# Devstack2 local configuration # When a value looks like a bash variable + default then it is parsed like a bash # variable and will perform similar lookups. Ie ${SQL_HOST:-localhost} will # look in environment variable SQL_HOST and if that does not exist then # localhost will be used instead. # # We also allow for simple referencing of other variables, similar to bash # variables to occur when a keys value like the following format are found: # # web_host = ${RUNNING_HOST:-http://$(X:Y)} # # For this example, the RUNNING_HOST enviroment variable will be referenced. # If it is not found (no value exists), then "http://$(X:Y)" will be # examined and found to be contain a expression (denoted by "$(X:Y)"). # # Then in that expression there are components of the format "X:Y" which the # configuration class will attempt to resolve those values by looking up in the # configuration file for a value in section "X" with option "Y" and replacing the # retrieved value for what was previously "$(X:Y)". Multiple of these "expressions" # are allowed and each will have its expression "text" replaced with the resolved # value before the final value for the original variable is determined. # # For this example if the section X with option Y contained value "" then # the final string would be "" which would then be cached as the value # for option web_host. [default] # Where is rabbit located? rabbit_host = ${RABBIT_HOST:-$(host:ip)} # Sys log enabled or not syslog = 0 # Which run type to use [fork, upstart (WIP), screen (?)] run_type = fork # These flags are used for starting components under upstart [upstart] respawn = 1 start_event = nova_start stop_event = nova_stop [host] # Set api host endpoint # If this is empty in code we will try to determine your network ip. ip = ${HOST_IP:-} [db] # Where you db is located at and how to access it. sql_host = ${SQL_HOST:-localhost} sql_user = ${SQL_USER:-root} port = ${SQL_PORT:-3306} # What type of database is this? type = ${SQL_TYPE:-mysql} [keystone] # Where is the keystone auth host at? keystone_auth_host = ${KEYSTONE_AUTH_HOST:-$(host:ip)} keystone_auth_port = ${KEYSTONE_AUTH_PORT:-35357} keystone_auth_protocol = ${KEYSTONE_AUTH_PROTOCOL:-http} # Where is the keystone service host at? keystone_service_host = ${KEYSTONE_SERVICE_HOST:-$(host:ip)} keystone_service_port = ${KEYSTONE_SERVICE_PORT:-5000} keystone_service_protocol = ${KEYSTONE_SERVICE_PROTOCOL:-http} # User names (used in init script) invisible_user = invisible_to_admin demo_user = ${KEYSTONE_DEMO_USER:-demo} admin_user = ${KEYSTONE_ADMIN_USER:-admin} # The above user names are also the tenant names. # # Nova original used project_id as the *account* that owned resources (servers, # ip address, ...) With the addition of Keystone we have standardized on the # term **tenant** as the entity that owns the resources. [nova] # Should nova be in verbose mode? verbose = ${NOVA_VERBOSE:-1} logdir = ${NOVA_LOGDIR:-/var/log/nova} # Allow the admin api to be accessible? allow_admin_api = 1 # Currently novaclient needs you to specify the *compute api* version. nova_version = ${NOVA_VERSION:-1.1} # Which scheduler will nova be running with? # SimpleScheduler should work in most cases unless you are working on multi-zone mode. scheduler = ${NOVA_SCHEDULER:-nova.scheduler.simple.SimpleScheduler} # Network settings # Very useful to read over: # http://docs.openstack.org/cactus/openstack-compute/admin/content/configuring-networking-on-the-compute-node.html fixed_range = ${NOVA_FIXED_RANGE:-} fixed_network_size = ${NOVA_FIXED_NETWORK_SIZE:-256} network_manager = ${NET_MAN:-FlatDHCPManager} public_interface = ${PUBLIC_INTERFACE:-eth0} # DHCP Warning: If your flat interface device uses DHCP, there will be a hiccup while the network # is moved from the flat interface to the flat network bridge. This will happen when you launch # your first instance. Upon launch you will lose all connectivity to the node, and the vm launch will probably fail. # # If you are running on a single node and don't need to access the VMs from devices other than # that node, you can set the flat interface to the same value as FLAT_NETWORK_BRIDGE. This will stop the network hiccup from occurring. flat_interface = ${FLAT_INTERFACE:-eth0} vlan_interface = ${VLAN_INTERFACE:-$(nova:public_interface)} flat_network_bridge = ${FLAT_NETWORK_BRIDGE:-br100} # Test floating pool and range are used for testing. # They are defined here until the admin APIs can replace nova-manage floating_range = ${FLOATING_RANGE:-} test_floating_pool = ${TEST_FLOATING_POOL:-test} test_floating_range = ${TEST_FLOATING_RANGE:-} # TODO document these vncproxy_url = ${VNCPROXY_URL:-http://$(host:ip):6080/vnc_auto.html} xvpvncproxy_url = ${XVPVNCPROXY_URL:-http://$(host:ip):6081/console} vncserver_listen = ${VNCSERVER_LISTEN:-} vncserver_proxyclient_address = ${VNCSERVER_PROXYCLIENT_ADDRESS:-} ec2_dmz_host = ${EC2_DMZ_HOST:-$(host:ip)} libvirt_firewall_driver = nova.virt.libvirt.firewall.IptablesFirewallDriver # Volume settings volume_group = ${VOLUME_GROUP:-nova-volumes} volume_backing_file = ${VOLUME_BACKING_FILE:-} volume_backing_file_size =${VOLUME_BACKING_FILE_SIZE:-2052M} volume_name_prefix = ${VOLUME_NAME_PREFIX:-volume-} volume_name_postfix = ${VOLUME_NAME_POSTFIX:-%08x} # How instances will be named instance_name_prefix = ${INSTANCE_NAME_PREFIX:-instance-} instance_name_postfix = ${INSTANCE_NAME_POSTFIX:-%08x} # Where instances will be stored instances_path = ${INSTANCES_PATH:-} # Are we setup in multihost mode? # Multi-host is a mode where each compute node runs its own network node. # This allows network operations and routing for a VM to occur on the server that is running the VM - removing a SPOF and bandwidth bottleneck. multi_host = ${MULTI_HOST:-0} # Virtualization settings virt_driver = ${VIRT_DRIVER:-libvirt} libvirt_type = ${LIBVIRT_TYPE:-kvm} # What type of image service will be used? img_service = ${IMG_SERVICE:-nova.image.glance.GlanceImageService} glance_server = ${GLANCE_SERVER:-$(host:ip):9292} # Used however you want - ensure you know nova's conf file format if you use this! extra_flags = ${NOVA_EXTRA_FLAGS:-} # Xen server/api settings xa_connection_url = xa_connection_username = root xs_firewall_driver = nova.virt.firewall.IptablesFirewallDriver xs_flat_interface = eth1 xs_flat_network_bridge = xapi1 [extern] # Set the ec2 url so euca2ools works # Typically like http://localhost:8773/services/Cloud # If blank we will generate this. ec2_url = ${EC2_URL:-http://$(host:ip):8773/services/Cloud} # Set the s3 url so euca2ools works # Typically like http://localhost:3333/services/Cloud # If blank we will generate this. s3_url = ${S3_URL:-http://$(host:ip):3333/services/Cloud} # Not used (currently)?? ec2_user_id = 42 ec2_cert_fn = ~/cert.pm # Not used (currently)?? nova_cert_fn = ~/cert.pm [git] # Compute service git repo nova_repo = git://github.com/openstack/nova.git nova_branch = master # Storage service git repo swift_repo = git://github.com/openstack/swift.git swift_branch = master # Swift and keystone integration git repo swift_keystone_repo = git://github.com/cloudbuilders/swift-keystone2.git swift_keystone_branch = master # Image catalog service git repo glance_repo = git://github.com/openstack/glance.git glance_branch = master # Unified auth system (manages accounts/tokens) git repo keystone_repo = git://github.com/openstack/keystone.git keystone_branch = master # A websockets/html5 or flash powered VNC console for vm instances novnc_repo = git://github.com/cloudbuilders/noVNC.git novnc_branch = master # Django powered web control panel for openstack horizon_repo = git://github.com/openstack/horizon.git horizon_branch = master # Python keystone client library to nova that horizon uses keystoneclient_repo = git://github.com/openstack/python-keystoneclient.git keystoneclient_branch = master # Python client library to nova that horizon (and others) use novaclient_repo = git://github.com/openstack/python-novaclient.git novaclient_branch = master # Quantum service git repo quantum_repo = git://github.com/openstack/quantum.git quantum_branch = master # Quantum client git repo quantum_client_repo = git://github.com/openstack/python-quantumclient.git quantum_client_branch = master # Melange service melange_repo = git://github.com/openstack/melange.git melange_branch = master # Python melange client library melangeclient_repo = git://github.com/openstack/python-melangeclient.git melangeclient_branch = master [melange] # Default Melange Port m_port = ${M_PORT:-9898} # Default Melange Host m_host = ${M_HOST:-$(host:ip)} # Melange MAC Address Range m_mac_range = ${M_MAC_RANGE:-404040/24} [quantum] # Where your quantum host is at q_host = ${Q_HOST:-$(host:ip)} # Which port your quantum host is at q_port = ${Q_PORT:-9696} # Which type of quantum plugin you will be using q_plugin = ${Q_PLUGIN:-openvswitch} # Default OVS bridge name ovs_bridge = br-int # OVS bridge external name ovs_bridge_external_name = br-int [horizon] # What user will apache be serving from. # # Root will typically not work (for apache on most distros) # sudo adduser then sudo adduser admin will be what you want to set this up (in ubuntu) # I typically use user "horizon" for ubuntu and the runtime user (who will have sudo access) for RHEL. # If blank the currently executing user will be used. apache_user = ${APACHE_USER:-} # This is the group of the previous user (adjust as needed) apache_group = ${APACHE_GROUP:-$(horizon:apache_user)} # Port horizon should run on port = ${HORIZON_PORT:-80} [swift] # By default the location of swift drives and objects is located inside the swift source directory. # SWIFT_DATA_LOCATION variable allow you to redefine this. data_location = ${SWIFT_DATA_LOCATION:-data} # TBD swift_user = ${SWIFT_USER:-root} # TBD swift_group = ${SWIFT_GROUP:-$(swift:swift_user)} # We will create a loop-back disk formatted as XFS to store the swift data. # By default the disk size is 1 gigabyte. The variable SWIFT_LOOPBACK_DISK_SIZE # specified in bytes allow you to change that. loopback_disk_size = ${SWIFT_LOOPBACK_DISK_SIZE:-1G} # The ring uses a configurable number of bits from a path’s MD5 hash as a # partition index that designates a device. The number of bits kept from the # hash is known as the partition power, and 2 to the partition power indicates # the partition count. Partitioning the full MD5 hash ring allows other parts # of the cluster to work in batches of items at once which ends up either more # efficient or at least less complex than working with each item separately or # the entire cluster all at once. By default we define 9 for the partition count (which mean 512). partition_power_size = ${SWIFT_PARTITION_POWER_SIZE:-9} [img] # Specify a comma-separated list of uec images to download and install into glance. # supported urls here are: # # * "uec-style" images: # If the file ends in .tar.gz, uncompress the tarball and and select the first # .img file inside it as the image. If present, use "*-vmlinuz*" as the kernel # and "*-initrd*" as the ramdisk # example: http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/oneiric/release/ubuntu-11.10-server-cloudimg-amd64.tar.gz # * disk image (*.img,*.img.gz) # if file ends in .img, then it will be uploaded and registered as a to # glance as a disk image. If it ends in .gz, it is uncompressed first. # example: # http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/oneiric/release/ubuntu-11.10-server-cloudimg-armel-disk1.img # http://launchpad.net/cirros/trunk/0.3.0/+download/cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-rootfs.img.gz # old ttylinux-uec image #image_urls="http://smoser.brickies.net/ubuntu/ttylinux-uec/ttylinux-uec-amd64-11.2_2.6.35-15_1.tar.gz" # cirros full disk image #image_urls="http://launchpad.net/cirros/trunk/0.3.0/+download/cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-disk.img" # uec style cirros image image_urls = http://launchpad.net/cirros/trunk/0.3.0/+download/cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-uec.tar.gz, http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/oneiric/current/oneiric-server-cloudimg-amd64.tar.gz [passwords] # This section is where passwords could be stored. This section also has special meaning # in code in that the configuration class we use will look in this section for passwords # and if no password is found (ie an empty string) then the user will be prompted to enter # a password, if they do not enter one (or its blank) then one will be generated for the user. # # *You can set the enviroment variable "PASS_ASK" to 1 to not be prompted at all.* # You will need to send the same MYSQL_PASSWORD to every host if you are doing a multi-node devstack installation. sql = ${MYSQL_PASSWORD:-} # Change the rabbit password since the default is "guest" rabbit = ${RABBIT_PASSWORD:-} # This password will be used by horizon and keystone as the admin password horizon_keystone_admin = ${ADMIN_PASSWORD:-} # Openstack components need to have an admin token to validate user tokens. service_token = ${SERVICE_TOKEN:-} # The xen api connection password xenapi_connection = ${XENAPI_CONNECTION:-} # swift_hash is a random unique string for a swift cluster that can never change. swift_hash = ${SWIFT_HASH:-}