Gonzalo Gallardo 67e1939509 Upload fm-subagent, fm-trap-subagent and armada plugin.
Upload fm-subagent and fm-trap-subagent to our snmp armada
application integrated with armada plugin.

Change-Id: I2c7b3a65f2e97c147068d0c3c41c52e814bb0e2e
Story: 2008132
Task: 41227
Signed-off-by: Gonzalo Gallardo <gonzalo.gallardo@windriver.com>
2020-11-27 17:00:30 -03:00

13 lines
323 B

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[remote "origin"]
url = https://review.opendev.org/starlingx/snmp-armada-app.git
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[branch "master"]
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