# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright (C) 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import fileinput import getpass import grp import os import pwd import shutil import subprocess import sys import time from devstack import env from devstack import exceptions as excp from devstack import log as logging LOG = logging.getLogger("devstack.shell") ROOT_USER = "root" ROOT_USER_UID = 0 SUDO_UID = 'SUDO_UID' SUDO_GID = 'SUDO_GID' SHELL_QUOTE_REPLACERS = { "\"": "\\\"", "(": "\\(", ")": "\\)", "$": '\$', '`': '\`', } SHELL_WRAPPER = "\"%s\"" ROOT_PATH = os.sep DRYRUN_MODE = False DRY_RC = 0 DRY_STDOUT_ERR = ("", "") def set_dryrun(val): global DRYRUN_MODE if val: LOG.debug("Setting dryrun to: %s" % (True)) DRYRUN_MODE = True else: LOG.debug("Resetting dryrun to: %s" % (False)) DRYRUN_MODE = False #root context guard class Rooted(object): def __init__(self, run_as_root): self.root_mode = run_as_root self.engaged = False def __enter__(self): if self.root_mode and not got_root(): root_mode() self.engaged = True return self.engaged def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): if self.root_mode and self.engaged: user_mode() self.engaged = False def execute(*cmd, **kwargs): process_input = kwargs.pop('process_input', None) check_exit_code = kwargs.pop('check_exit_code', [0]) cwd = kwargs.pop('cwd', None) env_overrides = kwargs.pop('env_overrides', None) close_stdin = kwargs.pop('close_stdin', False) ignore_exit_code = kwargs.pop('ignore_exit_code', False) if isinstance(check_exit_code, bool): ignore_exit_code = not check_exit_code check_exit_code = [0] elif isinstance(check_exit_code, int): check_exit_code = [check_exit_code] run_as_root = kwargs.pop('run_as_root', False) shell = kwargs.pop('shell', False) execute_cmd = list() for c in cmd: execute_cmd.append(str(c)) str_cmd = " ".join(execute_cmd) if shell: execute_cmd = str_cmd.strip() if not shell: LOG.audit('Running cmd: %r' % (execute_cmd)) else: LOG.audit('Running shell cmd: %r' % (execute_cmd)) if process_input is not None: LOG.audit('With stdin: %s' % (process_input)) if cwd: LOG.audit("In working directory: %s" % (cwd)) stdin_fh = subprocess.PIPE stdout_fh = subprocess.PIPE stderr_fh = subprocess.PIPE close_file_descriptors = True if 'stdout_fh' in kwargs.keys(): stdout_fh = kwargs.get('stdout_fh') LOG.debug("Redirecting stdout to file handle: %s" % (stdout_fh)) if 'stdin_fh' in kwargs.keys(): stdin_fh = kwargs.get('stdin_fh') LOG.debug("Redirecting stdin to file handle: %s" % (stdin_fh)) process_input = None if 'stderr_fh' in kwargs.keys(): stderr_fh = kwargs.get('stderr_fh') LOG.debug("Redirecting stderr to file handle: %s" % (stderr_fh)) process_env = None if env_overrides and len(env_overrides): process_env = env.get() LOG.audit("With additional environment overrides: %s" % (env_overrides)) for (k, v) in env_overrides.items(): process_env[k] = str(v) rc = None result = None with Rooted(run_as_root): if DRYRUN_MODE: rc = DRY_RC result = DRY_STDOUT_ERR else: try: obj = subprocess.Popen(execute_cmd, stdin=stdin_fh, stdout=stdout_fh, stderr=stderr_fh, close_fds=close_file_descriptors, cwd=cwd, shell=shell, env=process_env) if process_input is not None: result = obj.communicate(str(process_input)) else: result = obj.communicate() except OSError as e: error_description = "%s: [%s, %s]" % (e.message, e.errno, e.strerror) raise excp.ProcessExecutionError(description=error_description, cmd=str_cmd) if (stdin_fh != subprocess.PIPE and obj.stdin and close_stdin): obj.stdin.close() rc = obj.returncode LOG.audit('Cmd result had exit code: %s' % rc) if not result: result = ("", "") (stdout, stderr) = result if stdout is None: stdout = '' if stderr is None: stderr = '' if (not ignore_exit_code) and (rc not in check_exit_code): raise excp.ProcessExecutionError(exit_code=rc, stdout=stdout, \ stderr=stderr, cmd=str_cmd) else: # Log it anyway if rc not in check_exit_code: LOG.debug("A failure may of just happened when running command \"%s\" [%s] (%s, %s)", \ str_cmd, rc, stdout.strip(), stderr.strip()) # Log for debugging figuring stuff out LOG.debug("Received stdout: %s" % (stdout.strip())) LOG.debug("Received stderr: %s" % (stderr.strip())) return (stdout, stderr) def abspth(path): if not path: path = ROOT_PATH if path == "~": path = gethomedir() return os.path.abspath(path) def shellquote(text): # TODO since there doesn't seem to be a standard lib that actually works use this way... do_adjust = False for srch in SHELL_QUOTE_REPLACERS.keys(): if text.find(srch) != -1: do_adjust = True break if do_adjust: for (srch, replace) in SHELL_QUOTE_REPLACERS.items(): text = text.replace(srch, replace) if do_adjust or \ text.startswith((" ", "\t")) or \ text.endswith((" ", "\t")) or \ text.find("'") != -1: text = SHELL_WRAPPER % (text) return text def listdir(path): return os.listdir(path) def isfile(fn): return os.path.isfile(fn) def isdir(path): return os.path.isdir(path) def islink(path): return os.path.islink(path) def joinpths(*paths): return os.path.join(*paths) def _get_suids(): uid = env.get_key(SUDO_UID) if uid is not None: uid = int(uid) gid = env.get_key(SUDO_GID) if gid is not None: gid = int(gid) return (uid, gid) def chown_r(path, uid, gid, run_as_root=True): with Rooted(run_as_root): if isdir(path): LOG.audit("Changing ownership of %s to %s:%s" % (path, uid, gid)) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): os.chown(root, uid, gid) LOG.audit("Changing ownership of %s to %s:%s" % (root, uid, gid)) for d in dirs: os.chown(joinpths(root, d), uid, gid) LOG.audit("Changing ownership of %s to %s:%s" % (joinpths(root, d), uid, gid)) for f in files: os.chown(joinpths(root, f), uid, gid) LOG.audit("Changing ownership of %s to %s:%s" % (joinpths(root, f), uid, gid)) def _explode_path(path): parts = list() path = abspth(path) while path != ROOT_PATH and path: (path, name) = os.path.split(path) parts.append(name) parts.reverse() return parts def _explode_form_path(path): ret_paths = list() ret_paths.append(ROOT_PATH) ex_path = _explode_path(path) for i in range(len(ex_path)): to_make = [ROOT_PATH] + ex_path[0:i] + [ex_path[i]] ret_paths.append(joinpths(*to_make)) return ret_paths def in_terminal(check_both=False): if check_both: return sys.stdout.isatty() and sys.stderr.isatty() else: return sys.stdout.isatty() def remove_parents(child_path, paths): if not paths: return list() cleaned_paths = [abspth(p) for p in paths] cleaned_child_path = abspth(child_path) LOG.audit("Removing parents of [%s] from input [%s]" % (cleaned_child_path, ",".join(cleaned_paths))) to_check_paths = [_explode_path(p) for p in cleaned_paths] check_path = _explode_path(cleaned_child_path) new_paths = list() for p in to_check_paths: if _array_begins_with(p, check_path): pass else: new_paths.append(p) ret_paths = list() for p in new_paths: ret_paths.append(abspth(os.sep + os.sep.join(p))) LOG.debug("Removal resulted in [%s]", ",".join(ret_paths)) return ret_paths def _array_begins_with(haystack, needle): if len(haystack) > len(needle): return False for i in range(len(haystack)): if haystack[i] != needle[i]: return False return True def mkdirslist(path): LOG.debug("Determining potential paths to create for target path \"%s\"" % (path)) dirs_possible = _explode_form_path(path) dirs_made = list() for check_path in dirs_possible: if not isdir(check_path): mkdir(check_path, False) dirs_made.append(check_path) return dirs_made def append_file(fn, text, flush=True, quiet=False): if not quiet: LOG.audit("Appending to file %s (%d bytes) (flush=%s)", fn, len(text), flush) LOG.audit(">> %s" % (text)) if not DRYRUN_MODE: with open(fn, "a") as f: f.write(text) if flush: f.flush() return fn def write_file(fn, text, flush=True, quiet=False): if not quiet: LOG.audit("Writing to file %s (%d bytes) (flush=%s)", fn, len(text), flush) LOG.audit("> %s" % (text)) if not DRYRUN_MODE: with open(fn, "w") as f: f.write(text) if flush: f.flush() return fn def touch_file(fn, die_if_there=True, quiet=False, file_size=0): if not isfile(fn): if not quiet: LOG.audit("Touching and truncating file %s (truncate size=%s)", fn, file_size) if not DRYRUN_MODE: with open(fn, "w") as f: f.truncate(file_size) else: if die_if_there: msg = "Can not touch & truncate file %s since it already exists" % (fn) raise excp.FileException(msg) return fn def load_file(fn, quiet=False): if not quiet: LOG.audit("Loading data from file %s", fn) data = "" if not DRYRUN_MODE: with open(fn, "r") as f: data = f.read() if not quiet: LOG.audit("Loaded (%d) bytes from file %s", len(data), fn) return data def mkdir(path, recurse=True): if not isdir(path): if recurse: LOG.audit("Recursively creating directory \"%s\"" % (path)) if not DRYRUN_MODE: os.makedirs(path) else: LOG.audit("Creating directory \"%s\"" % (path)) if not DRYRUN_MODE: os.mkdir(path) def deldir(path, run_as_root=False): with Rooted(run_as_root): if isdir(path): LOG.audit("Recursively deleting directory tree starting at \"%s\"" % (path)) if not DRYRUN_MODE: shutil.rmtree(path) def rmdir(path, quiet=True, run_as_root=False): if not isdir(path): return try: with Rooted(run_as_root): LOG.audit("Deleting directory \"%s\" with the cavet that we will fail if it's not empty." % (path)) if not DRYRUN_MODE: os.rmdir(path) LOG.audit("Deleted directory \"%s\"" % (path)) except OSError: if not quiet: raise else: pass def symlink(source, link, force=True, run_as_root=True): with Rooted(run_as_root): LOG.audit("Creating symlink from %s => %s" % (link, source)) path = dirname(link) needed_pths = mkdirslist(path) if not DRYRUN_MODE: if force and (exists(link) or islink(link)): unlink(link, True) os.symlink(source, link) return needed_pths def exists(path): return os.path.exists(path) def basename(path): return os.path.basename(path) def dirname(path): return os.path.dirname(path) def canon_path(path): return os.path.realpath(path) def prompt(prompt_str): return raw_input(prompt_str) def user_exists(username): all_users = pwd.getpwall() for info in all_users: if info.pw_name == username: return True return False def group_exists(grpname): all_grps = grp.getgrall() for info in all_grps: if info.gr_name == grpname: return True return False def getuser(): (uid, _) = _get_suids() if uid is None: return getpass.getuser() return pwd.getpwuid(uid).pw_name def getuid(username): return pwd.getpwnam(username).pw_uid def gethomedir(): return os.path.expanduser("~") def getgid(groupname): return grp.getgrnam(groupname).gr_gid def getgroupname(): (_, gid) = _get_suids() if gid is None: return os.getgid() else: return grp.getgrgid(gid).gr_name def create_loopback_file(fname, size, bsize=1024, fs_type='ext3', run_as_root=False): dd_cmd = ['dd', 'if=/dev/zero', 'of=%s' % fname, 'bs=%d' % bsize, 'count=0', 'seek=%d' % size] mkfs_cmd = ['mkfs.%s' % fs_type, '-f', '-i', 'size=%d' % bsize, fname] # Make sure folder exists files = mkdirslist(dirname(fname)) # Create file touch_file(fname) # Fill with zeroes execute(*dd_cmd, run_as_root=run_as_root) # Create fs on the file execute(*mkfs_cmd, run_as_root=run_as_root) return files def mount_loopback_file(fname, device_name, fs_type='ext3'): mount_cmd = ['mount', '-t', fs_type, '-o', 'loop,noatime,nodiratime,nobarrier,logbufs=8', fname, device_name] files = mkdirslist(device_name) execute(*mount_cmd, run_as_root=True) return files def umount(dev_name, ignore_errors=True): try: execute('umount', dev_name, run_as_root=True) except excp.ProcessExecutionError: if not ignore_errors: raise else: pass def unlink(path, ignore_errors=True, run_as_root=False): LOG.audit("Unlinking (removing) %s" % (path)) if not DRYRUN_MODE: try: with Rooted(run_as_root): os.unlink(path) except OSError: if not ignore_errors: raise else: pass def move(src, dst): LOG.audit("Moving: %s => %s" % (src, dst)) if not DRYRUN_MODE: shutil.move(src, dst) return dst def chmod(fname, mode): LOG.audit("Applying chmod: %s to %o" % (fname, mode)) if not DRYRUN_MODE: os.chmod(fname, mode) return fname def replace_in(fn, search, replace, run_as_root=False): with Rooted(run_as_root): contents = load_file(fn) def replacer(match): return replace (contents, num_changed) = search.subn(replacer, contents) if num_changed: write_file(fn, contents) def copy_replace_file(fsrc, fdst, linemap): files = mkdirslist(dirname(fdst)) LOG.audit("Copying and replacing file: %s => %s" % (fsrc, fdst)) if not DRYRUN_MODE: with open(fdst, 'w') as fh: for line in fileinput.input(fsrc): for (k, v) in linemap.items(): line = line.replace(k, v) fh.write(line) return files def got_root(): return os.geteuid() == ROOT_USER_UID def root_mode(quiet=True): root_uid = getuid(ROOT_USER) root_gid = getgid(ROOT_USER) if root_uid is None or root_gid is None: msg = "Cannot escalate permissions to (user=%s) - does that user exist??" % (ROOT_USER) if quiet: LOG.warn(msg) else: raise excp.StackException(msg) else: try: LOG.debug("Escalating permissions to (user=%s, group=%s)" % (root_uid, root_gid)) os.setreuid(0, root_uid) os.setregid(0, root_gid) except OSError: if quiet: LOG.warn("Cannot escalate permissions to (user=%s, group=%s)" % (root_uid, root_gid)) else: raise def user_mode(quiet=True): (sudo_uid, sudo_gid) = _get_suids() if sudo_uid is not None and sudo_gid is not None: try: LOG.debug("Dropping permissions to (user=%s, group=%s)" % (sudo_uid, sudo_gid)) os.setregid(0, sudo_gid) os.setreuid(0, sudo_uid) except OSError: if quiet: LOG.warn("Cannot drop permissions to (user=%s, group=%s)" % (sudo_uid, sudo_gid)) else: raise else: msg = "Can not switch to user mode, no suid user id or group id" if quiet: LOG.warn(msg) else: raise excp.StackException(msg) def geteuid(): return os.geteuid() def getegid(): return os.getegid() def sleep(winks): if DRYRUN_MODE: LOG.audit("Not really sleeping for: %s seconds" % (winks)) else: time.sleep(winks)