Update ingress-nginx to helm-chart 4.12.0 to pick up new CVE changes.
The patchset 1 for this change was automatically generated.
Later patchsets were added for minor changes.
This change updates these images:
1. ingress-nginx/controller: v1.11.1 -> v1.12.0
2. ingress-nginx/kube-webhook-certgen: v1.4.1 -> v1.5.0
3. ingress-nginx/opentelemetry: v20230721-3e2062ee5 -> REMOVED
The separate OpenTelemetry image was removed since OpenTelemetry is
already built into the NGINX image. Functionality remains unchanged.
Recently, stx-openstack adopted their own instance of ingress-nginx
within their dedicated namespace. As they have transitioned away from
using our shared setup, stx-openstack testing should not be included
in any future testing efforts.
Test Plan:
PASS: build-pkgs & build-image.
PASS: On an AIO-SX system:
- Bootstrap the system.
- Verify whether ingress-nginx was applied successfully.
- Verify newly deployed helm chart.
- Verify ingress-nginx pods.
- Test ingress-nginx controller routes requests.
- Test SNMP UDP port
- Test stx-openstack instalation and CLI (check comment above)
Story: 2011329
Task: 51642
Depends-on: https://review.opendev.org/c/starlingx/ansible-playbooks/+/940515
Change-Id: If4841859bde9f0e98b7e8d81d36d38a6e1c15153
Signed-off-by: Eduardo Almeida <Eduardo.AlmeidadosSantos@windriver.com>