#!/bin/bash locale -a | grep -q -e "^en_US$" && export LANG="en_US" shopt -s nocasematch SMITHY_NAME=$(readlink -f "$0") cd "$(dirname "$0")" VERBOSE="${VERBOSE:-0}" PY2RPM_CMD="$PWD/tools/py2rpm" YUMFIND_CMD="$PWD/tools/yumfind" PIPDOWNLOAD_CMD="$PWD/tools/pip-download" YUM_OPTS="--assumeyes --nogpgcheck" RPM_OPTS="" CURL_OPTS="" # Colors supported?? COLOR_SUPPORT=`tput colors` if [ $COLOR_SUPPORT -ge 8 ]; then ESC_SEQ="\x1b[" COL_RESET=$ESC_SEQ"39;49;00m" COL_GREEN=$ESC_SEQ"32;01m" COL_RED=$ESC_SEQ"31;01m" COL_YELLOW=$ESC_SEQ"33;01m" else ESC_SEQ="" COL_RESET="" COL_GREEN="" COL_RED="" COL_YELLOW="" fi if [ "$VERBOSE" == "0" ]; then YUM_OPTS="$YUM_OPTS -q" RPM_OPTS="-q" CURL_OPTS="-s" fi # Source in our variables (or overrides) source ".anvilrc" if [ -n "$SUDO_USER" ]; then USER_HOME=$(getent passwd $SUDO_USER | cut -d: -f6) if [ -n "$USER_HOME" ]; then HOME_RC="${USER_HOME}/.anvilrc" if [ -f "$HOME_RC" ]; then source "$HOME_RC" fi fi fi if [ -z "$BOOT_FILES" ]; then BOOT_FN=".anvil_bootstrapped" BOOT_FILES="${PWD}/$BOOT_FN" fi clean_pip() { # https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/982 if [ -n "$SUDO_USER" ]; then rm -rf /tmp/pip-build-$SUDO_USER fi } rpm_is_installed() { local name="$(basename "$1")" rpm $RPM_OPTS "${name%.rpm}" &>/dev/null return $? } cache_and_install_rpm_url() { url=${1:?"Error: rpm uri is undefined!"} cachedir=${RPM_CACHEDIR:-'/tmp'} rpm=$(basename $url) if rpm_is_installed "$rpm"; then return fi if [ ! -f "$cachedir/$rpm" ]; then echo -e "Downloading ${COL_GREEN}${rpm}${COL_RESET} to ${COL_GREEN}${cachedir}${COL_RESET}" curl $CURL_OPTS $url -o "$cachedir/$rpm" || return 1 fi echo -e "Installing ${COL_GREEN}$cachedir/$rpm${COL_RESET}" yum install $YUM_OPTS "$cachedir/$rpm" return $? } bootstrap_epel() { [ -z "$EPEL_RPM_URL" ] && return 0 cache_and_install_rpm_url $EPEL_RPM_URL return $? } dump_list() { for var in "$@"; do for name in $var; do echo " - $name" done done } bootstrap_rpm_packages() { # NOTE(aababilov): the latter operations require some packages, # so, begin from installation if [ -n "$REQUIRES" ]; then echo -e "Installing ${COL_GREEN}system${COL_RESET} packages:" dump_list "$REQUIRES" yum install $YUM_OPTS $REQUIRES if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo -e "${COL_RED}Failed installing!${COL_RESET}" return 1 fi fi # Remove any known conflicting packages CONFLICTS=$(python -c "import yaml packages = set() try: for i in yaml.safe_load(open('$DISTRO_CONFIG'))['components'].itervalues(): for j in i.get('conflicts', []): packages.add(j.get('name')) except KeyError: pass for pkg in packages: if pkg: print pkg ") if [ -n "$CONFLICTS" ]; then echo -e "Removing ${COL_YELLOW}conflicting${COL_RESET} packages:" dump_list "$CONFLICTS" yum erase $YUM_OPTS $CONFLICTS fi } bootstrap_selinux() { # See if selinux is on. if [ `getenforce` == "Enforcing" ]; then # Ensure all yum api interacting binaries are ok to be used echo "Enabling selinux for yum like binaries." chcon -h "system_u:object_r:rpm_exec_t:s0" "$YUMFIND_CMD" chcon -h "system_u:object_r:rpm_exec_t:s0" "$PWD/tools/yyoom" fi } bootstrap_python_rpms() { echo -e "Bootstrapping ${COL_GREEN}python${COL_RESET} rpms." local package_map=$(python -c "import yaml try: for k, v in yaml.safe_load(open('$DISTRO_CONFIG'))['dependency_handler']['package_map'].iteritems(): print '%s==%s' % (k, v) except KeyError: pass ") local python_names=$(cat requirements.txt test-requirements.txt | sed -r -e 's/#.*$//' | sort -u) local bootstrap_dir="$(readlink -f ./.bootstrap/)" local missing_packages="" local found_packages="" for name in $python_names; do local pkg_name=$("$PY2RPM_CMD" --package-map $package_map --convert "$name" | while read req pack; do echo $pack; done | head -n1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f1) local yum_name=$("$YUMFIND_CMD" -p "$pkg_name,$name") if [ -n "$yum_name" ]; then found_packages="$found_packages $yum_name" else missing_packages="$missing_packages $name" fi done if [ -n "$found_packages" ]; then echo -e "Installing ${COL_GREEN}available${COL_RESET} python requirements found as packages:" dump_list "$found_packages" yum install $YUM_OPTS $found_packages if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo -e "${COL_RED}Failed installing!${COL_RESET}" return 1 fi fi if [ -z "$missing_packages" ]; then return 0 fi echo -e "Building ${COL_YELLOW}missing${COL_RESET} python requirements:" dump_list "$missing_packages" local pip_tmp_dir="$bootstrap_dir/pip-download" mkdir -p "$pip_tmp_dir" echo "Downloading..." $PIPDOWNLOAD_CMD -d "$pip_tmp_dir" $missing_packages | grep "^Saved" echo "Building RPMs..." local rpm_names=$("$PY2RPM_CMD" --package-map $package_map --scripts-dir "conf/templates/packaging/scripts" --rpm-base "$bootstrap_dir/rpmbuild" -- "$pip_tmp_dir/"* 2>/dev/null | awk '/^Wrote: /{ print $2 }' | grep -v '.src.rpm' | sort -u) if [ -z "$rpm_names" ]; then echo -e "${COL_RED}No binary RPMs were built!${COL_RESET}" return 1 fi local rpm_base_names="" for rpm in $rpm_names; do rpm_base_names="$rpm_base_names $(basename $rpm)" done echo -e "Installing ${COL_YELLOW}missing${COL_RESET} python requirement packages:" dump_list "$rpm_base_names" yum install $YUM_OPTS $rpm_names if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo -e "${COL_RED}Failed installing!${COL_RESET}" return 1 fi rm -rf "$pip_tmp_dir" rm -rf "$bootstrap_dir/rpmbuild/"{BUILD,SOURCES,SPECS,BUILDROOT} return 0 } needs_bootstrap() { $BOOTSTRAP && return 0 checksums=$(get_checksums) for i in $BOOT_FILES; do if [ -f $i ]; then contents=`cat $i` [ "$contents" = "$checksums" ] && return 1 fi done return 0 } get_checksums() { if [ ! -f "$BSCONF_FILE" ]; then return 1 fi # Used to tell if the file have changed echo $(md5sum "$BSCONF_FILE") } run_smithy() { PYTHON=`which python` exec $PYTHON anvil $ARGS } puke() { cleaned_force=$(echo $FORCE | sed -e 's/\([A-Z]\)/\L\1/g;s/\s//g') if [[ "$cleaned_force" == "yes" ]]; then run_smithy else echo -e "To run anyway set ${COL_YELLOW}FORCE=yes${COL_RESET} and rerun." >&2 exit 1 fi } ## Identify which bootstrap configuration file to use: either set ## explicitly (BSCONF_FILE) or determined based on the os distribution: BSCONF_DIR=${BSCONF_DIR:-$(dirname $(readlink -f "$0"))/tools/bootstrap} get_os_info(){ OS=`uname` if [ "${OS}" = "Linux" ] ; then if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ] ; then PKG="rpm" OSNAME=`cat /etc/redhat-release` OSDIST=`cat /etc/redhat-release | sed -e 's/release.*$//g;s/\s//g'` PSUEDONAME=`cat /etc/redhat-release | sed s/.*\(// | sed s/\)//` RELEASE=`cat /etc/redhat-release | sed s/.*release\ // | sed s/\ .*//` elif [ -f /etc/debian_version ] ; then PKG="deb" OSDIST=`cat /etc/lsb-release | grep '^DISTRIB_ID' | awk -F= '{ print $2 }'` PSUEDONAME=`cat /etc/lsb-release | grep '^DISTRIB_CODENAME' | awk -F= '{ print $2 }'` RELEASE=`cat /etc/lsb-release | grep '^DISTRIB_RELEASE' | awk -F= '{ print $2 }'` OSNAME="$OSDIST $RELEASE ($PSUEDONAME)" fi fi } get_os_info if [ -z "$BSCONF_FILE" ]; then BSCONF_FILE="$BSCONF_DIR/$OSDIST" fi ARGS="" BOOTSTRAP=false # Ad-hoc getopt to handle long opts. # # Smithy opts are consumed while those to anvil are copied through. while [ ! -z $1 ]; do case "$1" in '--bootstrap') BOOTSTRAP=true shift ;; '--force') FORCE=yes shift ;; *) ARGS="$ARGS $1" shift ;; esac done # Source immediately so that we can export the needed variables. if [ -f "$BSCONF_FILE" ]; then source $BSCONF_FILE export REQUIRED_PACKAGES="$REQUIRES" fi if ! needs_bootstrap; then clean_pip run_smithy clean_pip elif ! $BOOTSTRAP; then echo "This system needs to be updated in order to run anvil!" >&2 echo "Running 'sudo $SMITHY_NAME --bootstrap' will attempt to do so." >&2 puke fi ## Bootstrap smithy if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo "You must run '$SMITHY_NAME --bootstrap' with root privileges!" >&2 exit 1 fi if [ ! -f "$BSCONF_FILE" ]; then echo "Anvil has not been tested on distribution '$OSNAME'" >&2 puke fi MIN_RELEASE=${MIN_RELEASE:?"Error: MIN_RELEASE is undefined!"} SHORTNAME=${SHORTNAME:?"Error: SHORTNAME is undefined!"} BC_OK=$(echo "$RELEASE < $MIN_RELEASE" | bc) if [ "$BC_OK" == "1" ]; then echo "This script must be run on $SHORTNAME $MIN_RELEASE+ and not $SHORTNAME $RELEASE." >&2 puke fi echo "Bootstrapping $SHORTNAME $RELEASE" echo "Please wait..." clean_pip for step in ${STEPS:?"Error: STEPS is undefined!"}; do bootstrap_${step} if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "Bootstrapping $SHORTNAME $RELEASE failed." >&2 exit 1 fi done clean_pip # Write the checksums of the bootstrap file # which if new requirements are added will cause new checksums # and a new dependency install... checksum=$(get_checksums) for i in $BOOT_FILES; do echo -e $checksum > $i done mkdir -p -v /etc/anvil /usr/share/anvil if [ -n "$SUDO_UID" -a -n "SUDO_GID" ]; then chown -c "$SUDO_UID:$SUDO_GID" /etc/anvil /usr/share/anvil [ -d .bootstrap ] && chown -R "$SUDO_UID:$SUDO_GID" .bootstrap fi echo "Bootstrapped for $SHORTNAME $RELEASE" ARGS="-a moo" run_smithy