group type
groups = FANS1,FANS2
# The name of the group that will show up in the GUI
group = server fans
# sensor attributes for this group
sensortype = fan
datatype = discrete
interval = 120 ; seconds
# the commands that will read the sensors in this group
cmd = show /SYS/fan
# TODO: the sensor reading rules
ignore = na
pass = ok
minor = na
major = nonCritical
critical = critical
# status output delimiter
delimitor = =
# list of abstract labels for the sensors in this group
sensors = FANS1_1,FANS1_2,FANS1_3,FANS1_4,FANS1_5,FANS1_6,FANS1_7,FANS1_8,FANS1_9,FANS1_10,FANS1_11,FANS1_12
# the individual sensors in this group
name = Fan_SYS0_1
name = Fan_SYS0_2
name = Fan_SYS1_1
name = Fan_SYS1_2
name = Fan_SYS2_1
parser_ut =
name = Fan_SYS2_2
name = Fan_SYS3_1
name = Fan_SYS3_2
name = Fan_SYS4_1
name = Fan_SYS4_2
name = Fan_SYS5_1
name = Fan_SYS5_2
# FANS2 Grouping
# The name of the group that will show up in the GUI
group = power supply fans
# sensor attributes for this group
sensortype = fan
datatype = discrete
interval = 120 ; seconds
# the commands that will read the sensors in this group
cmd = show /SYS/fan
# TODO: the sensor reading rules
ignore = na
pass = ok
minor = na
major = nonCritical
critical = critical
# Status output delimiter
delimitor = =
# list of abstract labels for the sensors in this group
sensors = FANS2_1,FANS2_2
# the individual sensors in this group
name = Fan_PSU1
name = Fan_PSU2
# TEMPERATURE sensor management
# -----------------------------
# sensors .. The list of sensor labels in this group delimited by space.
# Each sensor has its own label for unique name and thresholds
# abstract labels for each group if this group type
# TEMPERATURE sensor group 1 (sensors that have similar attributes)
# The name of the group that will show up in the GUI
group = server temperature
# sensor attributes for this group
sensortype = temperature
datatype = discrete
interval = 34 ; seconds
unit = Celsius
# the commands that will read the sensors in this group
cmd = show /SYS/temperature
# Status output delimitor
delimitor = =
# TODO: the sensor reading rules
ignore = na
pass = ok
minor = na
major = nonCritical
critical = critical
# list of abstract labels for the sensors in this group
# the individual sensors in this group
name = PCH Thermal Trip
name = MB Thermal Trip
name = Temp_CPU0
name = Temp_CPU1
name = Temp_VR_CPU0
name = Temp_VR_CPU1
name = Temp_DIMM_AB
name = Temp_DIMM_CD
name = Temp_DIMM_EF
name = Temp_DIMM_GH
name = Temp_VR_DIMM_AB
name = Temp_VR_DIMM_CD
name = Temp_VR_DIMM_EF
name = Temp_VR_DIMM_GH
name = Temp_Ambient_FP
name = Temp_PCI_Area
name = Temp_PCI_Inlet1
name = Temp_PCI_Inlet2
name = Temp_PCH
name = Temp_Outlet
name = Temp_HBA_LSI
name = Temp_OCP
name = Temp_PSU1
name = Temp_PSU2
# VOLTAGE sensor management
# -----------------------------
# groups ... Allows management of voltage sensors by group with similar
# characteristics.
# abstract labels for each group if this group type
groups = VOLTAGE1
# The name of the group that will show up in the GUI
group = server voltage
# sensor attributes for this group
sensortype = voltage
datatype = discrete
interval = 300 ; seconds
# the commands that will read the sensors in this group
cmd = show /SYS/voltage
# TODO: the sensor reading rules
ignore = na
pass = ok
minor = na
major = nonCritical
critical = critical
# list of abstract labels for the sensors in this group
# the individual sensors in this group
name = Volt_VR_CPU0
name = Volt_VR_CPU1
name = Volt_P5V
name = Volt_P5V_AUX
name = Volt_P3V3
name = Volt_P1V05
name = Volt_P1V8_AUX
name = Volt_P12V
name = Volt_P3V3_AUX
name = Volt_VR_DIMM_AB
name = Volt_VR_DIMM_CD
name = Volt_VR_DIMM_EF
name = Volt_VR_DIMM_GH
name = Volt_P3V_BAT