#!/bin/bash if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo "This script must be run as root!" 1>&2 exit 1 fi shopt -s nocasematch ARGS="$@" VER=$(python -c "from anvil import version; print version.version_string()") PWD=`pwd` BOOT_FN=".anvil_bootstrapped" BOOT_FILES="${PWD}/$BOOT_FN" if [ -n "$SUDO_USER" ]; then USER_HOME=$(getent passwd $SUDO_USER | cut -d: -f6) if [ -n "$USER_HOME" ]; then BOOT_FILES="${BOOT_FILES} ${USER_HOME}/$BOOT_FN" fi fi BOOT_FILES="${BOOT_FILES} ${HOME}/$BOOT_FN" has_bootstrapped() { for i in $BOOT_FILES; do if [ -f $i ]; then contents=`cat $i` if [ "$contents" == "$VER" ]; then return 0 fi fi done return 1 } bootstrap_rh() { echo "Bootstrapping RHEL: $1" echo "Please wait..." echo "Installing node.js yum repository configuration." cat > "/etc/yum.repos.d/epel-nodejs.repo" <\s*epel.*.rpm\s*<" | grep -io "epel.*.rpm") if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return 1 fi if [ ! -f "/tmp/$EPEL_RPM" ]; then echo "Downloading $EPEL_RPM." wget -q -O "/tmp/$EPEL_RPM" "http://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora-epel/6/i386/$EPEL_RPM" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return 1 fi fi echo "Installing /tmp/$EPEL_RPM." rpm -i --replacepkgs "/tmp/$EPEL_RPM" 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return 1 fi echo "Installing needed distribution dependencies:" yum install -y -q gcc git pylint python python-netifaces python-pep8 python-cheetah \ python-pip python-progressbar PyYAML python-ordereddict 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return 1 fi echo "Installing needed pypi dependencies:" pip-python install -U -I termcolor iniparse if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return 1 fi return 0 } bootstrap_ub() { echo "Bootstrapping Ubuntu: $1" echo "Please wait..." echo "Installing needed distribution dependencies:" apt-get install -y gcc git pep8 pylint python python-dev \ python-iniparse python-pip python-progressbar python-yaml python-cheetah if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return 1 fi echo "Installing needed pypi dependencies:" pip install -U -I netifaces termcolor if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return 1 fi return 0 } load_rc_files() { for i in `ls *.rc 2>/dev/null`; do if [ -f "$i" ]; then source "$i" fi done } run_smithy() { load_rc_files PYTHON=`which python` exec $PYTHON anvil $ARGS } puke() { if [[ "$FORCE" == "yes" ]]; then run_smithy else echo "To run anyway set FORCE=yes and rerun." exit 1 fi } has_bootstrapped if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then run_smithy fi TYPE=$(lsb_release -d | cut -f 2) if [[ "$TYPE" =~ "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server" ]]; then RH_VER=$(lsb_release -r | cut -f 2) BC_OK=$(echo "$RH_VER < 6" | bc) if [ "$BC_OK" == "1" ]; then echo "This script must be ran on RHEL 6.0+ and not RHEL $RH_VER." puke fi bootstrap_rh $RH_VER if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then for i in $BOOT_FILES; do echo "$VER" > $i done run_smithy else echo "Bootstrapping RHEL $RH_VER failed." exit 1 fi elif [[ "$TYPE" =~ "Ubuntu" ]]; then UB_VER=$(lsb_release -r | cut -f 2) BC_OK=$(echo "$UB_VER < 11.10" | bc) if [ "$BC_OK" == "1" ]; then echo "This script must be ran on Ubuntu 11.10+ and not Ubuntu $UB_VER." puke fi bootstrap_ub $UB_VER if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then for i in $BOOT_FILES; do echo "$VER" > $i done run_smithy else echo "Bootstrapping Ubuntu $UB_VER failed." exit 1 fi else echo "Anvil has not been tested on distribution '$TYPE'" puke fi