As part of the work to achieve the decoupling of OpenStack clients used by STX-OpenStack from StarlingX, this change introduces a helm chart, called `clients`, that combines all OpenStack clients into a single container. With this change, after applying STX-OpenStack, it will be possible to use, in addition to the platform's clients, the container's clients, which, initially, would be both in the same version. Although this might seem redundant at first glance, once we are able to build different versions of the same package, e.g.: * `python3-keystoneclient` @ stable/victoria; and * `python3-keystoneclient` @ stable/2023.1. We will be able to choose, for the container's clients, package versions different from those used by the platform's clients, which means that it will be possible to study and evaluate the upversion to Antelope without disrupting the application's functioning in its current version: Ussuri. Note: This change is *not* the end result of client containerization. Rather, it is just the beginning. Soon, other tweaks will come on top of this code, to configure volume mounts, permissions, etc. Test Plan: PASS - Build python3-k8sapp-openstack package PASS - Build stx-openstack-helm-fluxcd package PASS - Build stx-openstack helm charts PASS - Upload/apply stx-openstack (AIO-SX) PASS - Upload/apply stx-openstack (AIO-DX) PASS - Verify that the `clients` container is up and running, with all OpenStack clients installed: `$ apt list --installed | grep python.*client` PASS - Remove/delete stx-openstack (AIO-SX) PASS - Remove/delete stx-openstack (AIO-DX) Story: 2010774 Task: 48206 Change-Id: I3a58bfdcd06d8383699e1e6c4be51211a343d5dc Signed-off-by: Luan Nunes Utimura <LuanNunes.Utimura@windriver.com>
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name = k8sapp-openstack
summary = StarlingX sysinv extensions for stx-openstack
long_description = file: README.rst
long_description_content_type = text/x-rst
license = Apache 2.0
author = StarlingX
author-email = starlingx-discuss@lists.starlingx.io
home-page = https://www.starlingx.io/
classifier =
Environment :: OpenStack
Intended Audience :: Information Technology
Intended Audience :: System Administrators
License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License
Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux
Programming Language :: Python
Programming Language :: Python :: 2
Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4
Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
packages =
setup-hooks =
systemconfig.helm_applications =
openstack = systemconfig.helm_plugins.openstack
systemconfig.helm_plugins.openstack =
001_ingress = k8sapp_openstack.helm.ingress:IngressHelm
002_mariadb = k8sapp_openstack.helm.mariadb:MariadbHelm
003_garbd = k8sapp_openstack.helm.garbd:GarbdHelm
004_rabbitmq = k8sapp_openstack.helm.rabbitmq:RabbitmqHelm
005_memcached = k8sapp_openstack.helm.memcached:MemcachedHelm
006_keystone = k8sapp_openstack.helm.keystone:KeystoneHelm
007_heat = k8sapp_openstack.helm.heat:HeatHelm
008_horizon = k8sapp_openstack.helm.horizon:HorizonHelm
009_glance = k8sapp_openstack.helm.glance:GlanceHelm
010_openvswitch = k8sapp_openstack.helm.openvswitch:OpenvswitchHelm
011_libvirt = k8sapp_openstack.helm.libvirt:LibvirtHelm
012_neutron = k8sapp_openstack.helm.neutron:NeutronHelm
013_nova = k8sapp_openstack.helm.nova:NovaHelm
014_nova-api-proxy = k8sapp_openstack.helm.nova_api_proxy:NovaApiProxyHelm
015_cinder = k8sapp_openstack.helm.cinder:CinderHelm
016_gnocchi = k8sapp_openstack.helm.gnocchi:GnocchiHelm
017_ceilometer = k8sapp_openstack.helm.ceilometer:CeilometerHelm
018_aodh = k8sapp_openstack.helm.aodh:AodhHelm
019_openstack-helm-toolkit = k8sapp_openstack.helm.helm_toolkit:HelmToolkitHelm
020_barbican = k8sapp_openstack.helm.barbican:BarbicanHelm
021_keystone-api-proxy = k8sapp_openstack.helm.keystone_api_proxy:KeystoneApiProxyHelm
022_ceph-rgw = k8sapp_openstack.helm.swift:SwiftHelm
023_ironic = k8sapp_openstack.helm.ironic:IronicHelm
024_placement = k8sapp_openstack.helm.placement:PlacementHelm
025_nginx-ports-control = k8sapp_openstack.helm.nginx_ports_control:NginxPortsControlHelm
026_fm-rest-api = k8sapp_openstack.helm.fm_rest_api:FmRestApiHelm
027_dcdbsync = k8sapp_openstack.helm.dcdbsync:DcdbsyncHelm
028_pci-irq-affinity-agent = k8sapp_openstack.helm.pci_irq_affinity_agent:PciIrqAffinityAgentHelm
029_clients = k8sapp_openstack.helm.clients:ClientsHelm
systemconfig.fluxcd.kustomize_ops =
openstack = k8sapp_openstack.kustomize.kustomize_openstack:OpenstackFluxCDKustomizeOperator
systemconfig.app_lifecycle =
openstack = k8sapp_openstack.lifecycle.lifecycle_openstack:OpenstackAppLifecycleOperator
universal = 1