#!/bin/bash # This program is a wrapper around build-srpms-parallel and build-rpms-parallel DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" usage () { echo "" echo "Usage: " echo " Create source and Binary rpms:" echo " Build optimizations (--no-descendants, --no-required, --no-build-info," echo " --no-autoclean) are not recommended for the first build after a clone/pull," echo " nor the final build prior to creating an iso or patch, but can be used" echo " for intermediate builds. i.e. while debugging compilation failures." echo " build-pkgs-parallel [--no-descendants] [--no-required] [--no-build-info] [--no-autoclean] [--careful] [--formal] [ list of package names ]" echo "" echo " Delete source rpms, and the directories associated with it's creation:" echo " Note: does not clean an edit environment" echo " build-pkgs-parallel --clean [ list of package names ]" echo "" echo " Extract an src.rpm into a pair of git trees to aid in editing it's contents," echo " one for source code and one for metadata such as the spec file." echo " If --no-meta-patch is specified, then WRS patches are omitted." echo " build-pkgs-parallel --edit [--no-meta-patch] [ list of package names ]" echo "" echo " Delete an edit environment" echo " build-pkgs-parallel --edit --clean [ list of package names ]" echo "" echo " This help page" echo " build-pkgs-parallel [--help]" echo "" } HELP=0 CLEAN_FLAG=0 EDIT_FLAG=0 STD_BUILD=1 RT_BUILD=1 INSTALLER_BUILD=0 # read the options TEMP=$(getopt -o h --long rt,std,installer,edit,no-meta-patch,no-descendants,no-required,no-build-info,no-autoclean,formal,careful,help,clean -n 'build-pkgs-parallel' -- "$@") if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then usage exit 0 fi eval set -- "$TEMP" # extract options and their arguments into variables. EXTRA_ARGS_COMMON="" EXTRA_ARGS_SRPM="" EXTRA_ARGS_RPM="" while true ; do case "$1" in --no-descendants) EXTRA_ARGS_COMMON+=" --no-descendants" ; shift ;; --formal) EXTRA_ARGS_COMMON+=" --formal" ; shift ;; --careful) EXTRA_ARGS_RPM+=" --careful" ; shift ;; --no-required) EXTRA_ARGS_RPM+=" --no-required" ; shift ;; --no-build-info) EXTRA_ARGS_COMMON+=" --no-build-info" ; shift ;; --no-autoclean) EXTRA_ARGS_RPM+=" --no-autoclean" ; shift ;; --no-meta-patch) EXTRA_ARGS_SRPM+=" --no-meta-patch" ; shift ;; -h|--help) HELP=1 ; shift ;; --clean) CLEAN_FLAG=1 ; shift ;; --edit) EDIT_FLAG=1 ; EXTRA_ARGS_SRPM+=" --edit"; shift ;; --rt) STD_BUILD=0 ; shift ;; --std) RT_BUILD=0 ; shift ;; --installer) INSTALLER_BUILD=1 ; STD_BUILD=0 ; RT_BUILD=0 ; shift ;; --) shift ; break ;; *) usage; exit 1 ;; esac done if [ $HELP -eq 1 ]; then usage exit 0 fi function my_exit() { build-rpms-parallel --std --tmpfs-clean build-rpms-parallel --rt --tmpfs-clean } function my_sigint() { echo "build-pkgs-parallel sigint" pkill -SIGABRT -P $BASHPID &> /dev/null echo "build-pkgs-parallel waiting" wait echo "build-pkgs-parallel wait complete" } function my_sighup() { echo "build-pkgs-parallel sighup" pkill -SIGABRT -P $BASHPID &> /dev/null echo "build-pkgs-parallel waiting" wait echo "build-pkgs-parallel wait complete" } function my_sigabrt() { echo "build-pkgs-parallel sigabrt" pkill -SIGABRT -P $BASHPID &> /dev/null echo "build-pkgs-parallel waiting" wait echo "build-pkgs-parallel wait complete" } function my_sigterm() { echo "build-pkgs-parallel sigterm" pkill -SIGABRT -P $BASHPID &> /dev/null echo "build-pkgs-parallel waiting" wait echo "build-pkgs-parallel wait complete" } trap my_exit EXIT trap my_sigint INT trap my_sighup HUP trap my_sigabrt ABRT trap my_sigterm TERM TARGETS=" $@ " TARGETS_STD=" " TARGETS_RT=" " TARGETS_INSTALLER=" " TARGETS_MISC=" " find_targets () { local centos_pkg_dirs=$1 local d="" local d2="" local g="" local x="" local name="" local path="" local RESULT=" " local FOUND=0 for g in $(find $MY_REPO -type d -name .git); do d=$(dirname $g) if [ -f $d/$centos_pkg_dirs ]; then for d2 in $(grep -v '^#' $d/$centos_pkg_dirs); do name="" if [ -f $d/$d2/centos/srpm_path ]; then path=$(cat $d/$d2/centos/srpm_path | head -n 1 | sed "s#^mirror:CentOS/tis-r3-CentOS/mitaka#$MY_REPO/cgcs-centos-repo#" | sed "s#^mirror:#$MY_REPO/cgcs-centos-repo/#" | sed "s#^repo:#$MY_REPO/#" | sed "s#^3rd_party:#$MY_REPO/cgcs-3rd-party-repo/#" | sed "s#^Source/#$MY_REPO/cgcs-centos-repo/Source/#") name=$(rpm -q --qf='%{NAME}' --nosignature -p $path) else path=$(find $d/$d2/centos/ -name '*.spec' | head -n 1) if [[ ( -z "$path" ) && ( -f $d/$d2/centos/spec_path ) ]]; then path=$(find $MY_REPO/$(cat $d/$d2/centos/spec_path) -maxdepth 1 -name '*.spec' | head -n 1) fi if [ "$path" != "" ]; then name=$(spec_find_tag Name "$path" 2>> /dev/null) fi fi if [ "$name" != "" ]; then if [ "$BUILD_TYPE" == "rt" ]; then FOUND=0 for x in $TARGETS; do if [ "${x: -3}" == "-rt" ]; then if [ "${name}" == "$x" ] || [ "${name}-rt" == "${x}" ]; then RESULT+="$x " FOUND=1 break fi fi done if [ $FOUND -eq 0 ]; then for x in $TARGETS; do if [ "${name}" == "${x}-rt" ]; then RESULT+="$x-rt " FOUND=1 break else if [ "${name}" == "$x" ] || [ "${name}-rt" == "${x}" ]; then RESULT+="$x " FOUND=1 break fi fi done fi else for x in $TARGETS; do if [ "${name}" == "$x" ]; then RESULT+="$x " FOUND=1 break fi done fi fi done fi done echo "$RESULT" return 0 } echo "CLEAN_FLAG=$CLEAN_FLAG" echo "EDIT_FLAG=$EDIT_FLAG" if [ "x$TARGETS" != "x " ]; then source $MY_REPO/build-tools/spec-utils TARGETS_STD="$(find_targets centos_pkg_dirs)" BUILD_TYPE_SAVE="$BUILD_TYPE" BUILD_TYPE="rt" TARGETS_RT="$(find_targets centos_pkg_dirs_rt)" BUILD_TYPE="$BUILD_TYPE_SAVE" echo "TARGETS_STD=$TARGETS_STD" echo "TARGETS_RT=$TARGETS_RT" for x in $TARGETS; do if [[ $TARGETS_STD == *" $x "* ]] then echo "found $x" >> /dev/null; else if [[ $TARGETS_RT == *" $x "* ]] then echo "found $x" >> /dev/null; else TARGETS_MISC+="$x " fi fi done fi echo "EXTRA_ARGS_COMMON='$EXTRA_ARGS_COMMON'" echo "EXTRA_ARGS_SRPM='$EXTRA_ARGS_SRPM'" echo "EXTRA_ARGS_RPM='$EXTRA_ARGS_RPM'" echo "TARGETS='$TARGETS'" echo "TARGETS_STD='$TARGETS_STD'" echo "TARGETS_RT='$TARGETS_RT'" echo "TARGETS_MISC='$TARGETS_MISC'" if [ $CLEAN_FLAG -eq 1 ]; then if [ $STD_BUILD -eq 1 ]; then if [ "x$TARGETS" == "x " ] || [ "$TARGETS_STD" != " " ] || [ "$TARGETS_MISC" != " " ]; then if [ $EDIT_FLAG -ne 1 ]; then echo "$DIR/build-rpms-parallel --std --clean $EXTRA_ARGS_COMMON $EXTRA_ARGS_RPM $TARGETS_STD $TARGETS_MISC" $DIR/build-rpms-parallel --std --clean $EXTRA_ARGS_COMMON $EXTRA_ARGS_RPM $TARGETS_STD $TARGETS_MISC || exit 1 fi fi if [ "x$TARGETS" == "x " ] || [ "$TARGETS_STD" != " " ] || [ "$TARGETS_MISC" != " " ]; then echo "$DIR/build-srpms-parallel --std --clean $EXTRA_ARGS_COMMON $EXTRA_ARGS_SRPM $TARGETS_STD $TARGETS_MISC" $DIR/build-srpms-parallel --std --clean $EXTRA_ARGS_COMMON $EXTRA_ARGS_SRPM $TARGETS_STD $TARGETS_MISC || exit 1 fi fi if [ $RT_BUILD -eq 1 ]; then if [ "x$TARGETS" == "x " ] || [ "$TARGETS_RT" != " " ] || [ "$TARGETS_MISC" != " " ]; then if [ $EDIT_FLAG -ne 1 ]; then echo "$DIR/build-rpms-parallel --rt --clean $EXTRA_ARGS_COMMON $EXTRA_ARGS_RPM $TARGETS_RT $TARGETS_MISC" $DIR/build-rpms-parallel --rt --clean $EXTRA_ARGS_COMMON $EXTRA_ARGS_RPM $TARGETS_RT $TARGETS_MISC || exit 1 fi fi if [ "x$TARGETS" == "x " ] || [ "$TARGETS_RT" != " " ] || [ "$TARGETS_MISC" != " " ]; then echo "$DIR/build-srpms-parallel --rt --clean $EXTRA_ARGS_COMMON $EXTRA_ARGS_SRPM $TARGETS_RT $TARGETS_MISC" $DIR/build-srpms-parallel --rt --clean $EXTRA_ARGS_COMMON $EXTRA_ARGS_SRPM $TARGETS_RT $TARGETS_MISC || exit 1 fi fi exit $? fi function launch_build() { local build_type=$1 shift local logfile=$MY_WORKSPACE/build-$build_type.log local rc local targets if [ "$build_type" == "std" ]; then targets="$TARGETS_STD $TARGETS_MISC" else if [ "$build_type" == "rt" ]; then targets="$TARGETS_RT $TARGETS_MISC" else if [ "$build_type" == "installer" ]; then targets="$TARGETS_INSTALLER $TARGETS_MISC" else targets="$TARGETS" fi fi fi echo "Launching $build_type build, logging to $logfile" \rm $logfile echo -e "\n######## $(date): Launching build-srpms-parallel --$build_type $EXTRA_ARGS $@\n" | tee --append $logfile # No clean flag, call build-srpms-parallel followed by build-rpms-parallel echo "$DIR/build-srpms-parallel --$build_type $EXTRA_ARGS_COMMON $EXTRA_ARGS_SRPM $targets" | tee --append $logfile $DIR/build-srpms-parallel --$build_type $EXTRA_ARGS_COMMON $EXTRA_ARGS_SRPM $targets 2>&1 | tee --append $logfile rc=${PIPESTATUS[0]} if [ $rc -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "\n######## $(date): build-srpm-parallel --$build_type was successful" | tee --append $logfile else echo -e "\n######## $(date): build-srpm-parallel --$build_type failed with rc=$rc" | tee --append $logfile echo -e "\n$(date): build-srpm-parallel --$build_type failed with rc=$rc" exit $rc fi if [ $EDIT_FLAG -ne 1 ]; then echo -e "\n######## $(date): Launching build-rpms-parallel --$build_type $EXTRA_ARGS $@\n" | tee --append $logfile echo "$DIR/build-rpms-parallel --$build_type $EXTRA_ARGS_COMMON $EXTRA_ARGS_RPM $targets" | tee --append $logfile $DIR/build-rpms-parallel --$build_type $EXTRA_ARGS_COMMON $EXTRA_ARGS_RPM $targets 2>&1 | tee --append $logfile rc=${PIPESTATUS[0]} if [ $rc -eq 0 ]; then echo -e "\n######## $(date): build-rpm-parallel --$build_type was successful" | tee --append $logfile else echo -e "\n######## $(date): build-rpm-parallel --$build_type failed with rc=$rc" | tee --append $logfile echo -e "\n$(date): build-rpm-parallel --$build_type failed with rc=$rc" exit $rc fi fi echo -e "\n$(date): $build_type complete\n" #exit $rc } function progbar() { while :; do for s in / - \\ \|; do printf "\r$s" sleep .5 done done } # Create $MY_WORKSPACE if it doesn't exist already mkdir -p $MY_WORKSPACE if [ $STD_BUILD -eq 1 ]; then if [ "x$TARGETS" == "x " ] || [ "$TARGETS_STD" != " " ] || [ "$TARGETS_MISC" != " " ]; then launch_build std else echo "Skipping 'std' build, no valid targets in list: $TARGETS" fi else echo "Skipping 'std' build" fi if [ $RT_BUILD -eq 1 ]; then if [ "x$TARGETS" == "x " ] || [ "$TARGETS_RT" != " " ] || [ "$TARGETS_MISC" != " " ]; then launch_build rt else echo "Skipping 'rt' build, no valid targets in list: $TARGETS" fi else echo "Skipping 'rt' build" fi if [ $INSTALLER_BUILD -eq 1 ]; then if [ "x$TARGETS" == "x " ] || [ "$TARGETS_INSTALLER" != " " ] || [ "$TARGETS_MISC" != " " ]; then launch_build installer else echo "Skipping 'installer' build, no valid targets in list: $TARGETS" fi else echo "Skipping 'installer' build" fi echo "All builds were successful" exit 0