#!/bin/bash # # Copyright (c) 2018 Wind River Systems, Inc. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # # Builds rpm files from src.rpm files. # # This version compiles packages in parrallel if sufficient resources # (cpu's and memory) are available. # # The location of packages to be built is # $MY_WORKSPACE//rpmbuild/SRPMS. # # The build order is a derived from the BuildRequires in the # spec files in the src.rpms. Note that the BuildRequires sometimes # create dependency loops, so no correct order can be computed. In these # cases we add a retry loop. As long as one new package builds, we # keep retrying the loop, until all are built, or no progress is made. # So please don't panic and CTRL-C just because you see a few error # messages go by! # export ME=$(basename "$0") CMDLINE="$ME $@" # Build for distribution. Currently 'centos' is only supported value. export DISTRO="centos" # Maximum number of parallel build environments ABSOLUTE_MAX_WORKERS=4 # Maximum space in gb for each tmpfs based parallel build environment. # Note: currently 11 gb is sufficient to build everything except ceph MAX_MEM_PER_WORKER=11 # Minimum space in gb for each tmpfs based parallel build environment # Note: tmpfs is typically 2.5 gb when compiling many small jobs MIN_MEM_PER_WORKER=3 # Maximum number of disk based parallel build environments MAX_DISK_BASED_WORKERS=2 # Minimum space in gb for each disk based parallel build environment MIN_DISK_PER_WORKER=20 # How many srpms to build before we add another parallel build environment MIN_TASKS_PER_CORE=3 # Max number of new concurrent builds to allow for MAX_SHARE_FACTOR=4 # Always leave at least MEMORY_RESERVE gb of available mem for the system MEMORY_RESERVE=1 # These two values will be reassigned in the 'compute_resources' subroutine MOCKCHAIN_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION="" MAX_WORKERS=$ABSOLUTE_MAX_WORKERS CREATEREPO=$(which createrepo_c) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then CREATEREPO="createrepo" fi DEPENDANCY_DIR="$MY_REPO/cgcs-tis-repo/dependancy-cache" SRPM_DIRECT_REQUIRES_FILE="$DEPENDANCY_DIR/SRPM-direct-requires" SRPM_TRANSITIVE_REQUIRES_FILE="$DEPENDANCY_DIR/SRPM-transitive-requires" SRPM_TRANSITIVE_DESCENDANTS_FILE="$DEPENDANCY_DIR/SRPM-transitive-descendants" SRPM_DIRECT_DESCENDANTS_FILE="$DEPENDANCY_DIR/SRPM-direct-descendants" SRPM_RPM_DIRECT_REQUIRES_FILE="$DEPENDANCY_DIR/SRPM-direct-requires-rpm" RPM_DIRECT_REQUIRES_FILE="$DEPENDANCY_DIR/RPM-direct-requires" RPM_TO_SRPM_MAP_FILE="$DEPENDANCY_DIR/rpm-to-srpm" SRPM_TO_RPM_MAP_FILE="$DEPENDANCY_DIR/srpm-to-rpm" UNBUILT_PATTERN_FILE="$MY_REPO/build-data/unbuilt_rpm_patterns" SIGN_SECURE_BOOT="sign-secure-boot" SIGN_SECURE_BOOT_LOG="sign-secure-boot.log" export MOCK=/usr/bin/mock BUILD_RPMS_PARALLEL_DIR="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" )" source "${BUILD_RPMS_PARALLEL_DIR}/image-utils.sh" source "${BUILD_RPMS_PARALLEL_DIR}/spec-utils" source "${BUILD_RPMS_PARALLEL_DIR}/srpm-utils" HOME=$(pwd) usage () { echo "" echo "Usage: " echo " $ME [ [--rt] [--no-required] [--no-descendants] [--no-build-info] [--no-autoclean] [--formal] ]" echo " $ME --clean [ [--no-descendants] ]" echo " $ME --help" echo "" } number_of_users () { users | tr ' ' '\n' | sort --uniq | wc -l } available_mem_gb () { free -g | grep 'Mem:' | awk '{ print $7 }' } available_disk_gb () { df -BG $MY_WORKSPACE | grep -v '^Filesystem' | awk '{ print $4 }' | sed 's#G$##' } number_of_cpus () { /usr/bin/nproc } number_of_builds_in_progress () { local x x=$(ps -ef | grep build-pkgs-parallel | wc -l) x=$((x-1)) echo $x } sqrt () { echo -e "sqrt($1)" | bc -q -i | head -2 | tail -1 } join_by () { local IFS="$1"; shift; echo "$*"; } create-no-clean-list () { local MY_YUM_CONF=$(create-yum-conf) local NO_CLEAN_LIST_FILE=$MY_WORKSPACE/no_clean_list.txt local NEED_REBUILD=0 if [ ! -f $NO_CLEAN_LIST_FILE ]; then NEED_REBUILD=1 else if [ -f $MY_BUILD_CFG ]; then find "$MY_BUILD_CFG" -not -newermm "$NO_CLEAN_LIST_FILE" | grep -q $(basename $MY_BUILD_CFG) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then NEED_REBUILD=1 fi fi fi if [ $NEED_REBUILD -eq 1 ]; then local install_groups="" local install_packages="" local p for p in $(grep "config_opts\['chroot_setup_cmd'\]" $MY_BUILD_CFG | tail -n1 | cut -d '=' -f 2 | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//' -e 's/[[:space:]]*$//' -e "s/^'//" -e "s/'$//" -e 's/^install //'); do if [[ $p == @* ]] ; then install_groups=$(join_by ' ' $install_groups $(echo $p | cut -c 2-)) else install_packages=$(join_by ' ' $install_packages $p) fi done local noclean_last_list_len=0 local noclean_list="" local tmp_list="" local g for g in $install_groups; do tmp_list=$(yum -c $MY_YUM_CONF groupinfo $g 2>> /dev/null | awk 'f;/Mandatory Packages:/{f=1}' | cut -c 5-) noclean_list=$(join_by ' ' $noclean_list $tmp_list) done noclean_list=$(join_by ' ' $noclean_list $install_packages) noclean_list=$(echo $noclean_list | tr ' ' '\n' | sort --uniq) noclean_list_len=$(echo $noclean_list | wc -w) while [ $noclean_list_len -gt $noclean_last_list_len ]; do noclean_last_list_len=$noclean_list_len noclean_list=$( (yum -c $MY_YUM_CONF deplist $noclean_list 2>> /dev/null | grep provider: | awk '{ print $2 }' | awk -F . '{ print $1 }'; for p in $noclean_list; do echo $p; done) | sort --uniq) noclean_list_len=$(echo $noclean_list | wc -w) done echo $noclean_list > $NO_CLEAN_LIST_FILE fi cat $NO_CLEAN_LIST_FILE } str_lst_contains() { TARGET="$1" LST="$2" if [[ $LST =~ (^|[[:space:]])$TARGET($|[[:space:]]) ]] ; then return 0 else return 1 fi } compute_resources () { local weight=0 local b echo "" for f in $@; do b=$(basename $f) if [ -f $SOURCES_DIR/$b/BIG ] || [ ]; then weight=$((weight+MIN_TASKS_PER_CORE)) else weight=$((weight+1)) fi done weight=$((weight/MIN_TASKS_PER_CORE)) # gather data about the build machines resources local users=$(number_of_users) if [ $users -lt 1 ]; then users=1; fi local mem=$(available_mem_gb) local disk=$(available_disk_gb) local cpus=$(number_of_cpus) local num_users=$(sqrt $users) local num_build=$(number_of_builds_in_progress) num_build=$((num_build+1)) echo "compute_resources: total: cpus=$cpus, mem=$mem, disk=$disk, weight=$weight, num_build=$num_build" # What fraction of the machine will we use local share_factor=$num_users if [ $share_factor -gt $((MAX_SHARE_FACTOR+num_build-1)) ]; then share_factor=$((MAX_SHARE_FACTOR+num_build-1)); fi if [ $share_factor -lt $num_build ]; then share_factor=$num_build; fi local mem_share_factor=$((share_factor-num_build)) if [ $mem_share_factor -lt 1 ]; then mem_share_factor=1; fi echo "compute_resources: share_factor=$share_factor mem_share_factor=$mem_share_factor" # What resources are we permitted to use local mem_share=$(((mem-MEMORY_RESERVE)/mem_share_factor)) if [ $mem_share -lt 0 ]; then mem_share=0; fi local disk_share=$((disk/share_factor)) local cpus_share=$((cpus/share_factor)) echo "compute_resources: our share: cpus=$cpus_share, mem=$mem_share, disk=$disk_share" # How many build jobs, how many jobs will use tmpfs, and how much mem for each tmpfs local workers=$cpus_share if [ $workers -gt $MAX_WORKERS ]; then workers=$MAX_WORKERS; fi if [ $workers -gt $weight ]; then workers=$weight; fi if [ $workers -lt 1 ]; then workers=1; fi local max_mem_based_workers=$((mem_share/MIN_MEM_PER_WORKER)) if [ $max_mem_based_workers -lt 0 ]; then max_mem_based_workers=0; fi local max_disk_based_workers=$((disk_share/MIN_DISK_PER_WORKER)) if [ $max_disk_based_workers -gt $MAX_DISK_BASED_WORKERS ]; then max_disk_based_workers=$MAX_DISK_BASED_WORKERS; fi if [ $max_disk_based_workers -lt 1 ]; then max_disk_based_workers=1; fi echo "max_disk_based_workers=$max_disk_based_workers, max_mem_based_workers=$max_mem_based_workers" local mem_based_workers=$max_mem_based_workers if [ $mem_based_workers -ge $workers ]; then mem_based_workers=$((workers-1)); fi local disk_based_workers=$((workers-mem_based_workers)) if [ $disk_based_workers -gt $max_disk_based_workers ]; then disk_based_workers=$max_disk_based_workers; fi if [ $disk_based_workers -lt 1 ]; then disk_based_workers=1; fi echo "disk_based_workers=$disk_based_workers, mem_based_workers=$mem_based_workers" if [ $workers -gt $((disk_based_workers+mem_based_workers)) ]; then workers=$((disk_based_workers+mem_based_workers)); fi local mem_spoken_for=$((mem_based_workers*MIN_MEM_PER_WORKER)) local avail_mem=$((mem_share-mem_spoken_for)) local x="" for i in $(seq 0 $((workers-1))); do if [ $i -lt $disk_based_workers ]; then x="$x:0" else extra_mem=$(($MAX_MEM_PER_WORKER-$MIN_MEM_PER_WORKER)) if [ $extra_mem -gt $avail_mem ]; then extra_mem=$avail_mem; fi avail_mem=$((avail_mem-extra_mem)) mem_for_worker=$((MIN_MEM_PER_WORKER+extra_mem)) x="$x:$mem_for_worker" fi done # Our output is saved in environmnet variables MOCKCHAIN_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION=$(echo $x | sed 's#^:##') MAX_WORKERS=$workers echo "compute_resources: MAX_WORKERS=$MAX_WORKERS, MOCKCHAIN_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION=$MOCKCHAIN_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION" echo "" } # # Delete old repodata and reate a new one # recreate_repodata () { local DIR=${1} (cd $DIR if [ -f repodata/*comps*xml ]; then \mv repodata/*comps*xml comps.xml fi \rm -rf repodata \rm -rf .repodata if [ -f comps.xml ]; then $CREATEREPO -g comps.xml --workers $(number_of_cpus) $(pwd) else $CREATEREPO --workers $(number_of_cpus) $(pwd) fi ) } # # Update existing repodata # update_repodata () { local DIR=${1} (cd $DIR TMP=$(mktemp /tmp/update_repodata_XXXXXX) RC=0 if [ -f comps.xml ]; then $CREATEREPO --update -g comps.xml --workers $(number_of_cpus) $(pwd) &> $TMP RC=$? else $CREATEREPO --update --workers $(number_of_cpus) $(pwd) &> $TMP RC=$? fi if [ $RC -ne 0 ]; then cat $TMP fi \rm -f $TMP ) } # # return array that is the intersection of two other arrays # # NEW_ARRAY=( $( intersection ARRAY1 ARRAY2 ) ) # intersection () { local Aname=$1[@] local Bname=$2[@] local A=("${!Aname}") local B=("${!Bname}") # echo "${A[@]}" # echo "${B[@]}" for a in "${A[@]}"; do # echo "a=$a" for b in "${B[@]}"; do # echo "b=$b" if [ "$a" == "$b" ]; then echo "$a" break fi done done } # # return array that is the union of two other arrays # # NEW_ARRAY=( $( union ARRAY1 ARRAY2 ) ) # union () { local Aname=$1[@] local Bname=$2[@] local A=("${!Aname}") local B=("${!Bname}") local a local b for a in "${A[@]}"; do echo "$a" done for b in "${B[@]}"; do local found=0 for a in "${A[@]}"; do if [ "$a" == "$b" ]; then found=1 break fi done if [ $found -eq 0 ]; then echo $b fi done } # # returns 0 if element is in the array # # e.g. contains ARRAY $SEEKING && echo "$SEEKING is in 'ARRAY'" # contains () { local Aname=$1[@] local A=("${!Aname}") local seeking=$2 local in=1 for a in "${A[@]}"; do if [[ $a == $seeking ]]; then in=0 break fi done return $in } # # Append element to array if not present # # ARRAY=( $( put ARRAY $ELEMENT ) ) # put () { local Aname=$1[@] local A=("${!Aname}") local element="$2" for a in "${A[@]}"; do echo "$a" done contains A "$element" || echo "$element" } build_order_recursive () { local target=$1 local idx local remainder_list local needs local needs_list for((idx=0;idx<${#UNORDERED_LIST[@]};idx++)); do if [ ${UNORDERED_LIST[idx]} == $target ]; then remainder_list=( ${UNORDERED_LIST[@]:0:$idx} ${UNORDERED_LIST[@]:$((idx + 1))} ) UNORDERED_LIST=( ${remainder_list[@]} ) needs=( $(grep "^$target;" "$SRPM_DIRECT_REQUIRES_FILE" | sed "s/$target;//" | sed 's/,/ /g') ) needs_list=( $(intersection needs remainder_list) ) for((idx=0;idx<${#needs_list[@]};idx++)); do build_order_recursive ${needs_list[idx]} done echo $target break fi done } build_order () { local Aname=$1[@] local original_list=("${!Aname}") local needs local needs_list local remainder_list local idx local element local next_start=0 local old_next_start=0 local progress=1 while [ ${#original_list[@]} -gt 0 ] && [ $progress -gt 0 ]; do progress=0 old_next_start=$next_start for((idx=$next_start;idx<${#original_list[@]};idx++)); do element=${original_list[idx]} next_start=$idx remainder_list=( ${original_list[@]:0:$idx} ${original_list[@]:$((idx + 1))} ) needs=( $(grep "^$element;" "$SRPM_DIRECT_REQUIRES_FILE" | sed "s/$element;//" | sed 's/,/ /g') ) needs_list=( $(intersection needs remainder_list) ) if [ ${#needs_list[@]} -eq 0 ]; then echo "$element" original_list=( "${remainder_list[@]}" ) if [ $next_start -ge ${#original_list[@]} ]; then next_start=0 fi progress=1 break fi done if [ $old_next_start -ne 0 ]; then progress=1 next_start=0 fi done if [ ${#original_list[@]} -gt 0 ]; then # Had trouble calculating a build order for these remaining packages, so stick them at the end UNORDERED_LIST=( ${original_list[@]} ) while [ ${#UNORDERED_LIST[@]} -gt 0 ]; do element=${UNORDERED_LIST[0]} build_order_recursive $element done fi } set_mock_symlinks () { local LNK local DEST local CFG=$1 if [ -d /localdisk/loadbuild/mock ]; then mkdir -p $MY_WORKSPACE LNK=$(echo "/localdisk/loadbuild/mock/$(basename $CFG)" | sed 's/.cfg$//') if [ ! -L $LNK ] && [ -d $LNK ]; then echo "WARNING: Found directory at '$LNK' when symlink was expected. Fixing..." \rm -rf $LNK if [ -d $LNK ]; then \mv $LNK $LNK.clean_me fi fi if [ -L $LNK ]; then DEST=$(readlink $LNK) if [ "$DEST" != "$MY_WORKSPACE" ] || [ ! -d "$MY_WORKSPACE" ]; then echo "WARNING: Found broken symlink at '$LNK'. Fixing..." \rm -f $LNK fi fi if [ ! -L $LNK ]; then if [ ! -d "$MY_WORKSPACE" ]; then echo "ERROR: Can't create symlink from $LNK to $MY_WORKSPACE as destination does not exist." exit 1 fi ln -s $MY_WORKSPACE $LNK fi fi if [ -d /localdisk/loadbuild/mock-cache ]; then mkdir -p $MY_WORKSPACE/cache LNK=$(echo "/localdisk/loadbuild/mock-cache/$(basename $CFG)" | sed 's/.cfg$//') if [ ! -L $LNK ] && [ -d $LNK ]; then echo "WARNING: Found directory at '$LNK' when symlink was expected. Fixing..." \rm -rf $LNK if [ -d $LNK ]; then \mv $LNK $LNK.clean_me fi fi if [ -L $LNK ]; then DEST=$(readlink $LNK) if [ "$DEST" != "$MY_WORKSPACE/cache" ] || [ ! -d "$MY_WORKSPACE/cache" ]; then echo "WARNING: Found broken symlink at '$LNK'. Fixing..." \rm -f $LNK fi fi if [ ! -L $LNK ]; then if [ ! -d "$MY_WORKSPACE/cache" ]; then echo "ERROR: Can't create symlink from $LNK to $MY_WORKSPACE/cache as destination does not exist." exit 1 fi ln -s $MY_WORKSPACE/cache $LNK fi fi } remove_mock_symlinks () { local LNK local CFG=$1 if [ -d /localdisk/loadbuild/mock ]; then LNK=$(echo "/localdisk/loadbuild/mock/$(basename $CFG)" | sed 's/.cfg$//') if [ -L $LNK ]; then \rm -f $LNK fi if [ -d $LNK ]; then \rm -rf $LNK if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then \mv -f $LNK $LNK.clean_me fi fi fi if [ -d /localdisk/loadbuild/mock-cache ]; then LNK=$(echo "/localdisk/loadbuild/mock-cache/$(basename $MY_BUILD_CFG)" | sed 's/.cfg$//') if [ -L $LNK ]; then \rm -f $MY_WORKSPACE/cache $LNK fi if [ -d $LNK ]; then \rm -rf $LNK if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then \mv -f $LNK $LNK.clean_me fi fi fi } umount_mock_root_as_tmpfs_all () { for i in $(seq 0 $((ABSOLUTE_MAX_WORKERS-1))); do umount_mock_root_as_tmpfs $i done } umount_mock_root_as_tmpfs_cfg () { local CFG=$1 local build_idx=$(basename $CFG | sed 's#.*[.]b\([0-9]*\)[.]cfg#\1#') if [ "$build_idx" != "" ]; then umount_mock_root_as_tmpfs $build_idx else echo "umount_mock_root_as_tmpfs_cfg: Failed to map '$CFG' to a build_idx" fi } umount_mock_root_as_tmpfs () { local build_idx=$1 local mount_dir=$(readlink -f $MY_WORKSPACE/mock)/b${build_idx}/root local rc mount | grep tmpfs | grep $mount_dir &> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return 0 fi mock_tmpfs_umount $mount_dir &> /dev/null rc=$? if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then echo "FAILED: mock_tmpfs_umount $mount_dir" fi return $rc } kill_descendents () { local kill_pid=$1 local kill_all=$2 local need_stop=$3 local iteration=$4 local ret=0 local rc=0 # echo "kill_descendents pid=$kill_pid, all=$kill_all stop=$need_stop, iteration=$iteration" local relevant_recursive_children="$ME" local relevant_recursive_promote_children="mock" local relevant_other_children="mockchain-parallel mockchain-parallel-1.3.4 mockchain-parallel-1.4.16" local recursive_promote_children=$(for relevant_child in $relevant_recursive_promote_children; do pgrep -P $kill_pid $relevant_child; done) local recursive_children=$(for relevant_child in $relevant_recursive_children; do pgrep -P $kill_pid $relevant_child; done) local other_children="" if [ $kill_all -eq 1 ]; then recursive_promote_children="" recursive_children=$(pgrep -P $kill_pid) fi if [ $iteration -eq 0 ]; then other_children=$(for relevant_child in $relevant_other_children; do pgrep -P $kill_pid $relevant_child; done) if [ "$other_children" != "" ]; then ret=1 fi fi if [ $need_stop -eq 1 ]; then for pid in $recursive_children $recursive_promote_children; do kill -SIGSTOP $pid &> /dev/null done fi for pid in $recursive_children; do kill_descendents "$pid" $kill_all $need_stop $((iteration + 1)) done for pid in $recursive_promote_children; do kill_descendents "$pid" 1 1 $((iteration + 1)) done # echo "kill: $recursive_children $recursive_promote_children" for pid in $recursive_children $recursive_promote_children; do kill $pid &> /dev/null rc=$? if [ $need_stop -eq 1 ]; then kill -SIGCONT $pid &> /dev/null fi if [ $rc -eq 0 ] && [ $iteration -eq 0 ]; then wait $pid fi done # echo "kill: $other_children" for pid in $other_children; do kill $pid &> /dev/null rc=$? if [ $rc -eq 0 ] && [ $iteration -eq 0 ]; then wait $pid fi done return $ret } function my_exit_n() { local need_mock_cleanup # echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_exit: killing children" local need_mock_cleanup kill_descendents $BASHPID 0 0 0 need_mock_cleanup=$? # echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_exit: waiting" wait # echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_exit: wait complete" # echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_exit: need_mock_cleanup=$need_mock_cleanup" if [ $need_mock_cleanup -ne 0 ]; then umount_mock_root_as_tmpfs_all fi } function my_exit() { local need_mock_cleanup # echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_exit: killing children" local need_mock_cleanup kill_descendents $BASHPID 0 0 0 need_mock_cleanup=$? # echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_exit: waiting" wait # echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_exit: wait complete" # echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_exit: need_mock_cleanup=$need_mock_cleanup" if [ $need_mock_cleanup -ne 0 ]; then sleep 1 fi umount_mock_root_as_tmpfs_all } function my_sigint_n() { local ARG=$1 echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_sigint_n: ARG=$ARG" echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_sigint_n: killing children" local need_mock_cleanup kill_descendents $BASHPID 0 0 0 need_mock_cleanup=$? echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_sigint_n: waiting" wait echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_sigint_n: wait complete" if [ $need_mock_cleanup -ne 0 ]; then umount_mock_root_as_tmpfs_cfg $ARG fi exit 1 } function my_sighup_n() { local ARG=$1 echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_sighup_n: ARG=$ARG" echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_sighup_n: killing children" local need_mock_cleanup kill_descendents $BASHPID 0 0 0 need_mock_cleanup=$? echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_sighup_n: waiting" wait echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_sighup_n: wait complete" if [ $need_mock_cleanup -ne 0 ]; then umount_mock_root_as_tmpfs_cfg $ARG fi exit 1 } function my_sigabrt_n() { local ARG=$1 echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_sigabrt_n: ARG=$ARG" echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_sigabrt_n: killing children" local need_mock_cleanup kill_descendents $BASHPID 0 0 0 need_mock_cleanup=$? echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_sigabrt_n: waiting" wait echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_sigabrt_n: wait complete" if [ $need_mock_cleanup -ne 0 ]; then umount_mock_root_as_tmpfs_cfg $ARG fi exit 1 } function my_sigterm_n() { local ARG=$1 echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_sigterm_n: ARG=$ARG" echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_sigterm_n: killing children" local need_mock_cleanup kill_descendents $BASHPID 0 0 0 need_mock_cleanup=$? echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_sigterm_n: waiting" wait echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_sigterm_n: wait complete" echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_sigterm_n: need_mock_cleanup=$need_mock_cleanup" if [ $need_mock_cleanup -ne 0 ]; then umount_mock_root_as_tmpfs_cfg $ARG fi exit 1 } function my_sigint() { echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_sigint: killing children" local need_mock_cleanup kill_descendents $BASHPID 0 0 0 need_mock_cleanup=$? echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_sigterm_n: waiting" wait echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_sigterm_n: wait complete" if [ $need_mock_cleanup -ne 0 ]; then umount_mock_root_as_tmpfs_all fi exit 1 } function my_sighup() { echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_sighup: killing children" local need_mock_cleanup kill_descendents $BASHPID 0 0 0 need_mock_cleanup=$? echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_sighup: waiting" wait echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_sighup: wait complete" if [ $need_mock_cleanup -ne 0 ]; then umount_mock_root_as_tmpfs_all fi exit 1 } function my_sigabrt() { echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_sigabrt: killing children" local need_mock_cleanup kill_descendents $BASHPID 0 0 0 need_mock_cleanup=$? echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_sigabrt: waiting" wait echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_sigabrt: wait complete" if [ $need_mock_cleanup -ne 0 ]; then umount_mock_root_as_tmpfs_all fi exit 1 } function my_sigterm() { echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_sigterm: killing children" local need_mock_cleanup kill_descendents $BASHPID 0 0 0 need_mock_cleanup=$? echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_sigterm: waiting" wait echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_sigterm: wait complete" echo "$BASHPID: $ME: my_sigterm: need_mock_cleanup=$need_mock_cleanup" if [ $need_mock_cleanup -ne 0 ]; then umount_mock_root_as_tmpfs_all fi exit 1 } trapwrap() { local WCMD=$1 shift declare -i pid status=255 # set the trap for the foreground process trap my_sigint INT trap my_sighup HUP trap my_sigabrt ABRT trap my_sigterm TERM # run the command in background ### "$@" & pid=$! WARGS=() x=0 for i in "$@"; do WARGS[$x]="$i" x=$((x+1)) done echo "$WCMD ${WARGS[@]/#/}" $WCMD "${WARGS[@]/#/}" & pid=$! # wait until bg command finishes, handling interruptions by trapped signals while (( status > 128 )); do wait $pid status=$? done # restore the trap trap - INT trap - HUP trap - ABRT trap - TERM # return the command exit status return $status } trapwrap_n() { local ARG=$1 shift local WCMD=$1 shift declare -i pid status=255 # set the trap for the foreground process trap my_exit_n EXIT trap "my_sigint_n $ARG" INT trap "my_sighup_n $ARG" HUP trap "my_sigabrt_n $ARG" ABRT trap "my_sigterm_n $ARG" TERM # run the command in background WARGS=() x=0 for i in "$@"; do WARGS[$x]="$i" x=$((x+1)) done echo "$WCMD ${WARGS[@]/#/}" $WCMD "${WARGS[@]/#/}" & pid=$! # wait until bg command finishes, handling interruptions by trapped signals while (( status > 128 )); do wait $pid status=$? done # restore the trap trap - INT trap - HUP trap - ABRT trap - TERM # return the command exit status return $status } trap my_exit EXIT mock_get_cache_dir () { local CFG=$1 local CACHE_DIR="$MY_WORKSPACE/cache" local CACHE_LINE=$(grep "config_opts[[][']cache_topdir['][]]" $CFG) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then CACHE_DIR=$(echo "$CACHE_LINE" | awk -F \' '{ print $4 }') fi echo "$CACHE_DIR" } mock_get_root_dir () { local CFG=$1 local ROOT_DIR="$MY_WORKSPACE/mock" local ROOT_LINE=$(grep "config_opts[[][']root['][]]" $CFG) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then ROOT_DIR="$MY_WORKSPACE/"$(echo "$ROOT_LINE" | awk -F \' '{ print $4 }') fi echo "$ROOT_DIR" } mock_clean_cfg () { local CFG=$1 echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: $CFG" echo "==================================" mock_clean_cache_cfg $CFG echo "==================================" echo "$MOCK -r $CFG --configdir $(dirname $CFG) --scrub=all" trapwrap_n $CFG $MOCK -r $CFG --configdir $(dirname $CFG) --scrub=all echo "==================================" echo "$MOCK -r $CFG --configdir $(dirname $CFG) --clean" trapwrap_n $CFG $MOCK -r $CFG --configdir $(dirname $CFG) --clean ### Note: this sometimes leaves behind a $MY_WORKSPACE/cache/mock/yum_cache/yumcache.lock echo "==================================" mock_clean_cache_all_cfg $CFG echo "==================================" } mock_sub_configs () { find $MY_WORKSPACE/configs/$MY_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT* -name "$MY_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT*b[0-9]*.cfg" } mock_clean () { echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: in" echo "==================================" remove_mock_symlinks $MY_BUILD_CFG set_mock_symlinks $MY_BUILD_CFG echo "==================================" for SUB_CFG in $(mock_sub_configs); do local PREFIX=$(echo $SUB_CFG | rev | cut -d . -f 2 | rev) ( mock_clean_cfg $SUB_CFG 2>&1 | sed "s#^#${PREFIX}: #" ; exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]} ) & done wait echo "==================================" remove_mock_symlinks $MY_BUILD_CFG echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: out" } mock_partial_clean_cfg () { local CFG=$1 local SRPMS_LIST="$2" local RPMS_LIST="$3" local CMD local TMP local RC echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: CFG=$CFG SRPMS_LIST='$SRPMS_LIST' RPMS_LIST='$RPMS_LIST'" TMP=$(mktemp /tmp/mock_partial_clean_cfg_XXXXXX) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: mktemp failed" return 1 fi local ROOT_DIR=$(mock_get_root_dir $CFG) if [ -d $ROOT_DIR/root/builddir/build/SOURCES ]; then echo "rm -rf $ROOT_DIR/root/builddir/build/SOURCES/*" \rm -rf $ROOT_DIR/root/builddir/build/SOURCES/* 2>> /dev/null fi if [ -d $ROOT_DIR/root/builddir/build/SPECS ]; then echo "rm -rf $ROOT_DIR/root/builddir/build/SPECS/*" \rm -rf $ROOT_DIR/root/builddir/build/SPECS/* 2>> /dev/null fi for s in $SRPMS_LIST; do f=$(basename $s) if [ -f $ROOT_DIR/root/builddir/build/SRPMS/$f ]; then \rm -f -v $ROOT_DIR/root/builddir/build/SRPMS/$f 2>> /dev/null fi if [ -f $ROOT_DIR/root/builddir/build/originals/$f ]; then \rm -f -v $ROOT_DIR/root/builddir/build/originals/$f 2>> /dev/null fi done for r in $RPMS_LIST; do for d in $(find $ROOT_DIR/root/builddir/build/BUILD/ -maxdepth 1 -name '$r*' 2>> /dev/null); do echo "rm -rf $d" \rm -rf $d 2>> /dev/null done if [ -d $ROOT_DIR/root/builddir/build/RPMS ]; then for f in $(find $ROOT_DIR/root/builddir/build/RPMS -maxdepth 1 -name "$r*rpm" 2>> /dev/null); do \rm -f -v $f 2>> /dev/null done fi done local NO_CLEAN_LIST=$(create-no-clean-list) echo "NO_CLEAN_LIST=$NO_CLEAN_LIST" local RPMS_CLEAN_LIST="" local NEED_FULL_MOCK_CLEAN=0 for r in $RPMS_LIST; do if ! str_lst_contains $r "$NO_CLEAN_LIST" ; then RPMS_CLEAN_LIST=$(join_by ' ' $RPMS_CLEAN_LIST $r) else echo "Can't remove '$r' from mock environment without a wipe"; NEED_FULL_MOCK_CLEAN=1 fi done if [ $NEED_FULL_MOCK_CLEAN -eq 1 ]; then echo "Wipe the mock environment" mock_clean_cfg $CFG RC=$? else # Intent of following is for $RPMS_LIST to be expand now while the remaining $ varaibles are for bash inside mock to expand echo "Try to uninstall from the mock environment these packages: $RPMS_CLEAN_LIST" CMD='LST="'$RPMS_CLEAN_LIST'"; DELETE_LIST=""; for r in $LST; do FOUND=$(rpm -q $r) ; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then DELETE_LIST="$DELETE_LIST $FOUND"; fi; done; echo "uninstalling these packages: $DELETE_LIST"; if [ "$DELETE_LIST" != "" ]; then rpm -e --nodeps $DELETE_LIST; fi' echo "$MOCK -r $CFG --configdir $(dirname $CFG) --chroot bash -c $CMD" &> $TMP trapwrap_n $CFG $MOCK -r $CFG --configdir $(dirname $CFG) --chroot "bash -c '$CMD'" &>> $TMP RC=$? if [ $RC -ne 0 ]; then cat $TMP \rm -f $TMP return $RC fi mock_clean_cache_cfg $CFG RC=$? \rm -f $TMP fi return $RC } mock_partial_clean () { local SRPMS_LIST="$1" local RPMS_LIST="$2" echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: in" echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: '$SRPMS_LIST' '$RPMS_LIST'" echo "==================================" local NO_CLEAN_LIST=$(create-no-clean-list) echo "==================================" for SUB_CFG in $(mock_sub_configs); do local PREFIX=$(echo $SUB_CFG | rev | cut -d . -f 2 | rev) ( mock_partial_clean_cfg $SUB_CFG "$SRPMS_LIST" "$RPMS_LIST" 2>&1 | sed "s#^#${PREFIX}: #" ; exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]} ) & done wait echo "==================================" echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: out" } mock_clean_cache_cfg () { local CFG=$1 local TMP local RC echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: $CFG '$SRPMS_LIST' '$RPMS_LIST'" TMP=$(mktemp /tmp/mock_clean_cache_cfg_XXXXXX) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: mktemp failed" return 1 fi echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: $CFG" clean_yum_cache_cfg $CFG echo "$MOCK -r $CFG --configdir $(dirname $CFG) --scrub=root-cache --scrub=yum-cache --scrub=cache" &> $TMP trapwrap_n $CFG $MOCK -r $CFG --configdir $(dirname $CFG) --scrub=root-cache --scrub=yum-cache --scrub=cache &>> $TMP RC=$? if [ $RC -ne 0 ]; then cat $TMP fi \rm -f $TPM return $RC } mock_clean_cache () { echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: in" for SUB_CFG in $(mock_sub_configs); do local PREFIX=$(echo $SUB_CFG | rev | cut -d . -f 2 | rev) ( mock_clean_cache_cfg $SUB_CFG 2>&1 | sed "s#^#${PREFIX}: #" ; exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]} ) & done wait # mock_clean_cache_cfg $BUILD_CFG echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: out" } mock_clean_cache_all_cfg () { local CFG=$1 echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: $CFG" echo "==================================" clean_yum_cache_cfg $CFG echo "==================================" echo "$MOCK -r $CFG --configdir $(dirname $CFG) --scrub=all" trapwrap_n $CFG $MOCK -r $CFG --configdir $(dirname $CFG) --scrub=all echo "==================================" } mock_clean_cache_all () { echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: in" for SUB_CFG in $(mock_sub_configs); do local PREFIX=$(echo $SUB_CFG | rev | cut -d . -f 2 | rev) ( mock_clean_cache_all_cfg $SUB_CFG 2>&1 | sed "s#^#${PREFIX}: #" ; exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]} ) & done wait echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: out" } mock_clean_metadata_cfg () { local CFG=$1 local TMP local RC echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: $CFG" TMP=$(mktemp /tmp/mock_partial_clean_cfg_XXXXXX) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: mktemp failed" return 1 fi CMD=$((cat $CFG; grep config_opts\\[\'yum.conf\'\\\] $CFG | sed 's#\\n#\n#g') | grep '^[[]' | grep -v main | sed 's/[][]//g' | sed 's#^#yum --enablerepo=#' | sed 's#$# clean metadata#' | sort -u | tr '\n' ';') echo "$MOCK -r $CFG --configdir $(dirname $CFG) --chroot bash -c $CMD" &> $TMP trapwrap_n $CFG $MOCK -r $CFG --configdir $(dirname $CFG) --chroot "bash -c '($CMD)'" &>>$TMP RC=$? if [ $RC -ne 0 ]; then cat $TMP fi \rm -f $TMP return $RC } mock_clean_metadata () { echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: in" for SUB_CFG in $(mock_sub_configs); do local PREFIX=$(echo $SUB_CFG | rev | cut -d . -f 2 | rev) ( mock_clean_metadata_cfg $SUB_CFG 2>&1 | sed "s#^#${PREFIX}: #" ; exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]} ) & done wait echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: out" } update_cgcs_repo () { local REPO_NAME=$1 ( cd $MY_REPO/$REPO_NAME/ local CURR_HEAD=$(git rev-parse HEAD) local LAST_HEAD_FILE="$MY_REPO/$REPO_NAME/.last_head" local LAST_HEAD_FILE_OLD="$MY_WORKSPACE/$REPO_NAME.last_head" local CHANGED local NEW_UNTRACKED local NEED_REBUILD local NEED_MOCK_CLEAN=0 local d if [ -f LAST_HEAD_FILE_OLD -a ! -f LAST_HEAD_FILE ]; then \cp LAST_HEAD_FILE_OLD LAST_HEAD_FILE fi local LAST_HEAD=$(cat $LAST_HEAD_FILE | head -n 1) for d in "Binary" "Source"; do NEED_REBUILD=0 if [ ! -d $d/repodata ]; then NEED_REBUILD=1 fi if [ "$CURR_HEAD" != "$LAST_HEAD" ]; then NEED_REBUILD=1 fi CHANGED=$(git diff --name-only | grep $d) if [ "x$CHANGED" != "x" ]; then NEED_REBUILD=1 fi NEW_UNTRACKED=$(git ls-files . --exclude-standard --others | grep $d) if [ "x$NEW_UNTRACKED" != "x" ]; then NEED_REBUILD=1 fi if [ $NEED_REBUILD -eq 1 ]; then NEED_MOCK_CLEAN=1 echo "" echo "Need to recreate $REPO_NAME/$d/repodata" mkdir -p $d if [ -d $d/repodata ]; then update_repodata "$d" else recreate_repodata "$d" fi fi done echo "$CURR_HEAD" > $LAST_HEAD_FILE \cp $LAST_HEAD_FILE $LAST_HEAD_FILE_OLD if [ $NEED_MOCK_CLEAN -eq 1 ]; then echo "" echo "Need to clean mock" mock_clean set_mock_symlinks $MY_BUILD_CFG fi ) } mock_clean_mounts_dir () { local MOUNT=$1 local RC if [ "$MOUNT" == "" ]; then return 1 fi mount | grep "$MOUNT" >> /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then RC=1 which mock_cache_umount >> /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "umount '$MOUNT'" mock_cache_umount "$MOUNT" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then RC=0 fi fi if [ $RC -eq 1 ]; then echo "ERROR: Directory '$MOUNT' is already mounted and will cause a build failure within mock." echo "Ask your system administrator to umount '$MOUNT'." exit 1 fi fi return 0 } mock_clean_mounts_cfg () { local CFG=$1 local ROOT_DIR=$(mock_get_root_dir $CFG) local YUM_CACHE_MOUNT=$(readlink -f "$ROOT_DIR/root/var/cache/yum") local PROC_MOUNT=$(readlink -f "$ROOT_DIR/root/proc") local SYS_MOUNT=$(readlink -f "$ROOT_DIR/root/sys") local SHM_MOUNT=$(readlink -f "$ROOT_DIR/root/dev/shm") local PTS_MOUNT=$(readlink -f "$ROOT_DIR/root/dev/pts") local MOUNT echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: $CFG" for MOUNT in "$YUM_CACHE_MOUNT" "$PROC_MOUNT" "$SYS_MOUNT" "$SHM_MOUNT" "$PTS_MOUNT"; do mock_clean_mounts_dir "$MOUNT" done } mock_clean_mounts () { echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: in" for SUB_CFG in $(mock_sub_configs); do local PREFIX=$(echo $SUB_CFG | rev | cut -d . -f 2 | rev) ( mock_clean_mounts_cfg $SUB_CFG 2>&1 | sed "s#^#${PREFIX}: #" ; exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]} ) & done wait echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: out" } clean_yum_cache_cfg () { local CFG=$1 local CACHE_DIR=$(mock_get_cache_dir $CFG) local ROOT_DIR=$(mock_get_root_dir $CFG) local RC=0 echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: $CFG" local YUM_CACHE_MOUNT=$(readlink -f "$ROOT_DIR/root/var/cache/yum") local YUM_CACHE_LOCK="$CACHE_DIR/mock/yum_cache/yumcache.lock" # echo "clean_yum_cache YUM_CACHE_MOUNT='$YUM_CACHE_MOUNT' YUM_CACHE_LOCK='$YUM_CACHE_LOCK'" if [ "$YUM_CACHE_MOUNT" != "" ]; then mock_clean_mounts_dir "$YUM_CACHE_MOUNT" fi if [ -f "$YUM_CACHE_LOCK" ]; then RC=1 which mock_cache_unlock >> /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then mock_cache_unlock "$YUM_CACHE_LOCK" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then RC=0 fi fi if [ $RC -eq 1 ]; then echo "ERROR: File '$YUM_CACHE_LOCK' exists and will cause a build failure within mock." echo "Ask your system administrator to delete '$YUM_CACHE_LOCK'." exit 1 fi fi return $RC } clean_yum_cache () { echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: in" for SUB_CFG in $(mock_sub_configs); do local PREFIX=$(echo $SUB_CFG | rev | cut -d . -f 2 | rev) ( clean_yum_cache_cfg $SUB_CFG 2>&1 | sed "s#^#${PREFIX}: #" ; exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]} ) & done wait echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: out" } mock_update_cfg () { local CFG=$1 echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: $CFG" echo "==================================" set_mock_symlinks $CFG echo "$MOCK -r $CFG --configdir $(dirname $CFG) --update" trapwrap_n $CFG $MOCK -r $CFG --configdir $(dirname $CFG) --update echo "==================================" } mock_init_cfg () { local CFG=$1 echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: $CFG" echo "==================================" set_mock_symlinks $CFG echo "$MOCK -r $CFG --configdir $(dirname $CFG) --init" trapwrap_n $CFG $MOCK -r $CFG --configdir $(dirname $CFG) --init echo "==================================" } mock_update_or_init_cfg () { local CFG=$1 local TMP local RC echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: $CFG" local ROOT_DIR=$(mock_get_root_dir $CFG) TMP=$(mktemp /tmp/mock_update_or_init_cfg_XXXXXX) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: mktemp failed" return 1 fi if [ -d $ROOT_DIR/root ]; then echo "Updating the mock environment" set_mock_symlinks $CFG echo "$MOCK -r $CFG --configdir $(dirname $CFG) --update" trapwrap_n $CFG $MOCK -r $CFG --configdir $(dirname $CFG) --update &> $TMP RC=$? else echo "Init the mock environment" set_mock_symlinks $CFG echo "$MOCK -r $CFG --configdir $(dirname $CFG) --init" trapwrap_n $CFG $MOCK -r $CFG --configdir $(dirname $CFG) --init &> $TMP RC=$? fi if [ $RC -ne 0 ]; then cat $TMP fi \rm -f $TMP return $RC } mock_update_or_init () { echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: in" for SUB_CFG in $(mock_sub_configs); do local PREFIX=$(echo $SUB_CFG | rev | cut -d . -f 2 | rev) ( mock_update_or_init_cfg $SUB_CFG 2>&1 | sed "s#^#${PREFIX}: #" ; exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]} ) & done wait echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: out" } if [ "x$PROJECT" == "x" ]; then echo "PROJECT environmnet variable is not defined." exit 1 fi if [ "x$SRC_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT" == "x" ]; then echo "SRC_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT environmnet variable is not defined." exit 1 fi NO_DESCENDANTS=0 NO_REQUIRED=0 NO_AUTOCLEAN=0 NO_BUILD_INFO=0 HELP=0 CLEAN_FLAG=0 FORMAL_FLAG=0 CAREFUL=0 # read the options TEMP=$(getopt -o ha::bc: --long parallel,std,rt,installer,containers,no-required,no-descendants,no-autoclean,no-build-info,clean,tmpfs-clean,formal,careful,help,arga::,argb,argc: -n "$ME" -- "$@") if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then usage exit 1 fi eval set -- "$TEMP" export BUILD_TYPE=std trap my_exit EXIT # extract options and their arguments into variables. while true ; do case "$1" in -a|--arga) case "$2" in "") ARG_A='some default value' ; shift 2 ;; *) ARG_A=$2 ; shift 2 ;; esac ;; -b|--argb) ARG_B=1 ; shift ;; --careful) CAREFUL=1 ; shift ;; --no-descendants) NO_DESCENDANTS=1 ; shift ;; --no-required) NO_REQUIRED=1 ; shift ;; --no-autoclean) NO_AUTOCLEAN=1; shift ;; --no-build-info) NO_BUILD_INFO=1; shift ;; --formal) FORMAL_FLAG=1; shift ;; --std) BUILD_TYPE=std; shift ;; --rt) BUILD_TYPE=rt; shift ;; --installer) BUILD_TYPE=installer; shift ;; --containers) BUILD_TYPE=containers; shift ;; -h|--help) HELP=1 ; shift ;; --clean) CLEAN_FLAG=1 ; shift ;; --tmpfs-clean) if [ -n "$MY_WORKSPACE" ]; then export MY_WORKSPACE=$MY_WORKSPACE/$BUILD_TYPE; exit 0; fi ;; -c|--argc) case "$2" in "") shift 2 ;; *) ARG_C=$2 ; shift 2 ;; esac ;; --parallel) shift ;; --) shift ; break ;; *) echo "Internal error!" ; exit 1 ;; esac done # Reset variables if [ -n "$MY_WORKSPACE" ]; then export MY_WORKSPACE_TOP=${MY_WORKSPACE_TOP:-$MY_WORKSPACE} export MY_WORKSPACE=$MY_WORKSPACE_TOP/$BUILD_TYPE else export MY_PATCH_WORKSPACE_TOP=${MY_PATCH_WORKSPACE_TOP:-$MY_PATCH_WORKSPACE} export MY_PATCH_WORKSPACE=$MY_PATCH_WORKSPACE_TOP/$BUILD_TYPE fi export MY_BUILD_DIR_TOP=${MY_BUILD_DIR_TOP:-$MY_BUILD_DIR} export MY_BUILD_DIR=$MY_BUILD_DIR_TOP/$BUILD_TYPE export MY_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT_TOP=${MY_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT_TOP:-$MY_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT} export MY_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT=$MY_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT_TOP-$BUILD_TYPE export MY_SRC_RPM_BUILD_DIR=$MY_BUILD_DIR/rpmbuild export MY_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT_FILE=$MY_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT.cfg export MY_BUILD_CFG=$MY_WORKSPACE/$MY_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT_FILE export MY_MOCK_ROOT=$MY_WORKSPACE/mock/root IMAGE_INC_FILE="${MY_WORKSPACE}/image.inc" image_inc_list iso ${BUILD_TYPE} ${DISTRO} > "${IMAGE_INC_FILE}" LAST_PLATFORM_RELEASE_FILE="$MY_BUILD_DIR/.platform_release" TARGETS=$@ if [ $HELP -eq 1 ]; then usage exit 0 fi if [ $FORMAL_FLAG -eq 1 ]; then export FORMAL_BUILD=1 fi SRC_ROOT="$MY_REPO" if [ "x$MY_REPO" == "x" ]; then SRC_ROOT=$HOME fi BUILD_ROOT="$MY_WORKSPACE" if [ "x$MY_WORKSPACE" == "x" ]; then BUILD_ROOT="$MY_PATCH_WORKSPACE" if [ "x$MY_PATCH_WORKSPACE" == "x" ]; then echo "ERROR: reqiure one of MY_WORKSPACE or MY_PATCH_WORKSPACE be defined" exit 1 fi fi export BUILD_BASE="$BUILD_ROOT" export CCACHE_DIR="$BUILD_ROOT/.ccache" export RESULT_DIR="$BUILD_BASE/results" export SRC_BASE="$SRC_ROOT" export STX_BASE=$SRC_BASE/stx if [ "x$MY_SRC_RPM_BUILD_DIR" != "x" ]; then RPM_BUILD_ROOT=$MY_SRC_RPM_BUILD_DIR else RPM_BUILD_ROOT=$BUILD_BASE/rpmbuild fi RELEASE_INFO_FILE=$STX_BASE/stx-integ/utilities/build-info/release-info.inc if [ -f $RELEASE_INFO_FILE ]; then source $RELEASE_INFO_FILE else echo "ERROR: failed to find RELEASE_INFO_FILE=$RELEASE_INFO_FILE" exit 1 fi if [ "x$PLATFORM_RELEASE" == "x" ]; then echo "ERROR: PLATFORM_RELEASE is not defined in $RELEASE_INFO_FILE" exit 1 fi export RPM_BUILD_BASE="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" export SRPM_OUT="$RPM_BUILD_BASE/SRPMS" export RPM_DIR="$RPM_BUILD_BASE/RPMS" export SPECS_DIR="$RPM_BUILD_BASE/SPECS" export SOURCES_DIR="$RPM_BUILD_BASE/SOURCES" export PLATFORM_RELEASE if [ ! -d $BUILD_BASE ]; then echo "ERROR: expected to find directory at '$BUILD_BASE'" exit 1 fi mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_BASE if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Failed to create directory '$RPM_BUILD_BASE'" exit 1 fi mkdir -p $SRPM_OUT/repodata if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Failed to create directory '$SRPM_OUT/repodata'" exit 1 fi mkdir -p $RPM_DIR/repodata if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Failed to create directory '$RPM_DIR/repodata'" exit 1 fi if [ "x$MY_BUILD_CFG" == "x" ];then echo "ERROR: reqiure MY_BUILD_CFG to be defined" exit 1 fi export BUILD_CFG="$MY_BUILD_CFG" # Place build-time environement variables in mock environment echo "FORMAL_BUILD=$FORMAL_BUILD" echo "modify-build-cfg $BUILD_CFG" ${BUILD_RPMS_PARALLEL_DIR}/modify-build-cfg $BUILD_CFG if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Could not modifiy $BUILD_CFG"; exit 1 fi if [ ! -f $BUILD_CFG ]; then echo "ERROR: Mock config file not found at '$BUILD_CFG'" exit 1 fi # Create symlinks from /var/... to /localdisk/loadbuild/... if on a build server set_mock_symlinks $MY_BUILD_CFG if [ $CLEAN_FLAG -eq 1 ]; then umount_mock_root_as_tmpfs_all fi if [ $CLEAN_FLAG -eq 0 ]; then ls $SRPM_OUT/*.src.rpm &>> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Nothing to build in '$SRPM_OUT'" exit 0 fi fi ALL=0 UNRESOLVED_TARGETS=" " if [ "x$TARGETS" == "x" ]; then echo "make: all" ALL=1 else echo "make: $TARGETS" UNRESOLVED_TARGETS="$TARGETS" fi if [ "$BUILD_TYPE" != "std" ]; then # This defines ... # STD_SRPM_PKG_NAME_TO_PATH # STD_SRPM_PKG_NAMES srpm_build_std_dictionary $MY_WORKSPACE_TOP/std/rpmbuild/SRPMS fi # This defines ... # SRPM_PKG_NAME_TO_PATH # SRPM_PKG_NAMES srpm_build_dictionary $SRPM_OUT SRPMS_TO_COMPILE=() SRPMS_LIST="" RPMS_LIST="" clean_list () { local SRPMS_LIST="$1" local RPMS_LIST="$2" local ALL=$3 local TARGET local b local d local f local n local p local r local s local sn local t local SPEC_DIR echo "${FUNCNAME[0]}: '$SRPMS_LIST' '$RPMS_LIST' '$ALL'" if [ $ALL -eq 1 ]; then for r in $(find $RPM_DIR -name "*.rpm"); do \rm -f -v $r done if [ $CLEAN_FLAG -eq 1 ]; then for d in $(find $SPECS_DIR -type d); do echo "rm -rf $d" \rm -rf "$d" 2>> /dev/null done fi for d in $(find $RESULT_DIR/$USER-* -maxdepth 1 -type d 2>> /dev/null); do echo "rm -rf $d" \rm -rf "$d" 2>> /dev/null done else for s in $SRPMS_LIST; do ( SPEC_DIR=$(spec_cache_dir_from_srpm $s) sn=$(rpm_get_name $s) update_spec_cache $s TARGET=$(rpm -qp --qf '%{NAME}-%{VERSION}\n' "$s") for d in $(find $RESULT_DIR/$USER-* -maxdepth 1 -name "$TARGET*" 2>> /dev/null); do echo "rm -rf $d" \rm -rf "$d" 2>> /dev/null done for p in $(ls -1 $SPEC_DIR/BUILDS); do for r in $(find $RESULT_DIR/$USER-* $RPM_DIR -name "$p-*.rpm" 2>> /dev/null); do if [ -f $r ]; then n=$(rpm_get_name $r) if [ "$n" == "$p" ]; then if [[ "$r" == *.src.rpm ]]; then if [ "$n" != "$sn" ]; then continue fi TARGET=$(rpm -qp --qf '%{NAME}-%{VERSION}\n' "$r") for d in $(find $RESULT_DIR/$USER-* -maxdepth 1 -name "$TARGET*" 2>> /dev/null); do echo "rm -rf $d" \rm -rf "$d" 2>> /dev/null done else rs=$(rpm_get_srpm $r) if [[ "$rs" != "$sn"-[0-9]* ]]; then continue fi fi \rm -f -v $r fi fi done done TARGET=$(rpm -qp --qf '%{NAME}-%{VERSION}\n' "$s") if [ $CLEAN_FLAG -eq 1 ]; then for d in $(find $SPECS_DIR -type d -name "$TARGET*" 2>> /dev/null); do echo "rm -rf $d" \rm -rf "$d" 2>> /dev/null done fi for d in $(find $RESULT_DIR/$USER-* -maxdepth 1 -name "$TARGET*" 2>> /dev/null); do echo "rm -rf $d" \rm -rf "$d" 2>> /dev/null done ) & done echo "waiting on file deletion" wait echo "wait complete" fi echo "" echo "Cleaning repodata" for d in $(find -L $MY_WORKSPACE/rpmbuild $MY_WORKSPACE/results -type d -name repodata); do recreate_repodata $(dirname $d) done echo "" echo "Cleaning mock environment" echo "" if [ $ALL -eq 1 ]; then # Wipe everything if [ "x$RPM_DIR" != "x" ]; then \rm -rf -v $RPM_DIR/* 2>> /dev/null fi \rm -f -v $RESULT_DIR/mockchain.log 2>> /dev/null mock_clean else # Wipe only traces of what we built mock_partial_clean "$SRPMS_LIST" "$RPMS_LIST" fi } echo "ALL=$ALL" ( trap my_exit EXIT trap my_sigint INT trap my_sighup HUP echo "$CMDLINE" echo "ALL=$ALL" if [ $CLEAN_FLAG -eq 0 ]; then if [ -d $RESULT_DIR ]; then # in case previous build recieved a ctrl-C and didn't get a change to copy it's successful work into RPM_DIR for d in $(find $RESULT_DIR -name '*.rpm' | grep -v '[.]src[.]rpm' | xargs --no-run-if-empty --max-args=1 dirname | sort -u); do rsync -u $d/*.rpm $RPM_DIR done for d in $(find -L $RESULT_DIR -type d -name repodata); do update_repodata $(dirname $d) done fi fi spec_cache_dir_from_srpm () { local SRPM=${1} local SPEC_DIR=$(echo $SRPM | sed 's#/SRPMS/#/SPECS/#') echo "$SPEC_DIR" } update_spec_cache () { local SRPM=${1} local SPEC_DIR=$(spec_cache_dir_from_srpm $SRPM) local NEED_UPDATE=0 if [ ! -d $SPEC_DIR ]; then mkdir -p $SPEC_DIR NEED_UPDATE=1 else find "$SPEC_DIR" -name '*.spec' | grep 'spec' >> /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then # No spec file NEED_UPDATE=1 fi find "$SPEC_DIR" -not -newermm "$SRPM" -name '*.spec' | grep -q 'spec' if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # spec is older than src.rpm NEED_UPDATE=1 fi fi if [ $NEED_UPDATE -ne 0 ]; then ( cd $SPEC_DIR \rm -rf BUILDS BUILDS_VR *.spec 2>> /dev/null mkdir -p BUILDS mkdir -p NAMES mkdir -p SERVICES mkdir -p BUILDS_VR rpm2cpio $SRPM | cpio -civ '*.spec' if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: no spec file found in '$SRPM'" fi for f in $(find . -name '*.spec' | sort -V); do touch $f for p in $(spec_list_ver_rel_packages $f); do touch "BUILDS_VR/$p" done for p in $(spec_list_packages $f); do touch "BUILDS/$p" done for p in $(spec_find_tag Name $f 2>> /dev/null); do touch "NAMES/$p" done for p in $(spec_find_global service $f 2>> /dev/null); do touch "SERVICES/$p" done done ) fi } # Find the list of packages we must compile echo "Find the list of packages we must compile" NEED_BUILD_DIR=$(mktemp -d $MY_WORKSPACE/tmp/$USER-$ME-need-build-XXXXXX) if [ $? -ne 0 ] || [ "x$NEED_BUILD_DIR" == "x" ]; then echo "Failed to create temp directory under $MY_WORKSPACE/tmp" exit 1 fi UNRESOLVED_TARGETS_DIR=$(mktemp -d $MY_WORKSPACE/tmp/$USER-$ME-unresolved-XXXXXX) if [ $? -ne 0 ] || [ "x$UNRESOLVED_TARGETS_DIR" == "x" ]; then echo "Failed to create temp directory under $MY_WORKSPACE/tmp" exit 1 fi for n in ${UNRESOLVED_TARGETS}; do touch $UNRESOLVED_TARGETS_DIR/$n done PLATFORM_RELEASE_CHANGED=0 if [ -f $LAST_PLATFORM_RELEASE_FILE ]; then LAST_PLATFORM_RELEASE=$(cat $LAST_PLATFORM_RELEASE_FILE) if [ "$LAST_PLATFORM_RELEASE" != "$PLATFORM_RELEASE" ]; then PLATFORM_RELEASE_CHANGED=1 fi else PLATFORM_RELEASE_CHANGED=1 fi for n in "${SRPM_PKG_NAMES[@]}"; do ( s=${SRPM_PKG_NAME_TO_PATH[$n]} SPEC_DIR=$(spec_cache_dir_from_srpm $s) update_spec_cache $s # echo "$BASHPID: considering $n: $s, SPEC_DIR=$SPEC_DIR" NEED_BUILD=0 if [ "x$TARGETS" == "x" ]; then # We weren't given a list of build targets. # Build anything missing or out of date. NEED_BUILD=0 BN=$(basename ${s//.src.rpm/}) if [ -f $RESULT_DIR/$MY_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT/$BN/fail ]; then echo "Found: $RESULT_DIR/$MY_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT/$BN/fail" echo "Previous build of $BN failed" NEED_BUILD=1 elif [ ! -f $RESULT_DIR/$MY_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT/$BN/success ]; then echo "Not Found: $RESULT_DIR/$MY_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT/$BN/success" echo "No previous build of $BN" NEED_BUILD=1 else LOCAL_RPMS_VRA_LIST=$(ls -1 $SPEC_DIR/BUILDS_VR | tr '\n' ' ') for f in $LOCAL_RPMS_VRA_LIST; do m=$(find $RPM_DIR/$f*rpm 2>> /dev/null | wc -l) if [ $m -eq 0 ] && [ -f "$UNBUILT_PATTERN_FILE" ]; then echo $f | grep -f "$UNBUILT_PATTERN_FILE" >> /dev/null && m=1 if [ $m -eq 1 ]; then echo "Excluding '$f' due to match in UNBUILT_PATTERN_FILE '$UNBUILT_PATTERN_FILE'" if [ -f "$IMAGE_INC_FILE" ] ; then for t in $(grep -v '^#' "$IMAGE_INC_FILE"); do ii=$(echo $f | grep "^$t-[0-9]" | wc -l) if [ $ii -gt 0 ]; then echo "Including '$f' due to match in IMAGE_INC_FILE '$IMAGE_INC_FILE' due to pattern '^$t-[0-9]'" m=0 break fi done fi fi fi newer=$(find $RPM_DIR/$f*rpm -type f -not -newermm $s 2>> /dev/null | wc -l) # echo "$m $newer=find $RPM_DIR/$f*rpm -type f -not -newermm $s 2>> /dev/null | wc -l" if [ $m -eq 0 ] || [ $newer -gt 0 ] || [ $CLEAN_FLAG -eq 1 ]; then if [ $newer -gt 0 ]; then echo "Including '$f' due to newer code" find $RPM_DIR/$f*rpm -type f -not -newermm $s else if [ $m -eq 0 ]; then echo "Including '$f' due to m=0" else if [ $CLEAN_FLAG -eq 1 ]; then echo "Including '$f' due to CLEAN_FLAG=1" fi fi fi NEED_BUILD=1 break fi done fi else # We were given a list of build targets, # try to find packages matching that list. NEED_BUILD=0 for f in $(find $SPEC_DIR/NAMES $SPEC_DIR/SERVICES $SPEC_DIR/BUILDS -type f 2>> /dev/null); do b=$(basename $f) for t in $TARGETS; do if [[ ( "$b" == "$t" ) || ( ( "$BUILD_TYPE" == "rt" ) && ( "$b" == "$t-rt" ) ) ]]; then echo "Including named target '$f'" TARGET_FOUND=$t NEED_BUILD=1 # UNRESOLVED_TARGETS=$(echo "$UNRESOLVED_TARGETS" | sed "s/\(^\|[[:space:]]\)$TARGET_FOUND\([[:space:]]\|$\)/ /g") if [ -f $UNRESOLVED_TARGETS_DIR/$TARGET_FOUND ]; then \rm -f $UNRESOLVED_TARGETS_DIR/$TARGET_FOUND fi break fi done done fi if [ $NO_BUILD_INFO -eq 0 ]; then if [ "$n" == "build-info" ]; then echo "Including '$n' by default" NEED_BUILD=1 fi fi if [ $PLATFORM_RELEASE_CHANGED -eq 1 ]; then grep '%{platform_release}' $SPEC_DIR/*.spec >> /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Including '$n' due to changed platform_release" NEED_BUILD=1 fi fi if [ $NEED_BUILD -eq 1 ]; then echo "found $n: $s" touch "$NEED_BUILD_DIR/$n" # SRPMS_TO_COMPILE+=("$n") fi ) & done echo "waiting" wait for n in $(ls -1 $NEED_BUILD_DIR); do SRPMS_TO_COMPILE+=("$n") done UNRESOLVED_TARGETS=" " for n in $(ls -1 $UNRESOLVED_TARGETS_DIR); do UNRESOLVED_TARGETS="$UNRESOLVED_TARGETS $n" done \rm -rf $NEED_BUILD_DIR \rm -rf $UNRESOLVED_TARGETS_DIR ORIG_SRPMS_TO_COMPILE=( ${SRPMS_TO_COMPILE[@]} ) echo "SRPMS_TO_COMPILE = ${SRPMS_TO_COMPILE[@]}" # adding dependant packages if [ $CLEAN_FLAG -eq 0 ] && [ $NO_DESCENDANTS -eq 0 ] && [ -f $SRPM_DIRECT_DESCENDANTS_FILE ]; then echo echo "adding dependant packages" # This array will accumulate a list of secondary build targets. TRANSITIVE_SRPMS_TO_COMPILE=() # Add packages that directly depend on the primary build targets in ORIG_SRPMS_TO_COMPILE for n in ${ORIG_SRPMS_TO_COMPILE[@]}; do needs=( $(grep "^$n;" "$SRPM_DIRECT_DESCENDANTS_FILE" | sed "s/$n;//" | sed 's/,/ /g'; alt_n=$(echo "$n" | sed 's#-rt$##'); if [ "$alt_n" != "$n" ]; then grep "^$alt_n;" "$SRPM_DIRECT_DESCENDANTS_FILE" | sed "s/$alt_n;//" | sed 's/,/ /g' | sed 's#\([^[:space:]]*\)#\1-rt#g'; fi ) ) # intersection of 'needs' and 'SRPM_PKG_NAMES' ... i.e. what should be compiled that we have source for compilable_needs=( $(intersection needs SRPM_PKG_NAMES) ) TRANSITIVE_SRPMS_TO_COMPILE=( $(union compilable_needs TRANSITIVE_SRPMS_TO_COMPILE) ) done # For non-std build, and if non specific build targets are named, then search all # packages that we might build and check if they require a package that DID build # in the std build. If so build the package as a secondary target, even though the # primary target was from a different build_type. if [ "$BUILD_TYPE" != "std" ] && [ $ALL -eq 1 ] && [ -f $SRPM_TO_RPM_MAP_FILE ] && [ -f $SRPM_RPM_DIRECT_REQUIRES_FILE ]; then # Test all that we can build ... for n in ${SRPM_PKG_NAMES[@]}; do contains ORIG_SRPMS_TO_COMPILE $n if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # Already on the primary build list, skip it. echo "skip $n" continue fi STD_NEEDS_BUILD=0 # Iterate over all binary rpms names produce by the candidate package for b in $(grep "^$n;" "$SRPM_TO_RPM_MAP_FILE" | sed "s/$n;//" | sed 's/,/ /g'); do # find an rpm file with the rpm name we seek for bp in $(find $RPM_DIR -name "$b-[0-9]*.rpm" | grep -v '.src.rpm'); do if [ "$b" != "$(rpm_get_name $bp)" ]; then # rpm name doesn't match continue fi # Iterate over binary rpms names required by the candidate package for r in $(grep "^$n;" "$SRPM_RPM_DIRECT_REQUIRES_FILE" | sed "s/$n;//" | sed 's/,/ /g'); do if [ $r == $n ]; then # Ignore self dependency continue fi # find a required rpm file with the rpm name we seek, AND is newer than the produced rpm file for rp in $(find $(echo $RPM_DIR | sed "s#/$BUILD_TYPE/#/std/#") -name "$r-[0-9]*.rpm" -newermm $bp | grep -v '.src.rpm'); do if [ "$r" != "$(rpm_get_name $rp)" ]; then # rpm name doesn't match continue fi # Ok, a required rpm is newer than a built rpm, we should rebuild! echo "rebuild '$n' due to newer '$r'" STD_NEEDS_BUILD=1 break done done done # Avoid pointless processing if we already have a positive result. if [ $STD_NEEDS_BUILD -eq 1 ]; then break fi done if [ $STD_NEEDS_BUILD -eq 1 ]; then # Compile is requires due to an updated required package in the std build. # Add 'n' to array TRANSITIVE_SRPMS_TO_COMPILE. TRANSITIVE_SRPMS_TO_COMPILE=( $(put TRANSITIVE_SRPMS_TO_COMPILE $n) ) fi done fi # If the kernel or kernel-rt packages where absent from the primary build targets, but # added as a secondary target, then make sure all out-of-tree kernel modules are also # added. for n in kernel kernel-rt; do KERNEL_IN_ORIG=0 KERNEL_IN_TRANSITIVE=0 contains ORIG_SRPMS_TO_COMPILE "$n" && KERNEL_IN_ORIG=1 contains TRANSITIVE_SRPMS_TO_COMPILE "$n" && KERNEL_IN_TRANSITIVE=1 if [ $KERNEL_IN_TRANSITIVE -eq 1 ] && [ $KERNEL_IN_ORIG -eq 0 ]; then needs=( $(grep "^$n;" "$SRPM_DIRECT_DESCENDANTS_FILE" | sed "s/$n;//" | sed 's/,/ /g'; alt_n=$(echo "$n" | sed 's#-rt$##'); if [ "$alt_n" != "$n" ]; then grep "^$alt_n;" "$SRPM_DIRECT_DESCENDANTS_FILE" | sed "s/$alt_n;//" | sed 's/,/ /g' | sed 's#\([^[:space:]]*\)#\1-rt#g'; fi ) ) # intersection of 'needs' and 'SRPM_PKG_NAMES' ... i.e. what should be compiled that we have source for compilable_needs=( $(intersection needs SRPM_PKG_NAMES) ) TRANSITIVE_SRPMS_TO_COMPILE=( $(union compilable_needs TRANSITIVE_SRPMS_TO_COMPILE) ) fi done # Append the secondary targetc list to the primary list SRPMS_TO_COMPILE=( $(union SRPMS_TO_COMPILE TRANSITIVE_SRPMS_TO_COMPILE) ) echo "SRPMS_TO_COMPILE = ${SRPMS_TO_COMPILE[@]}" fi MUST_SRPMS_TO_COMPILE=( ${SRPMS_TO_COMPILE[@]} ) # adding required packages if [ $CLEAN_FLAG -eq 0 ] && [ "x$TARGETS" != "x" ] && [ $NO_REQUIRED -eq 0 ] && [ -f $SRPM_TRANSITIVE_REQUIRES_FILE ]; then echo echo "adding required packages" TRANSITIVE_SRPMS_TO_COMPILE=() for n in ${MUST_SRPMS_TO_COMPILE[@]}; do needs=( $(grep "^$n;" "$SRPM_TRANSITIVE_REQUIRES_FILE" | sed "s/$n;//" | sed 's/,/ /g') ) # intersection of 'needs' and 'SRPM_PKG_NAMES' ... i.e. what should be compiled that we have source for compilable_needs=( $(intersection needs SRPM_PKG_NAMES) ) TRANSITIVE_SRPMS_TO_COMPILE=( $(union compilable_needs TRANSITIVE_SRPMS_TO_COMPILE) ) for b in "${un[@]}"; do echo $b done done SRPMS_TO_COMPILE=( $(union TRANSITIVE_SRPMS_TO_COMPILE SRPMS_TO_COMPILE) ) echo "SRPMS_TO_COMPILE = ${SRPMS_TO_COMPILE[@]}" fi # Determine build order ... now done in mockchain4 SRPMS_TO_COMPILE=( $(echo ${SRPMS_TO_COMPILE[@]} | sed 's/ /\n/g' | sort -u) ) # convert pkg names to paths, clean work dirs if needed echo echo "Mapping packages to src rpm paths" for n in ${SRPMS_TO_COMPILE[@]}; do s=${SRPM_PKG_NAME_TO_PATH[$n]} SPEC_DIR=$(spec_cache_dir_from_srpm $s) update_spec_cache $s SRPMS_LIST="$SRPMS_LIST $s" # echo "SRPMS_LIST = $SRPMS_LIST" TMP_RPMS_LIST=$(ls -1 $SPEC_DIR/BUILDS | tr '\n' ' ') RPMS_LIST="$RPMS_LIST $TMP_RPMS_LIST" done echo if [ $CLEAN_FLAG -eq 0 ]; then update_cgcs_repo cgcs-centos-repo if [ -d $MY_REPO/cgcs-3rd-party-repo ]; then update_cgcs_repo cgcs-3rd-party-repo fi fi mock_clean_mounts # clean work dirs if needed CLEAN_BEFORE_BUILD_SRPM_LIST="" CLEAN_BEFORE_BUILD_RPM_LIST="" if [ $CLEAN_FLAG -eq 0 ]; then echo echo "Calculating minimal clean list" for nm in ${SRPMS_TO_COMPILE[@]}; do MUST_CLEAN=0 contains MUST_SRPMS_TO_COMPILE $nm && MUST_CLEAN=1 s=${SRPM_PKG_NAME_TO_PATH[$nm]} SPEC_DIR=$(spec_cache_dir_from_srpm $s) update_spec_cache $s LOCAL_RPMS_LIST=$(ls -1 $SPEC_DIR/BUILDS | tr '\n' ' ') LOCAL_RPMS_VRA_LIST=$(ls -1 $SPEC_DIR/BUILDS_VR | tr '\n' ' ') for f in $LOCAL_RPMS_VRA_LIST; do m=$(find $RPM_DIR/$f*rpm 2>> /dev/null | wc -l) if [ -f "$UNBUILT_PATTERN_FILE" ]; then echo $f | grep -f "$UNBUILT_PATTERN_FILE" >> /dev/null && m=1 fi n=$(find $RPM_DIR/$f*rpm -type f -not -newermm $s 2>> /dev/null | wc -l) # echo "$n=find $RPM_DIR/$f*rpm -type f -not -newermm $s 2>> /dev/null | wc -l" if [ $m -eq 0 ] || [ $n -gt 0 ] || [ $MUST_CLEAN -eq 1 ]; then CLEAN_BEFORE_BUILD_SRPM_LIST="$CLEAN_BEFORE_BUILD_SRPM_LIST $s" CLEAN_BEFORE_BUILD_RPM_LIST="$CLEAN_BEFORE_BUILD_RPM_LIST $LOCAL_RPMS_LIST" break fi done done fi if [ "$UNRESOLVED_TARGETS" != " " ]; then if [ $CLEAN_FLAG -eq 0 ]; then echo "" echo "ERROR: failed to resolve build targets: $UNRESOLVED_TARGETS" exit 1 fi fi echo "SRPMS_LIST = $SRPMS_LIST" echo "RPMS_LIST = $RPMS_LIST" echo if [ $CLEAN_FLAG -eq 0 ]; then # pre-create these directories as $USER, # else mock will create them as root and fails to clean them. # Note: keep these in sync with mockchain-parallel! for i in $(seq 0 $((MAX_WORKERS-1))); do mkdir -p $MY_WORKSPACE/mock/b$i mkdir -p $MY_WORKSPACE/cache/b$i/mock done mock_update_or_init fi set_mock_symlinks $MY_BUILD_CFG echo echo "Cleaning" if [ $CLEAN_FLAG -eq 1 ]; then # Clean what the user asked for echo "========= clean_list '$SRPMS_LIST' '$RPMS_LIST' $ALL" \rm -r -f -v $MY_WORKSPACE/mock-$USER-* clean_list "$SRPMS_LIST" "$RPMS_LIST" "$ALL" exit 0 else # Clean what we intend to build if [ $NO_AUTOCLEAN -eq 1 ]; then echo "no-autoclean was requested" else if [ "$CLEAN_BEFORE_BUILD_SRPM_LIST" != "" ]; then echo "========= clean_list '$CLEAN_BEFORE_BUILD_SRPM_LIST' '$CLEAN_BEFORE_BUILD_RPM_LIST' 0" clean_list "$CLEAN_BEFORE_BUILD_SRPM_LIST" "$CLEAN_BEFORE_BUILD_RPM_LIST" 0 fi fi fi echo echo "Cleaning repodata" BUILD_ENVIRONMENT_DIR=$(basename $BUILD_CFG) BUILD_ENVIRONMENT_DIR=${BUILD_ENVIRONMENT_DIR%.*} LOCAL_URL=$BUILD_BASE/results/$BUILD_ENVIRONMENT_DIR/ LOCAL_SRC_URL=$BUILD_BASE/rpmbuild/SRPMS/ for d in $(find -L $RESULT_DIR -type d -name repodata); do (cd $d/.. if [ -f repodata/*comps*xml ]; then \mv repodata/*comps*xml comps.xml fi \rm -rf repodata ) done echo echo "Cleaning Metadata" MOCKCHAIN_LOG="$RESULT_DIR/mockchain.log" mkdir -p $RESULT_DIR touch $RESULT_DIR/build_start \rm -rf $MOCKCHAIN_LOG mock_clean_metadata echo echo "Building" CMD_PREFIX="" if [ -x /bin/ionice ]; then CMD_PREFIX="nice -n 20 ionice -c Idle /bin/ionice " fi CMD_OPTIONS="-m --no-clean -m --no-cleanup-after" if [ $CAREFUL -eq 1 ]; then CMD_OPTIONS="-m --no-cleanup-after" fi echo "CAREFUL=$CAREFUL" # Sets WORKERS and MOCKCHAIN_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION compute_resources $SRPMS_LIST if [ -f $SRPM_RPM_DIRECT_REQUIRES_FILE ]; then CMD_OPTIONS="$CMD_OPTIONS --srpm-dependency-file $SRPM_RPM_DIRECT_REQUIRES_FILE" fi if [ -f "$RPM_DIRECT_REQUIRES_FILE" ]; then CMD_OPTIONS="$CMD_OPTIONS --rpm-dependency-file $RPM_DIRECT_REQUIRES_FILE" fi if [ -f "$RPM_TO_SRPM_MAP_FILE" ]; then CMD_OPTIONS="$CMD_OPTIONS --rpm-to-srpm-map-file $RPM_TO_SRPM_MAP_FILE" fi for s in $SRPMS_LIST; do d=$(echo "$s" | sed 's#/SRPMS/#/SOURCES/#') if [ -f $d/BIG ]; then BUILD_SIZE=$(cat $d/BIG | { read first rest ; echo $first ; }) CMD_OPTIONS="$CMD_OPTIONS --mark-big-path $BUILD_SIZE:$s" fi if [ -f $d/SLOW ]; then BUILD_SPEED=$(cat $d/SLOW | { read first rest ; echo $first ; }) CMD_OPTIONS="$CMD_OPTIONS --mark-slow-path $BUILD_SPEED:$s" fi done echo "CMD_OPTIONS=$CMD_OPTIONS" echo "MAX_WORKERS=$MAX_WORKERS" echo "MOCKCHAIN_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION=$MOCKCHAIN_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION" CMD="$CMD_PREFIX mockchain-parallel -r $BUILD_CFG -l $BUILD_BASE --recurse --workers=$MAX_WORKERS --worker-resources=$MOCKCHAIN_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION --basedir=$MY_WORKSPACE --log=$MOCKCHAIN_LOG --tmp_prefix=$USER --addrepo=$LOCAL_URL --addrepo=$LOCAL_SRC_URL $CMD_OPTIONS -m --rebuild $SRPMS_LIST" echo "" echo "$CMD -m --define='_tis_dist .tis' -m --define='platform_release $PLATFORM_RELEASE'" echo "" trapwrap stdbuf -o0 $CMD -m --define="_tis_dist .tis" -m --define="platform_release $PLATFORM_RELEASE" MOCKCHAIN_RC=$? echo $PLATFORM_RELEASE > $LAST_PLATFORM_RELEASE_FILE if [ $CLEAN_FLAG -eq 0 ]; then umount_mock_root_as_tmpfs_all fi for d in $(find $RESULT_DIR -name '*.rpm' | grep -v '[.]src[.]rpm' | xargs --max-args=1 dirname | sort -u); do rsync -u $d/*.rpm $RPM_DIR done if [ $ALL -eq 1 ]; then echo echo "Auditing for obsolete srpms" for r in $(find $RESULT_DIR $RPM_DIR -name '*.src.rpm'); do ( f=$(basename $r) if [ ! -f "$SRPM_OUT/$f" ]; then \rm -fv $r fi ) & done echo "waiting for srpm audit to complete" wait echo "Auditing for obsolete rpms" for r in $(find $RESULT_DIR $RPM_DIR -name '*.rpm' | grep -v 'src.rpm'); do ( s=$(rpm_get_srpm $r) if [ ! -f "$SRPM_OUT/$s" ]; then echo "Failed to find '$SRPM_OUT/$s'" \rm -fv $r fi ) & done echo "waiting for rpm audit to complete" wait echo "Audit complete" echo "" fi if [ $MOCKCHAIN_RC -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Failed to build rpms using '$CMD'" exit 1 fi echo "Recreate repodata" for d in $(find -L $MY_WORKSPACE/rpmbuild $MY_WORKSPACE/results -type d -name repodata); do update_repodata $(dirname "$d") done if [ -f $MOCKCHAIN_LOG ]; then grep 'following pkgs could not be successfully built' $MOCKCHAIN_LOG >> /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then FAILED_PKGS="" for p in $(sed -n '/following pkgs could not be successfully built:/,/Results out to/p' $MOCKCHAIN_LOG | grep -v '*** Build Failed ***' | sed 1d | sed '$ d' | cut -d ':' -f2-); do PKG=$(basename $p) FAILED_PKGS="$PKG $FAILED_PKGS" done echo echo "Failed to build packages: $FAILED_PKGS" exit 1 fi fi # If we're doing a nightly or formal build (i.e. not a developer build) then we # want to sign certain packages. Note that only certain users (i.e. jenkins) # have the authority to requiest that packages be signed. # # Signing is not actually done on this server (the keys are kept safe on a # different server with very limited access) but we can invoke a script to # make calls to the signing server. Note that this will NOT work if you are # not Jenkins and don't have access to the Jenkins cross server login keys. # # Note that both std and rt builds must be complete before invoking the signing # script if [ 0$FORMAL_BUILD -eq 1 ] && [ "$USER" == "jenkins" ]; then if [ -e $MY_WORKSPACE_TOP/std ] && [ -e $MY_WORKSPACE_TOP/rt ]; then # Create dir for log, if it doesn't exit mkdir -p $MY_WORKSPACE_TOP/export echo "We are jenkins, and we are trying to do a formal build -- calling signing server" echo " to sign boot RPMs with secure boot keys" MY_WORKSPACE=$MY_WORKSPACE_TOP ${SIGN_SECURE_BOOT} > $MY_WORKSPACE_TOP/export/${SIGN_SECURE_BOOT_LOG} 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Signing of packages failed -- see $MY_WORKSPACE_TOP/export/${SIGN_SECURE_BOOT_LOG}" exit 1 fi fi fi exit 0 ) 2>&1 | stdbuf -o0 awk '{ print strftime("%H:%M:%S"), $0; fflush(); }' | tee $(date "+$MY_WORKSPACE/build-rpms-parallel_%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S.log") ; exit ${PIPESTATUS[0]}