700 lines
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Executable File
700 lines
33 KiB
Executable File
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Copyright (C) 2021-2022 WindRiver Corporation
# Requires aptly-api-client:
# https://github.com/masselstine/aptly-api-client
# Old document of relate RESTAPI:
# https://www.aptly.info/doc/api/
# Realization of its real RESTAPI(go)
# https://github.com/molior-dbs/aptly
from aptly_api import Client
import os
import time
from typing import Optional
PREFIX_LOCAL = 'deb-local-'
PREFIX_REMOTE = 'deb-remote-'
PREFIX_MERGE = 'deb-merge-'
SIGN_KEY = 'E82373F817C276756FA64756FAAD0555200D6582'
SIGN_PASSWD = 'starlingx'
# Class used to manage aptly data base, it can:
# create_remote: Create a repository link to a remote mirror
# deploy_remote: Sync and deploy a remote mirror
# list_remotes: List all remote repositories
# remove_remote: Delete a remote repository
# create_local: Create a local repository
# upload_pkg_local: Upload a deb package into a local repository
# delete_pkg_local: Remove a deb package from a local repository
# pkg_exist: Search a package in a set of repos
# deploy_local: Deploy a local repository
# list_local: List all local repositories
# remove_local: Delete a local repository
# clean_all: Clean all meta data including repo, public, distribution, package, task
class Deb_aptly():
def __init__(self, url, logger):
'''The basic interface to manage aptly database. '''
self.logger = logger
self.url = url
self.aptly = Client(self.url)
self.logger.info('Aptly connected, version: %s', self.aptly.misc.version)
# Create a remote mirror(make sure the name has specified prefix)
# Input
# name: the name of the remote repo : PREFIX_REMOTE-xxx
# url: the base url of the remote mirror: http://nginx.org/packages/debian
# distributions: the distribution: buster
# components: components=['nginx']
# architectures: architectures=['i386', 'arm64']
# with_sources: with_sources=True
# Output: None or Class 'aptly_api.parts.mirrors.Mirror'
def create_remote(self, name, url, distribution, **kwargs):
'''Base on a Debian repository, construct a repo as its mirror'''
if not name.startswith(PREFIX_REMOTE):
self.logger.error('%s is not started with %s, Failed.', name, PREFIX_REMOTE)
raise ValueError('remote repository create failed: prefix error')
remote_list = self.aptly.mirrors.list()
for remote in remote_list:
if remote.name == name:
self.logger.warning('mirror %s already exists.', remote.name)
return None
extra_param = {}
extra_param['distribution'] = distribution
extra_param['ignore_signatures'] = True
for key, value in kwargs.items():
if key == 'components':
extra_param['components'] = value
if key == 'with_sources':
extra_param['with_sources'] = True
if key == 'architectures':
extra_param['architectures'] = value
# Not find good/small repository with udebs, not verified
# if key == 'with_udebs':
# extra_param['with_udebs'] = True
remote = self.aptly.mirrors.create(name, url, **extra_param)
return remote
# update a mirror called "name". Mirror exist.
# Return False if failed
def __update_mirror(self, name):
'''Sync the mirror, may take minutes, depends on the size of the mirror ans the network. '''
mirror_list = self.aptly.mirrors.list()
# Add variable mirror_find just to avoid W0631
mirror_find = False
for mirror in mirror_list:
if mirror.name == name:
mirror_find = True
if not mirror_find:
self.logger.warning('Publish failed for mirror %s not find', name)
return False
# Please do NOT add any parameters here beside "ignore_signatures=True", that may
# overwrite previous settings and get strange results.
task = self.aptly.mirrors.update(name=name, ignore_signatures=True)
# We can't use tasks.wait_for_task_by_id here, for the timeout is
# 60 seconds while no one knows how long it may take to accomplish
# the mirror update. So we need to manually os.sleep here.
# self.aptly.tasks.wait_for_task_by_id(task.id)
while 1:
task_state = self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state
if task_state == 'RUNNING':
self.logger.debug('Mirror %s updating: %s', name, self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state)
if task_state == 'FAILED':
self.logger.warning('Mirror %s update failed: %s', name, self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state)
return False
if task_state == 'SUCCEEDED':
return True
# Create a snapshot based on several others
# name : string, the name of new build snapshot
# source_snapshots: list of snapshots to be merge, order matters, snapshot at front of
# list has higher priority than snapshot later in the list.
# For each package, only the one in higher priority snapshot will be selected.
# Return False on failure
def __merge_snapshot(self, name, source_snapshots):
'''Merge several snapshots into one, prepare for later deploy.'''
if not name.startswith(PREFIX_MERGE):
self.logger.error('%s did not start with %s, Failed.' % (name, PREFIX_MERGE))
return False
package_refs = []
package_uniq_list = []
source_snapshots = [x.strip() for x in source_snapshots if x.strip() != '']
# remove duplicates (keep order)
source_snapshots = list(dict.fromkeys(source_snapshots))
snap_list = self.aptly.snapshots.list()
for snapshot in source_snapshots:
snap_exist = False
for snap in snap_list:
if snap.name == snapshot:
snap_exist = True
package_list = self.aptly.snapshots.list_packages(snap.name, with_deps=False, detailed=False)
# Debug only
# package_list.sort()
# self.logger.debug('%s packages in repo %s' % (len(package_list), snapshot))
for package in package_list:
key_list = package.key.split()
# 0: pkg_arch 1: pkg_name 2: pkg_version 3: pkg_key of aptly
uniq_pkg = [key_list[0], key_list[1]]
# Source packages are useless for LAT, ignore them.
if "Psource" == key_list[0]:
# Ignore duplicate packages
if uniq_pkg in package_uniq_list:
self.logger.warn('Drop duplicate package: %s of %s.' % (package.key, snapshot))
if not snap_exist:
self.logger.error('snapshot %s does not exist, merge failed.' % snapshot)
return False
# Remove a same name publish if exists
# For exist snapshot called NAME, we will:
# 1, rename it to backup-NAME
# 2, Create a new snapshot: NAME
# 3, delete snapshot backup-name
backup_name = None
publish_list = self.aptly.publish.list()
for publish in publish_list:
if publish.prefix == name:
task = self.aptly.publish.drop(prefix=name, distribution=publish.distribution, force_delete=True)
if self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state != 'SUCCEEDED':
self.logger.warning('Drop publication failed %s : %s' % (name, self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state))
return False
# Remove the backup snapshot if it exists
snap_list = self.aptly.snapshots.list()
for snap in snap_list:
if snap.name == 'backup-' + name:
backup_name = 'backup-' + name
task = self.aptly.snapshots.delete(snapshotname=backup_name, force=True)
if self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state != 'SUCCEEDED':
self.logger.warning('Drop snapshot failed %s : %s' % (backup_name, self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state))
return False
# Rename the snapshot if it exists
for snap in snap_list:
if snap.name == name:
backup_name = 'backup-' + name
self.aptly.tasks.wait_for_task_by_id(self.aptly.snapshots.update(name, backup_name).id)
# crate a snapshot with package_refs. Duplicate package_refs is harmless.
# Note: The key is "package_refs" instead of "source_snapshots", for function
# "create_from_packages", paramter "source_snapshots" almost has no means.
task = None
task = self.aptly.snapshots.create_from_packages(name, source_snapshots=source_snapshots, package_refs=package_refs)
if self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state != 'SUCCEEDED':
if backup_name:
self.aptly.tasks.wait_for_task_by_id(self.aptly.snapshots.update(backup_name, name).id)
self.logger.warning('merge_snapshot: Snapshot for %s creation failed: %s. ' % (name, self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state))
return False
# Remove the backup snapshot if it is created above
if backup_name:
task = self.aptly.snapshots.delete(snapshotname=backup_name, force=True)
if self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state != 'SUCCEEDED':
self.logger.warning('Drop snapshot failed %s : %s' % (backup_name, self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state))
return True
# Create a snapshot based on "name" with same name
# local: True ==> local_repo False ==> remote_mirror
# Return False if failed
def __create_snapshot(self, name, local):
'''For local-repo or remote-repo, create a snapshot for it, prepare for later deploy.'''
# Remove a same name publish if exists
# For exist snapshot called NAME, we will:
# 1, rename it to backup-NAME
# 2, Create a new snapshot: NAME
# 3, delete snapshot backup-name
backup_name = None
publish_list = self.aptly.publish.list()
for publish in publish_list:
if publish.prefix == name:
task = self.aptly.publish.drop(prefix=name, distribution=publish.distribution, force_delete=True)
if self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state != 'SUCCEEDED':
self.logger.warning('Remove publication failed %s : %s' % (name, self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state))
# Rename the snapshot if exists
snap_list = self.aptly.snapshots.list()
for snap in snap_list:
if snap.name == name:
backup_name = 'backup-' + name
self.aptly.tasks.wait_for_task_by_id(self.aptly.snapshots.update(name, backup_name).id)
# crate a snapshot
task = None
if local:
task = self.aptly.snapshots.create_from_repo(name, name)
task = self.aptly.snapshots.create_from_mirror(name, name)
if self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state != 'SUCCEEDED':
if backup_name:
self.aptly.tasks.wait_for_task_by_id(self.aptly.snapshots.update(backup_name, name).id)
self.logger.warning('create_snapshot: Snapshot for %s creation failed: %s. ' % (name, self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state))
return False
if backup_name:
task = self.aptly.snapshots.delete(snapshotname=backup_name, force=True)
if self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state != 'SUCCEEDED':
self.logger.warning('Remove snapshot failed %s : %s' % (backup_name, self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state))
return True
# Publish a snap called "name" with prefix as name, "bullseye" as the distribution
# Return None or prefix/distribution
def __publish_snap(self, name):
'''Deploy a snapshot.'''
# Remove a same name publish if exists
publish_list = self.aptly.publish.list()
for publish in publish_list:
if publish.prefix == name:
task = self.aptly.publish.drop(prefix=name, distribution=publish.distribution, force_delete=True)
if self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state != 'SUCCEEDED':
self.logger.warning('Drop publish failed %s : %s', name, self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state)
return None
# is_remote: True => remote repo; False => local repo
is_remote = False
mirror = None
mirror_list = self.aptly.mirrors.list()
for mirror in mirror_list:
if mirror.name == name:
is_remote = True
# crate a publish
extra_param = {}
if is_remote:
# it is a remote repo: info storied in "mirror"
# Add 'source' to publish source packages, if no source packages, that is also harmless.
extra_param['architectures'] = mirror.architectures.append('source')
extra_param['distribution'] = mirror.distribution
# Only support binary_amd64 and source packages
extra_param['architectures'] = ['amd64', 'source']
extra_param['distribution'] = None
extra_param['source_kind'] = 'snapshot'
extra_param['sources'] = [{'Name': name}]
extra_param['sign_skip'] = True
extra_param['prefix'] = name
# task = self.aptly.publish.publish(**extra_param)
task = self.aptly.publish.publish(source_kind='snapshot', sources=extra_param['sources'],
architectures=extra_param['architectures'], prefix=extra_param['prefix'],
sign_gpgkey=SIGN_KEY, sign_passphrase=SIGN_PASSWD)
if self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state != 'SUCCEEDED':
self.logger.warning('Publish for %s create failed: %s', name, self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state)
return None
task = None
publish_list = self.aptly.publish.list()
for publish in publish_list:
if publish.prefix == name:
repo_str = publish.prefix + ' ' + publish.distribution
return repo_str
return None
# sync a remote mirror and deploy it
# Input: the name of the remote
# Output: bool
def deploy_remote(self, name):
'''Deploy a mirror, it will sync/update, snapshot and publish at last.
It may take minutes, depends on the size of the mirror and the bandwidth,
if not name.startswith(PREFIX_REMOTE):
self.logger.warning('%s has no %s prefix, not a remote repository.', name, PREFIX_REMOTE)
return None
remote_list = self.aptly.mirrors.list()
remote = None
for remote in remote_list:
if remote.name == name:
if not remote:
self.logger.warning('mirror %s not find, please create it firstly.', name)
return None
if self.__update_mirror(name):
if self.__create_snapshot(name, False):
return self.__publish_snap(name)
return None
# info all remote repositories through logger
def list_remotes(self, quiet=False):
'''List all remote repositories/mirrors.'''
r_list = []
remote_list = self.aptly.mirrors.list()
if not len(remote_list):
if not quiet:
self.logger.info('No remote repo')
return r_list
if not quiet:
self.logger.info('%d remotes:', len(remote_list))
for remote in remote_list:
if not quiet:
self.logger.info('%s : %s : %s', remote.name, remote.archive_root, remote.distribution)
return r_list
# find and remove a remote
# Input: the name of the remote
# Output: Bool
def remove_remote(self, name):
'''Delete a remote repository/mirror and all related publish and snapshot.'''
if not name.startswith(PREFIX_REMOTE):
self.logger.warning('%s is not a correct remote name', name)
return False
# find and remove related publish
publish_list = self.aptly.publish.list()
for publish in publish_list:
if publish.prefix == name:
task = self.aptly.publish.drop(prefix=name, distribution=publish.distribution, force_delete=True)
# find and remove related snapshot
snap_list = self.aptly.snapshots.list()
for snap in snap_list:
if snap.name == name:
task = self.aptly.snapshots.delete(snapshotname=name, force=True)
if self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state != 'SUCCEEDED':
self.logger.warning('Drop snapshot failed %s : %s', name, self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state)
# find and remove the remote(mirror)
remote_list = self.aptly.mirrors.list()
for remote in remote_list:
if remote.name == name:
task = self.aptly.mirrors.drop(name=name, force=True)
if self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state != 'SUCCEEDED':
self.logger.warning('Drop mirror failed %s : %s', name, self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state)
# Delete orphan files
task = self.aptly.db.cleanup()
return True
# info all local repositories through logger
def list_local(self, quiet=False):
'''List all local repository.'''
local_list = []
repo_list = self.aptly.repos.list()
if not len(repo_list):
self.logger.info('No local repo')
return local_list
if not quiet:
self.logger.info('%d local repos:', len(repo_list))
for repo in repo_list:
# rpo.name, repo.url, repo.distributions, repo.components
if not quiet:
self.logger.info('%s : %s : %s', repo.name, repo.default_distribution, repo.default_component)
return local_list
# Create a local repository
# Input:the name of the repo
# Output: None or repo
def create_local(self, local_name):
'''Create an empty local repository.'''
if not local_name.startswith(PREFIX_LOCAL):
self.logger.error('%s is not started with %s, Failed.', local_name, PREFIX_LOCAL)
raise ValueError('local repository create failed: prefix error.')
repo_list = self.aptly.repos.list()
for repo in repo_list:
if local_name == repo.name:
self.logger.warning('%s exists, please choose another name', local_name)
return None
# Static settings: bullseye main
repo = self.aptly.repos.create(local_name, default_distribution='bullseye', default_component='main')
return repo
# upload a Debian package to a local repository
# Input:
# pkg_name: the path-name of the deb file. If the file name
# contains "%3a", it will be replaced by ":".
# repo_name: the name of the local repository
# Output: Bool
def upload_pkg_local(self, pkg_name, repo_name):
'''Upload a file into a local repository.
Please note: here we say file, not package, for binary package, one single
file is a package; while for source package, it contains several files,
to upload a source package, you must upload all these files, or, you will
see nothing in the future, it will not been deployed but just disappeared.
# sanity check: pkg_name can be read, repo_name exists and do be local
if not os.access(pkg_name, os.R_OK):
self.logger.warning('%s is NOT accessible to read.', pkg_name)
return False
if not repo_name.startswith(PREFIX_LOCAL):
self.logger.warning('%s is NOT a well formed name.', repo_name)
return False
repo_list = self.aptly.repos.list()
repo_found = False
for repo in repo_list:
if repo_name == repo.name:
self.logger.debug('repo %s was found and can be used', repo_name)
repo_found = True
if not repo_found:
self.logger.warning('repo %s does not exist, please create it first.', repo_name)
return False
# For files with ":" in its filename, tools like 'apt' may replace it
# with '%3a' by mistake, this will cause error in aptly.
new_name = pkg_name.replace('%3a', ':')
os.rename(pkg_name, new_name)
# In corner cases the process been interrupted thus related file folders
# remained. Remove them firstly.
for file in self.aptly.files.list():
# Upload package file into related file folder.
self.aptly.files.upload(repo_name, new_name)
# Add uploaded file into local repository.
task = self.aptly.repos.add_uploaded_file(repo_name, repo_name, remove_processed_files=True)
if self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state != 'SUCCEEDED':
self.logger.warning('add_upload_file failed %s : %s : %s', new_name, repo_name, self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state)
return True
# Delete a Debian package from a local repository.
# Input:
# local_repo: the name of the local repository
# pkg_name: the path-name of the deb file
# pkg_type: 'binary' or 'source'
# pkg_version: version of the deb file
# Output: None
def delete_pkg_local(self, local_repo, pkg_name, pkg_type, pkg_version=None):
'''Delete a binary package from a local repository.'''
# self.logger.debug('delete_pkg_local not supported yet.')
if pkg_type not in {'binary', 'source'}:
self.logger.error('package type must be one of either "binary" or "source"')
if not pkg_version:
query = pkg_name
query = pkg_name + ' (' + pkg_version + ')'
# If we want more detailed info, add "detailed=True, with_deps=True" for search_packages.
search_result = self.aptly.repos.search_packages(local_repo, query=query)
self.logger.debug('delete_pkg_local find %d packages.' % len(search_result))
for pkg in search_result:
if (pkg_type == 'source' and pkg.key.split()[0] == 'Psource') or \
(pkg_type != 'source' and pkg.key.split()[0] != 'Psource'):
task = self.aptly.repos.delete_packages_by_key(local_repo, pkg.key)
if self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state != 'SUCCEEDED':
self.logger.warning('Delete package failed %s : %s' % (pkg_name, self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state))
def pkg_list(self, repo_list):
'''list packages available from any of the listed repos, local or remote.'''
for repo_name in repo_list:
if repo_name.startswith(PREFIX_LOCAL):
query = 'Name'
pkgs_raw = self.aptly.repos.search_packages(repo_name, query=query)
elif repo_name.startswith(PREFIX_REMOTE):
pkgs_raw = self.aptly.mirrors.packages(repo_name)
for pkg in pkgs_raw:
pkg_name = pkg.key.split()[1]
pkg_ver = pkg.key.split()[2]
pkg_arch = pkg.key.split()[0][1:]
pkg_list.append("%s_%s_%s.deb" % (pkg_name, pkg_ver, pkg_arch))
return pkg_list
# Search a package in a set of repos, return True if find, or False
# repolist: a list of repo names, including local repo and mirror
# pkg_name: package name
# architecture: Architecture of the package, now, only check 'source' or not
# pkg_version: the version of the package, None means version insensitive
def pkg_exist(self, repo_list, pkg_name, architecture, pkg_version=None):
'''Search a package in a bundle of repositories including local repo and remote one.'''
for repo_name in repo_list:
if repo_name.startswith(PREFIX_LOCAL):
if not pkg_version:
query = pkg_name
query = pkg_name + ' (' + pkg_version + ')'
# If we want more detailed info, add "detailed=True, with_deps=True" for search_packages.
search_result = self.aptly.repos.search_packages(repo_name, query=query)
for pkg in search_result:
if architecture != 'source' and pkg.key.split()[0] != 'Psource':
self.logger.debug('pkg_exist find package %s in %s.', pkg_name, repo_name)
return True
if architecture == 'source' and pkg.key.split()[0] == 'Psource':
self.logger.debug('pkg_exist find package %s in %s.', pkg_name, repo_name)
return True
elif repo_name.startswith(PREFIX_REMOTE):
pkgs = self.aptly.mirrors.packages(repo_name)
for pkg in pkgs:
if pkg.split()[1] == pkg_name:
if architecture != 'source' and pkg.split()[0] != 'Psource' and (not pkg_version or pkg_version == pkg.split()[2]):
self.logger.debug('pkg_exist find package %s in %s.', pkg_name, repo_name)
return True
if architecture == 'source' and pkg.split()[0] == 'Psource' and (not pkg_version or pkg_version == pkg.split()[2]):
self.logger.debug('pkg_exist find package %s in %s.', pkg_name, repo_name)
return True
return False
# Merge several repositories into a new one(just snapshot and publish)
# name: the name of the new build snapshot/publish
# source_snapshots: list, snapshots to be merged
def merge_repos(self, name, source_snapshots):
'''Merge several repositories into a new publish.'''
if not name.startswith(PREFIX_MERGE):
self.logger.warning('The name should started with %s.', PREFIX_MERGE)
return None
if self.__merge_snapshot(name, source_snapshots):
ret = self.__publish_snap(name)
return ret
# deploy a local repository
# Input: the name of the local repository
# Output: None or DebAptDistributionResponse
def deploy_local(self, name):
'''Deploy a local repository.'''
if not name.startswith(PREFIX_LOCAL):
self.logger.warning('%s is NOT a well formed name.', name)
return None
repo_list = self.aptly.repos.list()
repo_find = False
for repo in repo_list:
if name == repo.name:
self.logger.debug('%s find, can be used', name)
repo_find = True
if not repo_find:
self.logger.warning('local repo %s not found.', name)
return None
if self.__create_snapshot(name, True):
ret = self.__publish_snap(name)
# Delete orphan files
task = self.aptly.db.cleanup()
return ret
return None
# remove a local repository
# Input: the name of the local repository
# Output: None
def remove_local(self, name):
'''Delete a local repository, including related publish and snapshot.'''
if not name.startswith(PREFIX_LOCAL):
self.logger.warning('%s is not a correct name', name)
return None
# find and remove related publish
publish_list = self.aptly.publish.list()
for publish in publish_list:
if publish.prefix == name:
task = self.aptly.publish.drop(prefix=name, distribution='bullseye', force_delete=True)
if self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state != 'SUCCEEDED':
self.logger.warning('Drop publish failed %s : %s', name, self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state)
# find and remove related snapshot
snap_list = self.aptly.snapshots.list()
for snap in snap_list:
if snap.name == name:
task = self.aptly.snapshots.delete(snapshotname=name, force=True)
if self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state != 'SUCCEEDED':
self.logger.warning('Drop snapshot failed %s : %s', name, self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state)
# find and remove the remote(mirror)
repo_list = self.aptly.repos.list()
for repo in repo_list:
if repo.name == name:
task = self.aptly.repos.delete(reponame=name, force=True)
if self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state != 'SUCCEEDED':
self.logger.warning('Drop repo failed %s : %s', name, self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state)
# Delete orphan files
task = self.aptly.db.cleanup()
return None
# clean all metadata including remote, repository, public, distribution, task and content
# In theory, with this operation, there should be nothing left in aptly_deb
# database. Please use it carefully.
def clean_all(self):
'''Clean all metadata including remote, repository, public, distribution, task and content.'''
# clean publishes
pub_list = self.aptly.publish.list()
self.logger.info('%d publish', len(pub_list))
for pub in pub_list:
task = self.aptly.publish.drop(prefix=pub.prefix, distribution=pub.distribution, force_delete=True)
if self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state != 'SUCCEEDED':
self.logger.warning('Drop publish failed %s : %s', pub.frepix, self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state)
# clean snapshots
snap_list = self.aptly.snapshots.list()
self.logger.info('%d snapshot', len(snap_list))
for snap in snap_list:
task = self.aptly.snapshots.delete(snapshotname=snap.name, force=True)
if self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state != 'SUCCEEDED':
self.logger.warning('Drop snapshot failed %s : %s', snap.name, self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state)
# clean mirrors
mirror_list = self.aptly.mirrors.list()
self.logger.info('%d mirror', len(mirror_list))
for mirror in mirror_list:
task = self.aptly.mirrors.drop(name=mirror.name, force=True)
if self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state != 'SUCCEEDED':
self.logger.warning('Drop mirror failed %s : %s', mirror.name, self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state)
# clean local repos
repo_list = self.aptly.repos.list()
self.logger.info('%d repo', len(repo_list))
for repo in repo_list:
task = self.aptly.repos.delete(reponame=repo.name, force=True)
if self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state != 'SUCCEEDED':
self.logger.warning('Drop repo failed %s : %s', repo.name, self.aptly.tasks.show(task.id).state)
# clean file folders
file_list = self.aptly.files.list()
self.logger.info('%d file folder', len(file_list))
for file in file_list:
# clean tasks
# Delete orphan files
task = self.aptly.db.cleanup()