Cleaning up cfg so that others can know the difference between empty vars and vars that don't exist
This commit is contained in:
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class IgnoreMissingConfigParser(ConfigParser.RawConfigParser):
def __init__(self):
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class IgnoreMissingConfigParser(ConfigParser.RawConfigParser):
self.optionxform = str
def get(self, section, option):
value = IgnoreMissingConfigParser.DEF_STRING
value = IgnoreMissingConfigParser.DEF_BASE
value = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser.get(self, section, option)
except ConfigParser.NoSectionError:
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class StackConfigParser(IgnoreMissingConfigParser):
self.configs_fetched = dict()
self.db_dsns = dict()
def _makekey(self, section, option):
def _make_key(self, section, option):
joinwhat = []
if section is not None:
@ -94,76 +94,74 @@ class StackConfigParser(IgnoreMissingConfigParser):
return "/".join(joinwhat)
def _resolve_special(self, section, option, value_gotten, auto_pw):
key = self._makekey(section, option)
if section in PW_SECTIONS and key not in self.pws:
def _resolve_value(self, section, option, value_gotten, auto_pw):
key = self._make_key(section, option)
if section in PW_SECTIONS and key not in self.pws and value_gotten:
self.pws[key] = value_gotten
if section == 'host' and option == 'ip':
LOG.debug("Host ip from configuration/environment was empty, programatically attempting to determine it.")
value_gotten = utils.get_host_ip()
LOG.debug("Determined your host ip to be: \"%s\"" % (value_gotten))
if section in PW_SECTIONS and auto_pw and len(value_gotten) == 0:
LOG.debug("Being forced to ask for password for \"%s\" since the configuration value is empty.", key)
LOG.debug("Determined your host ip to be: [%s]" % (value_gotten))
if section in PW_SECTIONS and auto_pw and not value_gotten:
LOG.debug("Being forced to ask for password for [%s] since the configuration value is empty.", key)
value_gotten = sh.password(PW_PROMPTS.get(option, PW_TMPL % (key)))
self.pws[key] = value_gotten
return value_gotten
def getdefaulted(self, section, option, default_val, auto_pw=True):
val = self.get(section, option, auto_pw=auto_pw)
if not val:
val = self.get(section, option, auto_pw)
if not val or not val.strip():
LOG.debug("Value [%s] found was not good enough, returning provided default [%s]" % (val, default_val))
return default_val
return val
def get(self, section, option, auto_pw=True):
key = self._makekey(section, option)
key = self._make_key(section, option)
if key in self.configs_fetched:
value = self.configs_fetched.get(key)
LOG.debug("Fetched cached value \"%s\" for param \"%s\"" % (value, key))
LOG.debug("Fetched cached value [%s] for param [%s]" % (value, key))
LOG.debug("Fetching value for param \"%s\"" % (key))
gotten_value = self._get_special(section, option, auto_pw)
value = self._resolve_special(section, option, gotten_value, auto_pw)
LOG.debug("Fetched \"%s\" for \"%s\"" % (value, key))
LOG.debug("Fetching value for param [%s]" % (key))
gotten_value = self._get_bashed(section, option, auto_pw)
value = self._resolve_value(section, option, gotten_value, auto_pw)
LOG.debug("Fetched [%s] for [%s] %s" % (value, key, CACHE_MSG))
self.configs_fetched[key] = value
return value
def _extract_default(self, default_value, auto_pw):
if not
return default_value
LOG.debug("Performing simple replacement on %s", default_value)
def _resolve_replacements(self, value, auto_pw):
LOG.debug("Performing simple replacement on [%s]", value)
#allow for our simple replacement to occur
def replacer(match):
section =
option =
return self.get(section, option, auto_pw)
return self.getdefaulted(section, option, '', auto_pw)
return SUB_MATCH.sub(replacer, default_value)
return SUB_MATCH.sub(replacer, value)
def _get_special(self, section, option, auto_pw):
key = self._makekey(section, option)
def _get_bashed(self, section, option, auto_pw):
value = IgnoreMissingConfigParser.get(self, section, option)
if value is None:
return value
extracted_val = ''
mtch = ENV_PAT.match(value)
if mtch:
env_key =
def_val =
def_val =
if not def_val and not env_key:
msg = "Invalid bash-like value \"%s\" for \"%s\"" % (value, key)
msg = "Invalid bash-like value [%s]" % (value)
raise excp.BadParamException(msg)
if not env_key or env.get_key(env_key) is None:
LOG.debug("Extracting default value from config provided default value \"%s\" for \"%s\"" % (def_val, key))
actual_def_val = self._extract_default(def_val, auto_pw)
LOG.debug("Using config provided default value \"%s\" for \"%s\" (no environment key)" % (actual_def_val, key))
extracted_val = actual_def_val
env_value = env.get_key(env_key)
if env_value is None:
LOG.debug("Extracting value from config provided default value [%s]" % (def_val))
extracted_val = self._resolve_replacements(def_val, auto_pw)
LOG.debug("Using config provided default value [%s] (no environment key)" % (extracted_val))
env_val = env.get_key(env_key)
LOG.debug("Using enviroment provided value \"%s\" for \"%s\"" % (env_val, key))
extracted_val = env_val
extracted_val = env_value
LOG.debug("Using enviroment provided value [%s]" % (extracted_val))
LOG.debug("Using raw config provided value \"%s\" for \"%s\"" % (value, key))
extracted_val = value
LOG.debug("Using raw config provided value [%s]" % (extracted_val))
return extracted_val
def get_dbdsn(self, dbname):
@ -197,7 +195,7 @@ class StackConfigParser(IgnoreMissingConfigParser):
dsn += "/" + dbname
dsn += "/"
LOG.debug("For database \"%s\" fetched dsn \"%s\" %s" % (dbname, dsn, CACHE_MSG))
LOG.debug("For database [%s] fetched dsn [%s] %s" % (dbname, dsn, CACHE_MSG))
#store for later...
self.db_dsns[dbname] = dsn
return dsn
@ -108,12 +108,10 @@ class DBUninstaller(comp.PkgUninstallComponent):
if pwd_cmd:
||||"Ensuring your database is started before we operate on it.")
user = self.cfg.get("db", "sql_user")
old_pw = self.cfg.get("passwords", 'sql')
params = {
'OLD_PASSWORD': old_pw,
'OLD_PASSWORD': self.cfg.get("passwords", 'sql'),
'USER': user,
'USER': self.cfg.getdefaulted("db", "sql_user", 'root'),
cmds = [{'cmd': pwd_cmd}]
utils.execute_template(*cmds, params=params, shell=True)
@ -135,7 +133,7 @@ class DBInstaller(comp.PkgInstallComponent):
out = {
'PASSWORD': self.cfg.get("passwords", "sql"),
'BOOT_START': ("%s" % (True)).lower(),
'USER': self.cfg.get("db", "sql_user"),
'USER': self.cfg.getdefaulted("db", "sql_user", 'root'),
'SERVICE_HOST': host_ip,
'HOST_IP': host_ip
@ -197,7 +195,7 @@ class DBInstaller(comp.PkgInstallComponent):
params = {
'NEW_PASSWORD': self.cfg.get("passwords", "sql"),
'USER': self.cfg.get("db", "sql_user"),
'USER': self.cfg.getdefaulted("db", "sql_user", 'root'),
cmds = [{'cmd': pwd_cmd}]
@ -210,7 +208,7 @@ class DBInstaller(comp.PkgInstallComponent):
if dbactions:
grant_cmd = dbactions.get('grant_all')
if grant_cmd:
user = self.cfg.get("db", "sql_user")
user = self.cfg.getdefaulted("db", "sql_user", 'root')
||||"Updating the DB to give user '%s' full control of all databases." % (user))
||||"Ensuring your database is started before we operate on it.")
@ -300,7 +298,7 @@ def drop_db(cfg, dbname):
dropcmd = dbactions.get('drop_db')
params = dict()
params['PASSWORD'] = cfg.get("passwords", "sql")
params['USER'] = cfg.get("db", "sql_user")
params['USER'] = cfg.getdefaulted("db", "sql_user", 'root')
params['DB'] = dbname
cmds = list()
@ -320,7 +318,7 @@ def create_db(cfg, dbname):
createcmd = dbactions.get('create_db')
params = dict()
params['PASSWORD'] = cfg.get("passwords", "sql")
params['USER'] = cfg.get("db", "sql_user")
params['USER'] = cfg.getdefaulted("db", "sql_user", 'root')
params['DB'] = dbname
cmds = list()
@ -225,12 +225,8 @@ class HorizonInstaller(comp.PythonInstallComponent):
def _get_apache_user_group(self):
user = self.cfg.get('horizon', 'apache_user')
if not user:
user = sh.getuser()
group = self.cfg.get('horizon', 'apache_group')
if not group:
group = sh.getgroupname()
user = self.cfg.getdefaulted('horizon', 'apache_user', sh.getuser())
group = self.cfg.getdefaulted('horizon', 'apache_group', sh.getgroupname())
return (user, group)
def _get_param_map(self, config_fn):
@ -45,6 +45,9 @@ ROOT_CONF_REAL_NAME = 'melange.conf'
CFG_LOC = ['etc', 'melange']
#sensible defaults
DEF_CIDR_RANGE = 'FE-EE-DD-00-00-00/24'
#how we sync melange with the db
{'cmd': ['%BINDIR%/melange-manage', '--config-file=%CFG_FILE%', 'db_sync']},
@ -168,5 +171,5 @@ class MelangeRuntime(comp.PythonRuntime):
||||"Waiting %s seconds so that the melange server can start up before cidr range creation." % (WAIT_ONLINE_TO))
mp = dict()
mp['CIDR_RANGE'] = self.cfg.get('melange', 'm_mac_range')
mp['CIDR_RANGE'] = self.cfg.getdefaulted('melange', 'm_mac_range', DEF_CIDR_RANGE)
utils.execute_template(*CIDR_CREATE_CMD, params=mp)
@ -402,11 +402,11 @@ class NovaInstaller(comp.PythonInstallComponent):
if config_fn == NET_INIT_CONF:
mp['NOVA_DIR'] = self.appdir
mp['CFG_FILE'] = sh.joinpths(self.cfgdir, API_CONF)
mp['FLOATING_RANGE'] = self.cfg.get('nova', 'floating_range')
mp['TEST_FLOATING_RANGE'] = self.cfg.get('nova', 'test_floating_range')
mp['TEST_FLOATING_POOL'] = self.cfg.get('nova', 'test_floating_pool')
mp['FIXED_NETWORK_SIZE'] = self.cfg.get('nova', 'fixed_network_size')
mp['FIXED_RANGE'] = self.cfg.get('nova', 'fixed_range')
mp['FLOATING_RANGE'] = self.cfg.getdefaulted('nova', 'floating_range', '')
mp['TEST_FLOATING_RANGE'] = self.cfg.getdefaulted('nova', 'test_floating_range', '')
mp['TEST_FLOATING_POOL'] = self.cfg.getdefaulted('nova', 'test_floating_pool', 'test')
mp['FIXED_NETWORK_SIZE'] = self.cfg.getdefaulted('nova', 'fixed_network_size', '256')
mp['FIXED_RANGE'] = self.cfg.getdefaulted('nova', 'fixed_range', '')
mp.update(keystone.get_shared_params(self.cfg, 'nova'))
return mp
@ -515,12 +515,9 @@ class NovaVolumeConfigurator(object):
def _setup_vol_groups(self):
||||"Attempting to setup volume groups for nova volume management.")
mp = dict()
backing_file = self.cfg.get('nova', 'volume_backing_file')
# check if we need to have a default backing file
if not backing_file:
backing_file = sh.joinpths(self.appdir, 'nova-volumes-backing-file')
vol_group = self.cfg.get('nova', 'volume_group')
backing_file_size = utils.to_bytes(self.cfg.get('nova', 'volume_backing_file_size'))
backing_file = self.cfg.getdefaulted('nova', 'volume_backing_file', sh.joinpths(self.appdir, 'nova-volumes-backing-file'))
vol_group = self.cfg.getdefaulted('nova', 'volume_group', 'nova-volumes')
backing_file_size = utils.to_bytes(self.cfg.getdefaulted('nova', 'volume_backing_file_size', '2052M'))
mp['VOLUME_GROUP'] = vol_group
mp['VOLUME_BACKING_FILE'] = backing_file
mp['VOLUME_BACKING_FILE_SIZE'] = backing_file_size
@ -676,7 +673,7 @@ class NovaConfConfigurator(object):
nova_conf.add('s3_host', hostip)
#how is your rabbit setup?
nova_conf.add('rabbit_host', self.cfg.get('default', 'rabbit_host'))
nova_conf.add('rabbit_host', self.cfg.getdefaulted('default', 'rabbit_host', hostip))
nova_conf.add('rabbit_password', self.cfg.get("passwords", "rabbit"))
#where instances will be stored
@ -782,16 +779,17 @@ class NovaConfConfigurator(object):
#TODO this might not be right....
if utils.service_enabled(settings.QUANTUM, self.instances, False):
nova_conf.add('network_manager', QUANTUM_MANAGER)
nova_conf.add('quantum_connection_host', self.cfg.get('quantum', 'q_host'))
nova_conf.add('quantum_connection_port', self.cfg.get('quantum', 'q_port'))
hostip = self.cfg.get('host', 'ip')
nova_conf.add('quantum_connection_host', self.cfg.getdefaulted('quantum', 'q_host', hostip))
nova_conf.add('quantum_connection_port', self.cfg.getdefaulted('quantum', 'q_port', '9696'))
if self.cfg.get('quantum', 'q_plugin') == 'openvswitch':
for (key, value) in QUANTUM_OPENSWITCH_OPS.items():
nova_conf.add(key, value)
if utils.service_enabled(settings.MELANGE_CLIENT, self.instances, False):
nova_conf.add('quantum_ipam_lib', QUANTUM_IPAM_LIB)
nova_conf.add('use_melange_mac_generation', True)
nova_conf.add('melange_host', self.cfg.get('melange', 'm_host'))
nova_conf.add('melange_port', self.cfg.get('melange', 'm_port'))
nova_conf.add('melange_host', self.cfg.getdefaulted('melange', 'm_host', hostip))
nova_conf.add('melange_port', self.cfg.getdefaulted('melange', 'm_port', '9898'))
nova_conf.add('network_manager', NET_MANAGER_TEMPLATE % (self._getstr('network_manager', DEF_NET_MANAGER)))
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class QuantumInstaller(comp.PkgInstallComponent):
comp.PkgInstallComponent.__init__(self, TYPE, *args, **kargs)
self.q_vswitch_agent = False
self.q_vswitch_service = False
plugin = self.cfg.get("quantum", "q_plugin")
plugin = self.cfg.getdefaulted("quantum", "q_plugin", VSWITCH_PLUGIN)
if plugin == VSWITCH_PLUGIN:
if len(self.component_opts) == 0:
#default to on if not specified
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ class QuantumInstaller(comp.PkgInstallComponent):
return comp.PkgInstallComponent._config_adjust(self, contents, config_fn)
def _setup_bridge(self):
bridge = self.cfg.get("quantum", "ovs_bridge")
bridge = self.cfg.getdefaulted("quantum", "ovs_bridge", 'br-int')
if bridge:
||||"Fixing up ovs bridge named %s.", bridge)
external_id = self.cfg.getdefaulted("quantum", 'ovs_bridge_external_name', bridge)
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ class QuantumRuntime(comp.ProgramRuntime):
comp.ProgramRuntime.__init__(self, TYPE, *args, **kargs)
self.q_vswitch_agent = False
self.q_vswitch_service = False
plugin = self.cfg.get("quantum", "q_plugin")
plugin = self.cfg.getdefaulted("quantum", "q_plugin", VSWITCH_PLUGIN)
if plugin == VSWITCH_PLUGIN:
if len(self.component_opts) == 0:
#default to on if not specified
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ WARMUP_PWS = ['service_token', 'swift_hash']
class SwiftUninstaller(comp.PythonUninstallComponent):
def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
comp.PythonUninstallComponent.__init__(self, TYPE, *args, **kargs)
self.datadir = sh.joinpths(self.appdir, self.cfg.get('swift', 'data_location'))
self.datadir = sh.joinpths(self.appdir, self.cfg.getdefaulted('swift', 'data_location', 'data'))
self.cfgdir = sh.joinpths(self.appdir, CONFIG_DIR)
self.bindir = sh.joinpths(self.appdir, BIN_DIR)
self.logdir = sh.joinpths(self.datadir, LOG_DIR)
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ class SwiftInstaller(comp.PythonInstallComponent):
comp.PythonInstallComponent.__init__(self, TYPE, *args, **kargs)
self.cfgdir = sh.joinpths(self.appdir, CONFIG_DIR)
self.bindir = sh.joinpths(self.appdir, BIN_DIR)
self.datadir = sh.joinpths(self.appdir, self.cfg.get('swift', 'data_location'))
self.datadir = sh.joinpths(self.appdir, self.cfg.getdefaulted('swift', 'data_location', 'data'))
self.logdir = sh.joinpths(self.datadir, LOG_DIR)
self.startmain_file = sh.joinpths(self.bindir, SWIFT_STARTMAIN)
self.makerings_file = sh.joinpths(self.bindir, SWIFT_MAKERINGS)
@ -121,15 +121,15 @@ class SwiftInstaller(comp.PythonInstallComponent):
def _get_param_map(self, config_fn):
return {
'USER': self.cfg.get('swift', 'swift_user'),
'GROUP': self.cfg.get('swift', 'swift_group'),
'USER': self.cfg.getdefaulted('swift', 'swift_user', sh.getuser()),
'GROUP': self.cfg.getdefaulted('swift', 'swift_group', sh.getgroupname()),
'SWIFT_DATA_LOCATION': self.datadir,
'SERVICE_TOKEN': self.cfg.get('passwords', 'service_token'),
'AUTH_SERVER': self.auth_server,
'SWIFT_HASH': self.cfg.get('passwords', 'swift_hash'),
'SWIFT_LOGDIR': self.logdir,
'SWIFT_PARTITION_POWER_SIZE': self.cfg.get('swift', 'partition_power_size'),
'SWIFT_PARTITION_POWER_SIZE': self.cfg.getdefaulted('swift', 'partition_power_size', '9'),
#leave these alone, will be adjusted later
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ class SwiftInstaller(comp.PythonInstallComponent):
class SwiftRuntime(comp.PythonRuntime):
def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
comp.PythonRuntime.__init__(self, TYPE, *args, **kargs)
self.datadir = sh.joinpths(self.appdir, self.cfg.get('swift', 'data_location'))
self.datadir = sh.joinpths(self.appdir, self.cfg.getdefaulted('swift', 'data_location', 'data'))
self.cfgdir = sh.joinpths(self.appdir, CONFIG_DIR)
self.bindir = sh.joinpths(self.appdir, BIN_DIR)
self.logdir = sh.joinpths(self.datadir, LOG_DIR)
@ -35,11 +35,13 @@ def set(key, value):
def get_key(key, default_value=None):
LOG.debug("Looking up environment variable \"%s\"" % (key))
if not key:
return default_value
LOG.debug("Looking up environment variable [%s]" % (key))
value = get().get(key)
if value is None:
LOG.debug("Could not find anything in environment variable \"%s\"" % (key))
LOG.debug("Could not find anything in environment variable [%s]" % (key))
value = default_value
LOG.debug("Found \"%s\" in environment variable \"%s\"" % (value, key))
LOG.debug("Found [%s] in environment variable [%s]" % (value, key))
return value
@ -55,17 +55,12 @@ class RcWriter(object):
escaped_val = sh.shellquote(value)
full_line = "export %s=%s" % (export_name, escaped_val)
return full_line
def _valid_value(self, value):
if not value:
return False
return True
def _make_dict_export(self, kvs):
lines = list()
for var_name in sorted(kvs.keys()):
var_value = kvs.get(var_name)
if self._valid_value(var_value):
if var_value is not None:
lines.append(self._make_export(var_name, str(var_value)))
return lines
@ -76,8 +71,8 @@ class RcWriter(object):
to_set['EC2_URL'] = self.cfg.getdefaulted('extern', 'ec2_url', ec2_url_default, auto_pw=False)
s3_url_default = urlunparse(('http', "%s:%s" % (ip, S3_PORT), "services/Cloud", '', '', ''))
to_set['S3_URL'] = self.cfg.getdefaulted('extern', 's3_url', s3_url_default, auto_pw=False)
to_set['EC2_CERT'] = self.cfg.getdefaulted('extern', 'ec2_cert_fn', '', auto_pw=False)
to_set['EC2_USER_ID'] = self.cfg.getdefaulted('extern', 'ec2_user_id', '', auto_pw=False)
to_set['EC2_CERT'] = self.cfg.get('extern', 'ec2_cert_fn', auto_pw=False)
to_set['EC2_USER_ID'] = self.cfg.get('extern', 'ec2_user_id', auto_pw=False)
return to_set
def _generate_ec2_env(self):
@ -91,7 +86,7 @@ class RcWriter(object):
to_set = dict()
for (out_name, cfg_data) in CFG_MAKE.items():
(section, key) = (cfg_data)
to_set[out_name] = self.cfg.getdefaulted(section, key, '', auto_pw=False)
to_set[out_name] = self.cfg.get(section, key, auto_pw=False)
return to_set
def _generate_general(self):
@ -125,7 +120,7 @@ class RcWriter(object):
new_vars = dict()
updated_vars = dict()
for (key, value) in possible_vars.items():
if self._valid_value(value):
if value is not None:
if key in current_vars and (current_vars.get(key) != value):
updated_vars[key] = value
elif key not in current_vars:
@ -184,7 +179,7 @@ alias ec2-upload-bundle="ec2-upload-bundle -a ${EC2_ACCESS_KEY} -s ${EC2_SECRET_
def _get_euca_envs(self):
to_set = dict()
to_set['EUCALYPTUS_CERT'] = self.cfg.getdefaulted('extern', 'nova_cert_fn', '', auto_pw=False)
to_set['EUCALYPTUS_CERT'] = self.cfg.get('extern', 'nova_cert_fn', auto_pw=False)
return to_set
def _generate_euca_env(self):
@ -196,8 +191,8 @@ alias ec2-upload-bundle="ec2-upload-bundle -a ${EC2_ACCESS_KEY} -s ${EC2_SECRET_
def _get_nova_envs(self):
to_set = dict()
to_set['NOVA_VERSION'] = self.cfg.getdefaulted('nova', 'nova_version', '', auto_pw=False)
to_set['NOVA_CERT'] = self.cfg.getdefaulted('extern', 'nova_cert_fn', '', auto_pw=False)
to_set['NOVA_VERSION'] = self.cfg.get('nova', 'nova_version', auto_pw=False)
to_set['NOVA_CERT'] = self.cfg.get('extern', 'nova_cert_fn', auto_pw=False)
return to_set
def _generate_nova_env(self):
@ -269,12 +269,11 @@ class ImageCreationService:
#extract them from the config
flat_urls = self.cfg.get('img', 'image_urls')
if flat_urls:
expanded_urls = [x.strip() for x in flat_urls.split(',')]
for url in expanded_urls:
if url:
flat_urls = self.cfg.getdefaulted('img', 'image_urls', [])
expanded_urls = [x.strip() for x in flat_urls.split(',')]
for url in expanded_urls:
if url:
LOG.warn("No image configuration keys found, skipping glance image install!")
@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ class UpstartRunner(base.RunnerBase):
params['RESPAWN'] = ""
params['SHORT_NAME'] = program_name
params['MADE_DATE'] = date.rcf8222date()
params['START_EVENT'] = self.cfg.get('upstart', 'start_event')
params['STOP_EVENT'] = self.cfg.get('upstart', 'stop_event')
params['START_EVENT'] = self.cfg.getdefaulted('upstart', 'start_event', 'all_os_start')
params['STOP_EVENT'] = self.cfg.getdefaulted('upstart', 'stop_event', 'all_os_stop')
params['COMPONENT_START_EVENT'] = self.component_name + START_EVENT_SUFFIX
params['COMPONENT_STOP_EVENT'] = self.component_name + STOP_EVENT_SUFFIX
params['PROGRAM_NAME'] = app_pth
Reference in New Issue
Block a user