81 lines
2.0 KiB
81 lines
2.0 KiB
%global drv_vendor OpenDaylight
%global pkgname networking-odl
%global srcname networking_odl
%global docpath doc/build/html
%{!?upstream_version: %global upstream_version %{version}%{?milestone}}
Name: python-%{pkgname}
Epoch: 1
Version: 11.0.0
Release: 0%{?_tis_dist}.%{tis_patch_ver}
Summary: %{drv_vendor} OpenStack Neutron driver
License: ASL 2.0
URL: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/%{pkgname}
Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
BuildRequires: git
BuildRequires: python2-devel
BuildRequires: python-mock
#BuildRequires: python-neutron-tests
BuildRequires: python-openstackdocstheme
#BuildRequires: python-oslotest
BuildRequires: python-oslo-config
BuildRequires: python-oslo-sphinx
BuildRequires: python-pbr
BuildRequires: python-sphinx
BuildRequires: python-testrepository
BuildRequires: python-testtools
Requires: openstack-neutron-ml2
Requires: python-babel
Requires: python-pbr
Requires: python-websocket-client
Requires: python-stevedore
Requires: python-neutron-lib
Requires: python-debtcollector
This package contains %{drv_vendor} networking driver for OpenStack Neutron.
%autosetup -n %{name}-%{upstream_version} -S git
# Remove gate hooks
rm -rf %{srcname}/tests/contrib
export PBR_VERSION=%{version}
rm requirements.txt test-requirements.txt
%{__python2} setup.py build
%{__python2} setup.py build_sphinx -b html
rm %{docpath}/.buildinfo
#%{__python2} setup.py testr
export PBR_VERSION=%{version}
%{__python2} setup.py install --skip-build --root %{buildroot}
%license LICENSE
%doc %{docpath}
* Wed Aug 30 2017 rdo-trunk <javier.pena@redhat.com> 1:11.0.0-1
- Update to 11.0.0
* Fri Aug 25 2017 Alfredo Moralejo <amoralej@redhat.com> 1:11.0.0-0.1.0rc2
- Update to