Software groups are generated using the platform_comps.py utility to declare what software is installed on the various node types, generating a comps.xml for the base software repo in the ISO (and on the controller) with package groups for each node type. The "filter_out_from_X" files provide a list of packages to exclude from the corresponding software group. This update enhances the filtering by using the package list from the image.inc files, rather than the full set of packages included in the ISO. The latter, which is the existing implementation, would include all packages pulled in to meet dependency requirements in addition to those specified in image.inc files. As a result, we would also need to include these dependencies in the filter files to ensure they are not installed on a given node. By using just the package list from the image.inc files, the software groups will only include the requested packages. Adding a package to the filter file would then effectively also filter its dependencies. For example, if package A is in an image.inc file and requires package B, and we include A in the filter_out_from_storage list, the existing implementation would still include B in the storage software group and B would be installed on the node. With this updated implementation, B would not be included in the software groups at all, and only installed on nodes that also install A. Additionally, this update also cleans up filter references from centos-ks-gen.pl which were obsolete and should have been removed previously. This update also adds starlingx-dashboard to the filter lists for storage and worker nodes. As an example, this update has the net effect of reducing the number of packages installed on a worker node from the current total of 1060 to 932 packages, by trimming the unneeded packages pulled in from dependencies of filtered packages. Change-Id: I1c1c3fabf53c4a1dd085f135c7443e09f96e5906 Story: 2004764 Task: 33602 Signed-off-by: Don Penney <don.penney@windriver.com>
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#!/usr/bin/env python
Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Wind River Systems, Inc.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from __future__ import print_function
import getopt
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree
def usage():
print("Usage: %s --groups <groups.xml> --pkglist <pkglist>"
% os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
def add_text_tag_to_xml(parent,
Utility function for adding a text tag to an XML object
:param parent: Parent element
:param name: Element name
:param text: Text value
:return:The created element
tag = ElementTree.SubElement(parent, name)
tag.text = text
tag.tail = '\n '
return tag
def add_group(comps, personality, rpmlist=None, filter_dir=None, filter=None):
Add a software group to the comps.xml
:param comps: comps element
:param personality: Personality of node for group
:param rpmlist: List of all rpms in the base load
:param filter_dir: Path to filter files
:param filter: Name of filter file to use
if rpmlist is not None:
# Define a base platform group
groupname = "platform-%s" % personality
desc = "Platform packages for %s" % personality
# Define an empty patch group
groupname = "updates-%s" % personality
desc = "Patches for %s" % personality
group = ElementTree.SubElement(comps, 'group')
group.tail = '\n'
add_text_tag_to_xml(group, 'id', groupname)
add_text_tag_to_xml(group, 'default', "false")
add_text_tag_to_xml(group, 'uservisible', "true")
add_text_tag_to_xml(group, 'display_order', "1024")
add_text_tag_to_xml(group, 'name', groupname)
add_text_tag_to_xml(group, 'description', desc)
package_element = ElementTree.SubElement(group,
package_element.tail = '\n '
if rpmlist is not None:
# Read the filter file
f = open(os.path.join(filter_dir, filter), 'r')
filtered = f.read().split()
for pkg in sorted(rpmlist):
if pkg not in filtered:
tag = ElementTree.SubElement(package_element,
tag.text = pkg
tag.tail = '\n '
def main():
opts, remainder = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],
['pkgdir=', # Deprecated
except getopt.GetoptError:
groups_file = None
pkglist = []
# Filters are colocated with this script
filter_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == "--groups":
groups_file = arg
elif opt == "--pkglist":
if groups_file is None:
if len(pkglist) == 0:
# Use default files
# Get the pkglist
cmd = "sed 's/#.*//' %s" % ' '.join(pkglist)
rpmlist = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True).split()
tree = ElementTree.parse(groups_file)
comps = tree.getroot()
comps.tail = '\n'
add_group(comps, 'controller', rpmlist,
filter_dir, 'filter_out_from_controller')
add_group(comps, 'controller-worker', rpmlist,
filter_dir, 'filter_out_from_smallsystem')
add_group(comps, 'controller-worker-lowlatency', rpmlist,
filter_dir, 'filter_out_from_smallsystem_lowlatency')
add_group(comps, 'worker', rpmlist, filter_dir, 'filter_out_from_worker')
add_group(comps, 'worker-lowlatency', rpmlist,
filter_dir, 'filter_out_from_worker_lowlatency')
add_group(comps, 'storage', rpmlist, filter_dir, 'filter_out_from_storage')
add_group(comps, 'controller')
add_group(comps, 'controller-worker')
add_group(comps, 'controller-worker-lowlatency')
add_group(comps, 'worker')
add_group(comps, 'worker-lowlatency')
add_group(comps, 'storage')
tree.write(groups_file, encoding="UTF-8")
if __name__ == "__main__":