123 lines
2.9 KiB
Executable File
123 lines
2.9 KiB
Executable File
# Copy/pasted from http://www.smorgasbork.com/content/gather_packages.txt
# As referenced by http://www.smorgasbork.com/2012/01/04/building-a-custom-centos-7-kickstart-disc-part-2/
use XML::Simple;
my ($comps_file, $rpm_src_path, $rpm_dst_path, $arch, @extra_groups_and_packages) = @ARGV;
if (!-e $comps_file)
print_usage ("Can't find '$comps_file'");
if (!-e $rpm_src_path)
print_usage ("RPM source path '$rpm_src_path' does not exist");
if (!-e $rpm_dst_path)
print_usage ("RPM destination path '$rpm_dst_path' does not exist");
if (!$arch)
print_usage ("Architecture not specified");
#### we always gather core and base; note that for CentOS 7, we also need
#### to include the grub2 package, or installation will fail
@desired_groups = ('core', 'base', 'grub2');
foreach (@extra_groups_and_packages)
push (@desired_groups, $_);
$regex = '^(' . join ('|', @desired_groups) . ')$';
print "reading $comps_file...\n";
print "getting RPMs from $rpm_src_path...\n";
$xml = new XML::Simple;
$comps = $xml->XMLin($comps_file);
$cmd = "rm $rpm_dst_path/*";
print "$cmd\n";
%copied_groups = {};
%copied_packages = {};
foreach $group (@{$comps->{group}})
$id = $group->{id};
if ($id !~ m#$regex#)
print "#### group \@$id\n";
$packagelist = $group->{packagelist};
foreach $pr (@{$packagelist->{packagereq}})
if ($pr->{type} eq 'optional' || $pr->{type} eq 'conditional')
$cmd = "cp $rpm_src_path/" . $pr->{content} . "-[0-9]*.$arch.rpm"
. " $rpm_src_path/" . $pr->{content} . "-[0-9]*.noarch.rpm $rpm_dst_path";
print "$cmd\n";
`$cmd 2>&1`;
$copied_packages{$pr->{content}} = 1;
$copied_groups{$group} = 1;
#### assume that any strings that weren't matched in the comps file's group list
#### are actually packages
foreach $group (@desired_groups)
if ($copied_groups{$group})
$cmd = "cp $rpm_src_path/" . $group . "-[0-9]*.$arch.rpm"
. " $rpm_src_path/" . $group . "-[0-9]*.noarch.rpm $rpm_dst_path";
print "$cmd\n";
`$cmd 2>&1`;
sub print_usage
my ($msg) = @_;
($msg) && print "$msg\n\n";
print <<__TEXT__;
parse_comps.pl comps_file rpm_src_path arch [xtra_grps_and_pkgs]
comps_file the full path to the comps.xml file (as provided
in the original distro
rpm_src_path the full path to the directory of all RPMs from
the distro
rpm_dst_path the full path to the directory where you want
to save the RPMs for your kickstart
arch the target system architecture (e.g. x86_64)
xtra_grps_and_pkgs a list of extra groups and packages, separated by spaces