# Copyright (c) 2018 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# A place for any functions relating to git, or the git hierarchy created
# by repo manifests.
git_ctx_root_dir () {
dirname "${MY_REPO}"
# git_list
# Return a list of git root directories found under
git_list () {
local DIR=${1}
find "${DIR}" -type d -name '.git' -exec dirname {} \; | sort -V
# GIT_LIST: A list of root directories for all the gits under $MY_REPO/..
# as absolute paths.
export GIT_LIST=$(git_list "$(git_ctx_root_dir)")
# GIT_LIST_REL: A list of root directories for all the gits under $MY_REPO/..
# as relative paths.
export GIT_LIST_REL=$(for p in $GIT_LIST; do echo .${p#$(git_ctx_root_dir)}; done)
# git_list_containing_branch :
# Return a list of git root directories found under and
# having branch . The branch need not be current branch.
git_list_containing_branch () {
local DIR="${1}"
local BRANCH="${2}"
local d
for d in $(git_list "${DIR}"); do
cd "$d"
git branch --all | grep -q "$BRANCH"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "$d"
# git_list_containing_tag :
# Return a list of git root directories found under and
# having tag .
git_list_containing_tag () {
local DIR="${1}"
local TAG="${2}"
local d
for d in $(git_list "${DIR}"); do
cd "$d"
git tag | grep -q "$TAG"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "$d"
# git_context:
# Returns a bash script that can be used to recreate the current git context,
# Note: all paths are relative to $MY_REPO/..
git_context () {
cd $(git_ctx_root_dir)
local d
for d in $GIT_LIST_REL; do
cd ${d}
echo -n "(cd ${d} && git checkout -f "
echo "$(git rev-list HEAD -1))"
# git_test_context :
# Test if all commits referenced in the context are present
# in the history of the gits in their current checkout state.
# Returns: 0 = context is present in git history
# 1 = At least one element of context is not present
# 2 = error
git_test_context () {
local context="$1"
local query=""
local target_hits=0
local actual_hits=0
if [ ! -f "$context" ]; then
return 2
query=$(mktemp "/tmp/git_test_context_XXXXXX")
if [ "$query" == "" ]; then
return 2
# Transform a checkout context into a query that prints
# all the commits that are found in the git history.
# Limit search to last 500 commits in the interest of speed.
# I don't expect to be using contexts more than a few weeks old.
cat "$context" | \
sed "s#checkout -f \([a-e0-9]*\)#rev-list --max-count=500 HEAD | \
grep \1#" > $query
target_hits=$(cat "$context" | wc -l)
actual_hits=$(cd $(git_ctx_root_dir); source $query | wc -l)
\rm $query
if [ $actual_hits -eq $target_hits ]; then
return 0
return 1