# Copyright 2020 VEXXHOST, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Keystone Operator This module maintains the operator for Keystone which does everything from deployment to taking care of rotating fernet & credentials keys.""" import base64 import os import kopf from cryptography import fernet from openstack_operator import database from openstack_operator import filters from openstack_operator import utils TOKEN_EXPIRATION = 86400 FERNET_ROTATION_INTERVAL = 3600 def _is_keystone_deployment(name, **_): return name == 'keystone' def create_or_rotate_fernet_repository(name): """Create or rotate fernet tokens This will happen when it sees a Keystone deployment that we manage and it will initialize (or rotate) the fernet repository. """ data = utils.get_secret('openstack', 'keystone-%s' % (name)) # Stage an initial key 0 if we don't have anything. if data is None: data = {'0': fernet.Fernet.generate_key().decode('utf-8')} # Get highest key number sorted_keys = [int(k) for k in data.keys()] sorted_keys.sort() next_key = str(max(sorted_keys) + 1) # Promote key 0 to primary data[next_key] = data['0'] sorted_keys.append(int(next_key)) # Stage a new key data['0'] = fernet.Fernet.generate_key().decode('utf-8') # Determine number of active keys active_keys = int(TOKEN_EXPIRATION / FERNET_ROTATION_INTERVAL) # Determine the keys to keep and drop others keys_to_keep = [0] + sorted_keys[-active_keys:] keys = {k: base64.b64encode(v.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8') for k, v in data.items() if int(k) in keys_to_keep} # Update secret utils.create_or_update('keystone/secret-fernet.yml.j2', name=name, keys=keys, adopt=True) @kopf.timer('apps', 'v1', 'daemonsets', when=kopf.all_([filters.managed, _is_keystone_deployment]), interval=FERNET_ROTATION_INTERVAL) def create_or_rotate_fernet(**_): """Create or rotate fernet keys This will happen when it sees a Keystone deployment that we manage and it will initialize (or rotate) the fernet repository. """ create_or_rotate_fernet_repository('fernet') create_or_rotate_fernet_repository('credential') def create_or_resume(name, spec, **_): """Create and re-sync any Keystone instances This function is called when a new resource is created but also when we start the service up for the first time. """ config_hash = utils.generate_hash(spec) conn = utils.get_openstack_connection() auth_url = conn.config.auth["auth_url"] password = os.getenv("OS_PASSWORD") project_name = conn.config.auth["project_name"] region_name = conn.config.get_region_name() username = conn.config.auth["username"] utils.create_or_update('keystone/secret-init.yml.j2', auth_url=auth_url, password=password, project_name=project_name, region_name=region_name, username=username) # (TODO)Replace the current admin url if "mysql" not in spec: spec["mysql"] = {} database.ensure_mysql_cluster("keystone", spec["mysql"]) utils.create_or_update('keystone/memcached.yml.j2', spec=spec) utils.create_or_update('keystone/daemonset.yml.j2', name=name, spec=spec, config_hash=config_hash) utils.create_or_update('keystone/service.yml.j2', name=name, spec=spec) if "ingress" in spec: utils.create_or_update('keystone/ingress.yml.j2', spec=spec) def update(spec, **_): """Update a keystone This function updates the deployment for keystone if there are any changes that happen within it. """ if "ingress" in spec: utils.create_or_update('keystone/ingress.yml.j2', spec=spec)