
25 lines
937 B

# This script cleans up the network as part of a nova uninstall
# Eventually it should be moved to python code...
# Ignore any errors from shutting down dnsmasq
# TODO shouldn't this be a service shutdown??
killall dnsmasq
# This was added (so that it dies on errors)
set -o errexit
# Delete rules
iptables -S -v | sed "s/-c [0-9]* [0-9]* //g" | grep "nova" | grep "\-A" | sed "s/-A/-D/g" | awk '{print "sudo iptables",$0}' | bash
# Delete nat rules
iptables -S -v -t nat | sed "s/-c [0-9]* [0-9]* //g" | grep "nova" | grep "\-A" | sed "s/-A/-D/g" | awk '{print "sudo iptables -t nat",$0}' | bash
# Delete chains
iptables -S -v | sed "s/-c [0-9]* [0-9]* //g" | grep "nova" | grep "\-N" | sed "s/-N/-X/g" | awk '{print "sudo iptables",$0}' | bash
# Delete nat chains
iptables -S -v -t nat | sed "s/-c [0-9]* [0-9]* //g" | grep "nova" | grep "\-N" | sed "s/-N/-X/g" | awk '{print "sudo iptables -t nat",$0}' | bash