# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright (C) 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from optparse import IndentedHelpFormatter from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup from devstack import log as logging from devstack import settings from devstack import shell as sh from devstack import version HELP_WIDTH = 80 DEF_OS_DIR = "openstack" LOG = logging.getLogger("devstack.opts") def _format_list(in_list): sorted_list = sorted(in_list) return "[" + ", ".join(sorted_list) + "]" def parse(): version_str = "%prog v" + version.version_string() help_formatter = IndentedHelpFormatter(width=HELP_WIDTH) parser = OptionParser(version=version_str, formatter=help_formatter) parser.add_option("-c", "--component", action="append", dest="component", help="openstack component: %s" % (_format_list(settings.COMPONENT_NAMES))) parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="append_const", const=1, dest="verbosity", default=[1], help="increase the verbose level") parser.add_option("--dryrun", action="store_true", dest="dryrun", default=False, help=("perform ACTION but do not actually run any of the commands" " that would normally complete ACTION: (default: %default)")) base_group = OptionGroup(parser, "Install & uninstall & start & stop specific options") base_group.add_option("-a", "--action", action="store", type="string", dest="action", metavar="ACTION", help="required action to perform: %s" % (_format_list(settings.ACTIONS))) default_dir = sh.joinpths(sh.gethomedir(), DEF_OS_DIR) base_group.add_option("-d", "--directory", action="store", type="string", dest="dir", metavar="DIR", default=default_dir, help=("empty root DIR for install or " "DIR with existing components for start/stop/uninstall " "(default: %default)")) base_group.add_option("-i", "--ignore-deps", action="store_false", dest="ensure_deps", help="ignore dependencies when performing ACTION") base_group.add_option("--no-prompt-passwords", action="store_false", dest="prompt_for_passwords", default=True, help="do not prompt the user for passwords", ) base_group.add_option("-e", "--ensure-deps", action="store_true", dest="ensure_deps", help="ensure dependencies when performing ACTION (default: %default)", default=True) base_group.add_option("-r", "--ref-component", action="append", dest="ref_components", metavar="COMPONENT", help="component which will not have ACTION applied but will be referenced as if it was (ACTION dependent)") parser.add_option_group(base_group) stop_un_group = OptionGroup(parser, "Uninstall & stop specific options") stop_un_group.add_option("-n", "--no-force", action="store_true", dest="force", help="stop the continuation of ACTION if basic errors occur (default: %default)", default=False) parser.add_option_group(stop_un_group) un_group = OptionGroup(parser, "Uninstall specific options") un_group.add_option("-k", "--keep-old", action="store_true", dest="keep_old", help="uninstall will keep as much of the old install as it can (default: %default)", default=False) parser.add_option_group(un_group) #extract only what we care about (options, args) = parser.parse_args() output = dict() output['components'] = options.component or list() output['dir'] = options.dir or "" output['dryrun'] = options.dryrun or False output['ref_components'] = options.ref_components or list() output['action'] = options.action or "" output['force'] = not options.force output['ignore_deps'] = not options.ensure_deps output['keep_old'] = options.keep_old output['extras'] = args output['verbosity'] = len(options.verbosity) output['prompt_for_passwords'] = options.prompt_for_passwords return output