# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright (C) 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import ConfigParser import json import os import tarfile import tempfile import urllib import urllib2 from devstack import log from devstack import shell from devstack import utils from devstack.components import keystone LOG = log.getLogger("devstack.image.creator") class Image(object): KERNEL_FORMAT = ['glance', 'add', '-A', '%TOKEN%', '--silent-upload', \ 'name="%IMAGE_NAME%-kernel"', 'is_public=true', 'container_format=aki', \ 'disk_format=aki'] INITRD_FORMAT = ['glance', 'add', '-A', '%TOKEN%', '--silent-upload', \ 'name="%IMAGE_NAME%-ramdisk"', 'is_public=true', 'container_format=ari', \ 'disk_format=ari'] IMAGE_FORMAT = ['glance', 'add', '-A', '%TOKEN%', '--silent-upload', 'name="%IMAGE_NAME%.img"', 'is_public=true', 'container_format=ami', 'disk_format=ami', \ 'kernel_id=%KERNEL_ID%', 'ramdisk_id=%INITRD_ID%'] REPORTSIZE = 10485760 tmpdir = tempfile.gettempdir() def __init__(self, url, token): self.url = url self.token = token self.download_name = url.split('/')[-1].lower() self.download_file_name = shell.joinpths(Image.tmpdir, self.download_name) self.image_name = None self.image = None self.kernel = None self.kernel_id = '' self.initrd = None self.initrd_id = '' self.tmp_folder = None self.registry = ImageRegistry(token) self.last_report = 0 def _format_progress(self, curr_size, total_size): if curr_size > total_size: curr_size = total_size progress = ("%d" % (curr_size)) + "b" progress += "/" progress += ("%d" % (total_size)) + "b" perc_done = "%.02f" % (((curr_size) / (float(total_size)) * 100.0)) + "%" return "[%s](%s)" % (progress, perc_done) def _report(self, blocks, block_size, size): downloaded = blocks * block_size if (downloaded - self.last_report) > Image.REPORTSIZE: progress = self._format_progress((blocks * block_size), size) LOG.info('Download progress: %s', progress) self.last_report = downloaded def _download(self): LOG.info('Downloading %s to %s', self.url, self.download_file_name) urllib.urlretrieve(self.url, self.download_file_name, self._report) def _unpack(self): parts = self.download_name.split('.') if self.download_name.endswith('.tgz') \ or self.download_name.endswith('.tar.gz'): LOG.info('Extracting %s', self.download_file_name) self.image_name = self.download_name\ .replace('.tgz', '').replace('.tar.gz', '') self.tmp_folder = shell.joinpths(Image.tmpdir, parts[0]) shell.mkdir(self.tmp_folder) tar = tarfile.open(self.download_file_name) tar.extractall(self.tmp_folder) for file_ in shell.listdir(self.tmp_folder): if file_.find('vmlinuz') != -1: self.kernel = shell.joinpths(self.tmp_folder, file_) elif file_.find('initrd') != -1: self.initrd = shell.joinpths(self.tmp_folder, file_) elif file_.endswith('.img'): self.image = shell.joinpths(self.tmp_folder, file_) else: pass elif self.download_name.endswith('.img') \ or self.download_name.endswith('.img.gz'): self.image_name = self.download_name.split('.img')[0] self.image = self.download_file_name else: raise IOError('Unknown image format for download %s' % (self.download_name)) def _register(self): if self.kernel: LOG.info('Adding kernel %s to glance.', self.kernel) params = {'TOKEN': self.token, 'IMAGE_NAME': self.image_name} cmd = {'cmd': Image.KERNEL_FORMAT} with open(self.kernel) as file_: res = utils.execute_template(cmd, params=params, stdin_fh=file_, close_stdin=True) self.kernel_id = res[0][0].split(':')[1].strip() if self.initrd: LOG.info('Adding ramdisk %s to glance.', self.initrd) params = {'TOKEN': self.token, 'IMAGE_NAME': self.image_name} cmd = {'cmd': Image.INITRD_FORMAT} with open(self.initrd) as file_: res = utils.execute_template(cmd, params=params, stdin_fh=file_, close_stdin=True) self.initrd_id = res[0][0].split(':')[1].strip() LOG.info('Adding image %s to glance.', self.image_name) params = {'TOKEN': self.token, 'IMAGE_NAME': self.image_name, \ 'KERNEL_ID': self.kernel_id, 'INITRD_ID': self.initrd_id} cmd = {'cmd': Image.IMAGE_FORMAT} with open(self.image) as file_: utils.execute_template(cmd, params=params, stdin_fh=file_, close_stdin=True) def _cleanup(self): if self.tmp_folder: shell.deldir(self.tmp_folder) shell.unlink(self.download_file_name) def _generate_image_name(self, name): return name.replace('.tar.gz', '.img').replace('.tgz', '.img')\ .replace('.img.gz', '.img') def install(self): possible_name = self._generate_image_name(self.download_name) if not self.registry.has_image(possible_name): try: self._download() self._unpack() if not self.registry.has_image(self.image_name + '.img'): self._register() finally: self._cleanup() else: LOG.warn("You already seem to have image named [%s], skipping that install..." % (possible_name)) class ImageRegistry: CMD = ['glance', '-A', '%TOKEN%', 'details'] def __init__(self, token): self._token = token self._info = {} self._load() def _parse(self, text): current = {} for line in text.split(os.linesep): if not line: continue if line.startswith("==="): if 'id' in current: id_ = current['id'] del(current['id']) self._info[id_] = current current = {} else: l = line.split(':', 1) current[l[0].strip().lower()] = l[1].strip().replace('"', '') def _load(self): LOG.info('Loading current glance image information.') params = {'TOKEN': self._token} cmd = {'cmd': ImageRegistry.CMD} res = utils.execute_template(cmd, params=params) self._parse(res[0][0]) def has_image(self, image): return image in self.get_image_names() def get_image_names(self): return [self._info[k]['name'] for k in self._info.keys()] def __getitem__(self, id_): return self._info[id_] class ImageCreationService: def __init__(self, cfg): self.cfg = cfg def _get_token(self): LOG.info("Fetching your keystone admin token so that we can perform image uploads.") key_params = keystone.get_shared_params(self.cfg) keystone_service_url = key_params['SERVICE_ENDPOINT'] keystone_token_url = "%s/tokens" % (keystone_service_url) # form the post json data data = json.dumps( { "auth": { "passwordCredentials": { "username": key_params['ADMIN_USER_NAME'], "password": key_params['ADMIN_PASSWORD'], }, "tenantName": key_params['ADMIN_TENANT_NAME'], } }) # prepare the request request = urllib2.Request(keystone_token_url) # post body request.add_data(data) # content type request.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') # make the request LOG.info("Getting your token from url [%s], please wait..." % (keystone_token_url)) LOG.debug("With post json data %s" % (data)) response = urllib2.urlopen(request) token = json.loads(response.read()) if (not token or not type(token) is dict or not token.get('access') or not type(token.get('access')) is dict or not token.get('access').get('token') or not type(token.get('access').get('token')) is dict or not token.get('access').get('token').get('id')): msg = "Response from url [%s] did not match expected json format." % (keystone_token_url) raise IOError(msg) #basic checks passed, extract it! tok = token['access']['token']['id'] LOG.debug("Got token %s" % (tok)) return tok def install(self): urls = list() token = None LOG.info("Setting up any specified images in glance.") #extract them from the config try: flat_urls = self.cfg.get('img', 'image_urls') if flat_urls: expanded_urls = [x.strip() for x in flat_urls.split(',')] for url in expanded_urls: if url: urls.append(url) except(ConfigParser.Error): LOG.warn("No image configuration keys found, skipping glance image install!") #install them in glance am_installed = 0 if urls: LOG.info("Attempting to download & extract and upload (%s) images." % (", ".join(urls))) token = self._get_token() for url in urls: try: Image(url, token).install() am_installed += 1 except (IOError, tarfile.TarError): LOG.exception('Installing "%s" failed', url) return am_installed