Changes in brief: 1) TIS_PATCH_VER will now accept new automatic variables 'OTHER_GITREVCOUNT' and 'SRC_GITREVCOUNT'. 2) New BASE_SRCREV variables are supported, 'SRC_BASE_SRCREV' and 'BASE_SRCREV_FOR_PATH' 3) OPT_DEP_LIST_FOR_BUILD_TYPE[<build-type>] joins OPT_DEP_LIST as a way to list files that affect the build, but are not included in the assembled src.rpm. 4) Some code relating to interpreting build_srpm.data files, and producing a list of files that affect the build, are relocated to 'srpm-util' and restructured for greater utility. The details: TIS_PATCH_VER=<expression> # An integer, or one of the supported # variables listed below, or the sum of # variables and integers. # e.g. # TIS_PATCH_VER=PKG_GITREVCOUNT+SRC_GITREVCOUNT+5 PKG_GITREVCOUNT # Count git revisions relative to PKG_BASE. # Optionally only count from PKG_BASE_SRCREV SRC_GITREVCOUNT # Count git revisions relative to SRC_DIR. # Optionally only count from SRC_BASE_SRCREV GITREVCOUNT # Deprecated, please use SRC_GITREVCOUNT instead. # Count git revisions relative to SRC_DIR. # Optionally only count from TIS_BASE_SRCREV OTHER_GITREVCOUNT # count git revisions from all sources excluding # PKG_BASE and SRC_DIR # Optionally only count from # BASE_SRCREV_FOR_PATH[<path>] PKG_BASE_SRCREV=<sha> # Limit PKG_GITREVCOUNT revision count to # commits since <sha> SRC_BASE_SRCREV=<sha> # Limit SRC_GITREVCOUNT revision count to # commits since <sha> TIS_BASE_SRCREV=<sha> # Deprecated, please use SRC_BASE_SRCREV # instead # Limit GITREVCOUNT revision count to commits # since <sha> BASE_SRCREV_FOR_PATH[<path>]=[<sha>|OTHER_PKG_BASE_SRCREV] # Limit OTHER_GITREVCOUNT revision count for # commits under <path> to commits since <sha>. # If <path> is the PKG_BASE of another package # (not the current package) then the keyword # 'OTHER_PKG_BASE_SRCREV' can be used to extract # the 'PKG_BASE_SRCREV' value of the other # package. # # The <path> can reference variables like # $STX_BASE and $GIT_BASE. OPT_DEP_LIST=<path-list> # Add a space separated list of paths that # don't contribute to the content of a src.rpm # but do contribute to triggering a rebuild, # and possibly modifying the TIS_PATCH_VER via # use of OTHER_GITREVCOUNT. OPT_DEP_LIST_FOR_BUILD_TYPE[<build-type>]=<path-list> # For a specific build type only, add a space # separated list of paths that don't # contribute to the content of src.rpm, # but do contribute to triggering a # rebuild, and possibly modifying the # TIS_PATCH_VER via use of OTHER_GITREVCOUNT. Story: 2006166 Task: 39765 Change-Id: I9e7d409d4eefdb41a7083db1b801d531c443b678 Signed-off-by: Scott Little <scott.little@windriver.com>
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# Copyright (c) 2018 Wind River Systems, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Functions common to build-srpm-serial and build-srpm-parallel.
set_build_info () {
local info_file="$MY_WORKSPACE/BUILD_INFO"
local layer_prefix="${LAYER^^}_"
if [ "${LAYER}" == "" ]; then
mkdir -p "$(dirname ${info_file})"
echo "${layer_prefix}OS=\"centos\"" > "${info_file}"
echo "${layer_prefix}JOB=\"n/a\"" >> "${info_file}"
echo "${layer_prefix}BUILD_BY=\"${USER}\"" >> "${info_file}"
echo "${layer_prefix}BUILD_NUMBER=\"n/a\"" >> "${info_file}"
echo "${layer_prefix}BUILD_HOST=\"$(hostname)\"" >> "${info_file}"
echo "${layer_prefix}BUILD_DATE=\"$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z')\"" >> "${info_file}"
str_lst_contains() {
if [[ $LST =~ (^|[[:space:]])$TARGET($|[[:space:]]) ]] ; then
return 0
return 1
# md5sums_from_input_vars <src-build-type> <srpm-or-spec-path> <work-dir>
# Returns md5 data for all input files of a src.rpm.
# Assumes PKG_BASE, ORIG_SRPM_PATH have been defined and the
# build_srpm.data file has already been sourced.
# Arguments:
# src-build-type: Any single value from $SRC_BUILD_TYPES.
# e.g. 'srpm' or 'spec'
# srpm-or-spec-path: Absolute path to an src.rpm, or to a
# spec file.
# work-dir: Optional working directory. If a path is
# specified but does not exist, it will be created.
# Returns: output of md5sum command with canonical path names
md5sums_from_input_vars () {
local SRC_BUILD_TYPE="$1"
local SRPM_OR_SPEC_PATH="$2"
local WORK_DIR="$3"
local TMP_FLAG=0
local LINK_FILTER='[/]stx[/]downloads[/]'
if ! str_lst_contains "$SRC_BUILD_TYPE" "$SRC_BUILD_TYPES" ; then
>&2 echo "ERROR: $FUNCNAME (${LINENO}): invalid arg: SRC_BUILD_TYPE='$SRC_BUILD_TYPE'"
return 1
if [ -z $WORK_DIR ]; then
WORK_DIR=$(mktemp -d /tmp/${FUNCNAME}_XXXXXX)
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
>&2 echo "ERROR: $FUNCNAME (${LINENO}): mktemp -d /tmp/${FUNCNAME}_XXXXXX"
return 1
mkdir -p "$WORK_DIR"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
>&2 echo "ERROR: $FUNCNAME (${LINENO}): mkdir -p '$WORK_DIR'"
return 1
local INPUT_FILES_SORTED="$WORK_DIR/srpm_sorted_input.files"
# Create lists of input files (INPUT_FILES) and symlinks (INPUT_LINKS).
if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
return 1
# Remove $MY_REPO prefix from paths
cat $INPUT_FILES_SORTED | xargs md5sum | sed "s# $(readlink -f $MY_REPO)/# #"
if [ $TMP_FLAG -eq 0 ]; then
\rm -rf $WORK_DIR
return 0