# Settings for component general --- ip: "$(auto:ip)" # How many seconds to wait until a service comes online before using it. # For example, before uploading to glance we need keystone and glance to be online. # Sometimes this takes 5 to 10 seconds to start these up.... service_wait_seconds: 5 # Needed for setting up your database db: type: "$(db:type)" user: "$(db:user)" host: "$(db:host)" port: "$(db:port)" # Interactions with keystone are via the following settings keystone: auth_host: "$(keystone:auth_host)" auth_port: "$(keystone:auth_port)" auth_proto: "$(keystone:auth_proto)" service_host: "$(keystone:service_host)" service_port: "$(keystone:service_port)" service_proto: "$(keystone:service_proto)" # Rabbit mq hookins rabbit: user_id: "$(rabbit-mq:user_id)" host: "$(rabbit-mq:host)" # Qpid mq hookins qpid: user_id: "$(qpid:user_id)" host: "$(qpid:host)" # This is needed to allow installs based on personas wanted_passwords: service_token: 'service admin token' admin_password: 'keystone admin user' service_password: 'service authentication password' sql: "database user" ...