#!/bin/bash username="sysadmin" password="Li69nux*" test_duration="30" wait_duration="5" udp_find_0_frameloss="1" udp_max_iter="20" udp_granularity="100000" result_dir="/home/${username}/benchmark_results" summary_file="${result_dir}/benchmark_summary.xls" host="" remote="" controllers=() computes=() nodes=() max_compute_node="10" interfaces=("") # udp header total length: Ethernet header ( 14 ) + CRC ( 4 ) + IPv4 header ( 20 ) + UDP header ( 8 ) udp_header_len="46" # icmp header total length: ICMP header ( 8 ) + IPv4 header ( 20 ) icmp_header_len="28" frame_sizes=(64 128 256 512 1024 1280 1518) ssh_opt="-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q" # ports used for different kind of traffics except hiprio. these are chosen randomly since they are not used # 8000 - storage; 8001 - migration; 8002 - default; 8003 - drbd controller_ports=(8000 8001 8002 8003) compute_ports=(8000 8001 8002) traffic_types=(storage migration default drbd) flow_ids=(1:20 1:30 1:40 1:50) function exec_cmd { node="$1" cmd="$2" if [[ "${node}" == *"${host}"* ]]; then echo "$(bash -c "${cmd}")" else echo "$(ssh ${ssh_opt} ${username}@${node} "${cmd}")" fi } function iperf3_server_start { local server="$1" local result="$2" local port="$3" local cmd="iperf3 -s" if [ "${port}" ]; then cmd="${cmd} -p ${port}" fi cmd="nohup ${cmd} > ${result} 2>&1 &" $(exec_cmd "${server}" "${cmd}") } function iperf3_client_tcp_start { local result="${result_dir}/throughput" local cmd="" local client="$1" local server="$2" local port="$3" cmd="iperf3 -t ${test_duration} -c $(get_ip_addr "${server}")" if [ "${port}" ]; then cmd="${cmd} -p ${port} -O ${wait_duration}" result="${result}_parallel_${port}" else result="${result}_tcp" if [[ "${server}" == *"infra"* ]]; then result="${result}_infra" fi fi $(exec_cmd "${client}" "${cmd} > ${result} 2>&1") } function iperf3_client_udp_start { local result="${result_dir}/throughput_udp" local cmd="" local client="$1" local server="$2" local frame_size="$3" local bw="0" if [ "${4}" ]; then bw="${4}" fi cmd="iperf3 -u -t ${test_duration} -c $(get_ip_addr ${server})" if [ ${frame_size} ]; then cmd="${cmd} -l ${frame_size}" result="${result}_$[${frame_size}+${udp_header_len}]" fi if [[ ${server} == *"infra"* ]]; then result="${result}_infra" fi $(exec_cmd "${client}" "${cmd} -b ${bw} >> ${result} 2>&1" ) } function iperf3_stop { local node="$1" local cmd="pkill iperf3" $(exec_cmd "${node}" "${cmd}") } function get_ip_addr { arp -a | grep -oP "(?<=$1 \()[^)]*" | head -n 1 } function throughput_tcp_test { for (( i = 0; i < ${#nodes[@]} ; i+=2 )); do for interface in "${interfaces[@]}"; do local interface_name="management" local interface_suffix="" local result_suffix="" if [ "${interface}" == "infra" ]; then interface_name="infrastructure" interface_suffix="-infra" result_suffix="_infra" fi local result_file="${result_dir}/throughput_tcp${result_suffix}" printf "Running TCP throughput test between ${nodes[${i}]} and ${nodes[$[${i}+1]]}'s ${interface_name} network..." iperf3_server_start ${nodes[$[${i}+1]]}${interface_suffix} ${result_file} iperf3_client_tcp_start ${nodes[${i}]}${interface_suffix} ${nodes[$[${i}+1]]}${interface_suffix} iperf3_stop ${nodes[$[${i}+1]]}${interface_suffix} result=$(exec_cmd "${nodes[${i}]}" "awk '/sender/ {print \$7 \" \" \$8}' ${result_file}") printf " Done (${result})\n" done done } function throughput_udp_test { for (( i = 0; i < ${#nodes[@]} ; i+=2 )); do for interface in "${interfaces[@]}"; do local interface_name="management" local interface_suffix="" local result_suffix="" if [ "${interface}" == "infra" ]; then interface_name="infrastructure" interface_suffix="-infra" result_suffix="_infra" fi echo "Running UDP throughput test between ${nodes[${i}]} and ${nodes[$[${i}+1]]}'s ${interface_name} network" for frame_size in "${frame_sizes[@]}"; do local max_bw="0" local min_bw="0" local cur_bw="0" local old_bw="0" local result="" local result_unit="" local frame_loss="" local max_result="" local max_result_unit="" local max_frame_loss="" local result_file="${result_dir}/throughput_udp_${frame_size}${result_suffix}" local iter="0" local diff="" printf "\tFrame size = ${frame_size}..." while true; do iperf3_server_start ${nodes[$[${i}+1]]}${interface_suffix} ${result_file} iperf3_client_udp_start ${nodes[${i}]}${interface_suffix} ${nodes[$[${i}+1]]}${interface_suffix} $[${frame_size}-${udp_header_len}] ${cur_bw} iperf3_stop ${nodes[$[${i}+1]]}${interface_suffix} result=$(exec_cmd "${nodes[${i}]}" "awk '/%/ {print \$7}' ${result_file} | tail -n1") result_unit=$(exec_cmd "${nodes[${i}]}" "awk '/%/ {print \$8}' ${result_file} | tail -n1") frame_loss=$(exec_cmd "${nodes[${i}]}" "awk '/%/ {print \$12}' ${result_file} | tail -n1 | tr -d '()%'") if [ "${udp_find_0_frameloss}" == "1" ]; then if [ "${iter}" -eq "0" ]; then max_result="${result}" max_result_unit="${result_unit}" max_frame_loss="${frame_loss}" fi if [ $(echo ${frame_loss} | grep e) ]; then frame_loss="$(echo ${frame_loss} | sed 's/e/*10^/g;s/ /*/' )" fi if [ "$(echo "${frame_loss} > 0" | bc -l)" -eq "1" ]; then max_bw="${result}" if [ "${result_unit}" == "Kbits/sec" ]; then max_bw="$(echo "(${max_bw} * 1000) / 1" | bc)" elif [ "${result_unit}" == "Mbits/sec" ]; then max_bw="$(echo "(${max_bw} * 1000000) / 1" | bc)" elif [ "${result_unit}" == "Gbits/sec" ]; then max_bw="$(echo "(${max_bw} * 1000000000) / 1" | bc)" fi else if [ "${iter}" -eq "0" ]; then break else min_bw="${result}" if [ "${result_unit}" == "Kbits/sec" ]; then min_bw="$(echo "(${min_bw} * 1000) / 1" | bc)" elif [ "${result_unit}" == "Mbits/sec" ]; then min_bw="$(echo "(${min_bw} * 1000000) / 1" | bc)" elif [ "${result_unit}" == "Gbits/sec" ]; then min_bw="$(echo "(${min_bw} * 1000000000) / 1" | bc)" fi fi fi old_bw="${cur_bw}" cur_bw="$[(${max_bw} + ${min_bw}) / 2]" diff="$(echo "$[${cur_bw} - ${old_bw}]" | tr -d '-')" #break ((iter++)) if [ "${diff}" -lt "${udp_granularity}" ]; then break fi if [ "${udp_max_iter}" -ne "0" ] && [ "${iter}" -ge "${udp_max_iter}" ]; then break fi else break fi done if [ "${udp_find_0_frameloss}" == "1" ]; then printf " Done (%s %s @ %s%% & %s %s @ %s%%)\n" "${max_result}" "${max_result_unit}" "${max_frame_loss}" "${result}" "${result_unit}" "${frame_loss}" else printf " Done (%s %s @ %s%%)\n" "${result}" "${result_unit}" "${frame_loss}" fi done done done } function throughput_parallel_test { local dev="" local ip_addr="" local interface_name="" local interface_suffix="" local result_file="${result_dir}/throughput_parallel" # get device name of the interface if [ "${#interfaces[@]}" -gt "1" ]; then interface_name="infrastructure" interface_suffix="-infra" ip_addr=$(ping -c1 ${host}-infra | awk -F'[()]' '/PING/{print $2}') else interface_name="management" ip_addr=$(ping -c1 ${host} | awk -F'[()]' '/PING/{print $2}') fi dev=$(ifconfig | grep -B1 "inet ${ip_addr}" | awk '$1!="inet" && $1!="--" {print $1}') # set all the filters for node in ${nodes[@]}; do local ports=("${controller_ports[@]}") if [[ "${node}" == *"compute"* ]]; then ports=("${compute_ports[@]}") fi for i in $(seq 0 $[${#ports[@]} - 1]); do if [ ${traffic_types[i]} != "default" ]; then tc_dport="tc filter add dev ${dev} protocol ip parent 1:0 prio 1 u32 match ip protocol 6 0xff match ip dport ${ports[i]} 0xffff flowid ${flow_ids[i]}" tc_sport="tc filter add dev ${dev} protocol ip parent 1:0 prio 1 u32 match ip protocol 6 0xff match ip sport ${ports[i]} 0xffff flowid ${flow_ids[i]}" $(exec_cmd "${node}" "echo ${password} | sudo -S bash -c '${tc_dport}; ${tc_sport}' > /dev/null 2>&1") fi done done # run the tests for (( i = 0; i < ${#nodes[@]} ; i+=2 )); do local ports=("${controller_ports[@]}") if [[ "${nodes[${i}]}" == *"compute"* ]]; then ports=("${compute_ports[@]}") fi printf "Running parallel throughput test between ${nodes[${i}]} and ${nodes[$[${i}+1]]}'s ${interface_name} network..." # start the servers for port in "${ports[@]}"; do iperf3_server_start "${nodes[$[${i}+1]]}${interface_suffix}" "${result_file}_${port}" "${port}" done #start the clients for port in "${controller_ports[@]}"; do iperf3_client_tcp_start ${nodes[${i}]}${interface_suffix} ${nodes[$[${i}+1]]}${interface_suffix} ${port} & done sleep $[${test_duration} + ${wait_duration} + 1] iperf3_stop ${nodes[$[${i}+1]]}${interface_suffix} printf " Done\n" # get results for j in $(seq 0 $[${#ports[@]} - 1]); do result=$(exec_cmd "${nodes[${i}]}" "awk '/sender/ {print \$7 \" \" \$8}' ${result_file}_${ports[${j}]}") printf "\t${traffic_types[$j]} = ${result}\n" done done # remove all the filters for node in ${nodes[@]}; do local handles=() local ports=("${controller_ports[@]}") if [[ "${node}" == *"compute"* ]]; then ports=("${compute_ports[@]}") fi handles=($(exec_cmd "${node}" "/usr/sbin/tc filter show dev ${dev} | awk '/filter/ {print \$10}' | tail -n $[(${#ports[@]} - 1) * 2 ]")) for handle in "${handles[@]}"; do $(exec_cmd "${node}" "echo ${password} | sudo -S /usr/sbin/tc filter delete dev ${dev} parent 1: handle ${handle} prio 1 u32 > /dev/null 2>&1") done done } function latency_test { for (( i = 0; i < ${#nodes[@]} ; i+=2 )); do for interface in "${interfaces[@]}"; do local interface_name="management" local interface_suffix="" local result_suffix="" if [ "${interface}" == "infra" ]; then interface_name="infrastructure" interface_suffix="-infra" result_suffix="_infra" fi echo "Running latency test between ${nodes[${i}]} and ${nodes[$[${i}+1]]}'s ${interface_name} network" for frame_size in "${frame_sizes[@]}"; do local result_file="${result_dir}/latency_${frame_size}${result_suffix}" printf "\tFrame size = ${frame_size}..." $(exec_cmd "${nodes[${i}]}" "ping -s $[${frame_size}-8] -w ${test_duration} -i 0.2 ${nodes[$[${i}+1]]}${interface_suffix} > ${result_file} 2>&1") result=$(exec_cmd "${nodes[${i}]}" "awk '/rtt/ {print \$2 \" = \" \$4 \" \" \$5}' ${result_file}") printf " Done (%s)\n" "${result}" done done done } function setup { for node in ${nodes[@]}; do iperf3_stop "${node}" $(exec_cmd "${node}" "rm -rf ${result_dir}; mkdir -p ${result_dir}") done } function get_remote_results { for node in ${nodes[@]}; do if [ "${node}" != "${host}" ]; then mkdir ${result_dir}/${node} scp ${ssh_opt} ${username}@${node}:${result_dir}/* ${result_dir}/${node} > /dev/null 2>&1 fi done } function get_interface_info { local dev="" local ip_addr="" printf "Network interfaces info\n" >> ${summary_file} for interface in "${interfaces[@]}"; do local interface_suffix="" local interface_name="management" if [ "${interface}" == "infra" ]; then interface_name="infrastructure" interface_suffix="-infra" fi ip_addr=$(ping -c1 ${host}${interface_suffix} | awk -F'[()]' '/PING/{print $2}') dev=$(ifconfig | grep -B1 "inet ${ip_addr}" | awk '$1!="inet" && $1!="--" {print $1}') printf "%s network interface\n" "${interface_name}" >> ${summary_file} echo ${password} | sudo -S ethtool ${dev} >> ${summary_file} done } function generate_summary { local header="" local result="" local result_file="" printf "Summary\n\n" > ${summary_file} printf "Throughput TCP\n" >> ${summary_file} for (( i = 0; i < ${#nodes[@]} ; i+=2 )); do for interface in "${interfaces[@]}"; do local node_type="controller" local interface_type="mgmt" local result_suffix="" if [[ "${nodes[${i}]}" == *"compute"* ]]; then node_type="compute" fi if [ "${interface}" == "infra" ]; then interface_type="infra" result_suffix="_infra" fi header="${header},${node_type}'s ${interface_type}" result_file="${result_dir}" if [ ${node_type} == "compute" ]; then result_file="${result_file}/${nodes[${i}]}" fi result_file="${result_file}/throughput_tcp${result_suffix}" result="${result},$(awk '/sender/ {print $7 " " $8}' ${result_file})" done done printf "%s\n%s\n\n" "${header}" "${result}" >> ${summary_file} printf "Throughput UDP\n" >> ${summary_file} header=",frame,max throughput,max frameloss" if [ "${udp_find_0_frameloss}" == "1" ]; then header="${header},final throughput, final frameloss" fi for (( i = 0; i < ${#nodes[@]} ; i+=2 )); do for interface in "${interfaces[@]}"; do local node_type="controller" local interface_type="mgmt" local result_suffix="" if [[ "${nodes[${i}]}" == *"compute"* ]]; then node_type="compute" fi if [ "${interface}" == "infra" ]; then interface_type="infra" result_suffix="_infra" fi printf "%s's %s\n%s\n" "${node_type}" "${interface_type}" "${header}" >> ${summary_file} result_file=${result_dir} if [ ${node_type} == "compute" ]; then result_file="${result_file}/${nodes[${i}]}" fi for frame in ${frame_sizes[@]}; do result="${frame},$(awk '/%/ {print $7 " " $8}' ${result_file}/throughput_udp_${frame}${result_suffix} | head -n1),$(awk '/%/ {print $12}' ${result_file}/throughput_udp_${frame}${result_suffix} | head -n1 | tr -d '()')" if [ "${udp_find_0_frameloss}" == "1" ]; then result="${result},$(awk '/%/ {print $7 " " $8}' ${result_file}/throughput_udp_${frame}${result_suffix} | tail -n1),$(awk '/%/ {print $12}' ${result_file}/throughput_udp_${frame}${result_suffix} | tail -n1 | tr -d '()')" fi printf ",%s\n" "${result}" >> ${summary_file} done printf "\n" >> ${summary_file} done done printf "Parallel throughput result\n" >> ${summary_file} header=",Node type" for traffic_type in "${traffic_types[@]}"; do header="${header},${traffic_type}" done printf "%s\n" "${header}" >> ${summary_file} for (( i = 0; i < ${#nodes[@]} ; i+=2 )); do local node_type="controller" local ports=("${controller_ports[@]}") if [[ "${nodes[${i}]}" == *"compute"* ]]; then node_type="compute" fi result_file=${result_dir} if [ ${node_type} == "compute" ]; then ports=("${compute_ports[@]}") result_file="${result_file}/${nodes[${i}]}" fi result=",${node_type}" for port in "${ports[@]}"; do result="${result},$(awk '/sender/ {print $7 " " $8}' ${result_file}/throughput_parallel_${port})" done printf "%s\n" "${result}" >> ${summary_file} done printf "\nLatency result in ms\n" >> ${summary_file} for (( i = 0; i < ${#nodes[@]} ; i+=2 )); do for interface in "${interfaces[@]}"; do local node_type="controller" local interface_type="mgmt" local result_suffix="" if [[ "${nodes[${i}]}" == *"compute"* ]]; then node_type="compute" fi if [ "${interface}" == "infra" ]; then interface_type="infra" result_suffix="_infra" fi printf "%s's %s network\n" "${node_type}" "${interface_type}" >> ${summary_file} result_file=${result_dir} if [ ${node_type} == "compute" ]; then result_file="${result_file}/${nodes[${i}]}" fi result_file="${result_file}/latency" printf ",frame size,%s\n" "$(awk '/rtt/ {print $2}' ${result_file}_${frame_sizes}${result_suffix} | tr '/' ',' )" >> ${summary_file} for frame_size in "${frame_sizes[@]}"; do printf ",%s,%s\n" "${frame_size}" "$(awk '/rtt/ {print $4}' ${result_file}_${frame_size}${result_suffix} | tr '/' ',' )" >> ${summary_file} done printf "latency distribution\n" >> ${summary_file} printf ",frame size" >> ${summary_file} for (( j = 1; j < "20" ; j+=1 )); do printf ",%s" "$(echo "scale=3;${j}/100" | bc | awk '{printf "%.3f", $0}')" >> ${summary_file} done printf "\n" >> ${summary_file} for frame_size in "${frame_sizes[@]}"; do printf ",%s" "${frame_size}" >> ${summary_file} for (( j = 1; j < "20" ; j+=1 )); do printf ",%s" "$(grep -c "time=$(echo "scale=2;${j}/100" | bc | awk '{printf "%.2f", $0}')" ${result_file}_${frame_size}${result_suffix})" >> ${summary_file} done printf "\n" >> ${summary_file} done printf "\n" >> ${summary_file} done done get_interface_info } echo "Starting linux interface benchmark test. ($(date))" # find the nodes to test host=${HOSTNAME} if [ "${host}" == "controller-1" ]; then remote="controller-0" else remote="controller-1" fi # at least another controller needs to be reachable ping -c1 ${remote} > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then controllers=(${host} ${remote}) nodes+=("${controllers[@]}") else echo "Stopping test as ${remote} is not reachable" exit 1 fi # check if infrastructure interface is provisioned ping -c1 "${remote}-infra" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Infrastructure network is provisioned" interfaces+=("infra") fi # check if there are any compute nodes for i in $(seq 0 $[${max_compute_node} - 1]); do ping -c1 compute-${i} > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then computes+=("compute-${i}") if [ ${#computes[@]} -ge "2" ]; then nodes+=("${computes[@]}") break fi fi done setup throughput_tcp_test throughput_udp_test throughput_parallel_test latency_test get_remote_results generate_summary echo "Linux interface benchmark test finished. ($(date))"