2012-02-27 17:18:00 -08:00

505 lines
18 KiB

# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright (C) 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from devstack import downloader as down
from devstack import exceptions as excp
from devstack import log as logging
from devstack import pip
from devstack import settings
from devstack import shell as sh
from devstack import trace as tr
from devstack import utils
from devstack.runners import fork
from devstack.runners import upstart
from devstack.runners import screen
LOG = logging.getLogger("devstack.component")
#how we actually setup and unsetup python
PY_INSTALL = ['python', '', 'develop']
PY_UNINSTALL = ['python', '', 'develop', '--uninstall']
#runtime status constants (return by runtime status)
STATUS_UNKNOWN = "unknown"
STATUS_STARTED = "started"
STATUS_STOPPED = "stopped"
#which run types to which starter class
settings.RUN_TYPE_FORK: fork.ForkRunner,
settings.RUN_TYPE_UPSTART: upstart.UpstartRunner,
settings.RUN_TYPE_SCREEN: screen.ScreenRunner,
#which run types to which stopper class
settings.RUN_TYPE_FORK: fork.ForkRunner,
settings.RUN_TYPE_UPSTART: upstart.UpstartRunner,
settings.RUN_TYPE_SCREEN: screen.ScreenRunner,
class ComponentBase(object):
def __init__(self, component_name, **kargs):
self.cfg = kargs.get("config")
self.packager = kargs.get("packager")
self.distro = kargs.get("distro")
self.component_name = component_name
self.instances = kargs.get("instances", set())
self.component_opts = kargs.get('opts', list())
self.root = kargs.get("root")
self.component_root = sh.joinpths(self.root, component_name)
self.tracedir = sh.joinpths(self.component_root, settings.COMPONENT_TRACE_DIR)
self.appdir = sh.joinpths(self.component_root, settings.COMPONENT_APP_DIR)
self.cfgdir = sh.joinpths(self.component_root, settings.COMPONENT_CONFIG_DIR)
def get_dependencies(self):
deps = settings.COMPONENT_DEPENDENCIES.get(self.component_name)
if not deps:
return list()
return list(deps)
def verify(self):
def warm_configs(self):
def is_started(self):
return tr.TraceReader(self.tracedir, tr.START_TRACE).exists()
def is_installed(self):
return tr.TraceReader(self.tracedir, tr.IN_TRACE).exists()
class PkgInstallComponent(ComponentBase):
def __init__(self, component_name, *args, **kargs):
ComponentBase.__init__(self, component_name, *args, **kargs)
self.tracewriter = tr.TraceWriter(self.tracedir, tr.IN_TRACE)
def _get_download_locations(self):
return list()
def download(self):
locations = self._get_download_locations()
base_dir = self.appdir
for location_info in locations:
uri_tuple = location_info.get("uri")
branch_tuple = location_info.get("branch")
subdir = location_info.get("subdir")
target_loc = None
if subdir and len(subdir):
target_loc = sh.joinpths(base_dir, subdir)
target_loc = base_dir
branch = None
if branch_tuple:
branch = self.cfg.get(branch_tuple[0], branch_tuple[1])
uri = self.cfg.get(uri_tuple[0], uri_tuple[1])
self.tracewriter.downloaded(target_loc, uri)
self.tracewriter.dir_made(*, uri, branch))
self.tracewriter.downloaded(target_loc, uri)
return len(locations)
def _get_param_map(self, config_fn):
return dict()
def _get_pkgs(self):
return list()
def _get_pkgs_expanded(self):
short = self._get_pkgs()
if not short:
return dict()
pkgs = dict()
for fn in short:
full_name = sh.joinpths(settings.STACK_PKG_DIR, fn)
pkgs = utils.extract_pkg_list([full_name], self.distro, pkgs)
return pkgs
def install(self):
pkgs = self._get_pkgs_expanded()
if pkgs:
pkgnames = sorted(pkgs.keys())"Installing packages (%s)." % (", ".join(pkgnames)))
#do this before install just incase it craps out half way through
for name in pkgnames:
self.tracewriter.package_install(name, pkgs.get(name))
#now actually install
return self.tracedir
def pre_install(self):
pkgs = self._get_pkgs_expanded()
if pkgs:
mp = self._get_param_map(None)
self.packager.pre_install(pkgs, mp)
def post_install(self):
pkgs = self._get_pkgs_expanded()
if pkgs:
mp = self._get_param_map(None)
self.packager.post_install(pkgs, mp)
def _get_config_files(self):
return list()
def _config_adjust(self, contents, config_fn):
return contents
def _get_target_config_name(self, config_fn):
return sh.joinpths(self.cfgdir, config_fn)
def _get_source_config(self, config_fn):
return utils.load_template(self.component_name, config_fn)
def _get_symlinks(self):
return dict()
def _configure_files(self):
configs = self._get_config_files()
if configs:"Configuring %s files" % (len(configs)))
for fn in configs:
#get the params and where it should come from and where it should go
parameters = self._get_param_map(fn)
tgtfn = self._get_target_config_name(fn)
#ensure directory is there (if not created previously)
#now configure it"Configuring file %s" % (fn))
(sourcefn, contents) = self._get_source_config(fn)
LOG.debug("Replacing parameters in file %s" % (sourcefn))
LOG.debug("Replacements = %s" % (parameters))
contents = utils.param_replace(contents, parameters)
LOG.debug("Applying side-effects of param replacement for template %s" % (sourcefn))
contents = self._config_adjust(contents, fn)"Writing configuration file %s" % (tgtfn))
#this trace is used to remove the files configured
#do this before write just incase it craps out half way through
sh.write_file(tgtfn, contents)
return len(configs)
def _configure_symlinks(self):
links = self._get_symlinks()
link_srcs = sorted(links.keys())
for source in link_srcs:
link = links.get(source)
try:"Symlinking %s => %s" % (link, source))
self.tracewriter.symlink(source, link)
except OSError:
LOG.warn("Symlink %s => %s already exists." % (link, source))
return len(links)
def configure(self):
conf_am = self._configure_files()
conf_am += self._configure_symlinks()
return conf_am
class PythonInstallComponent(PkgInstallComponent):
def __init__(self, component_name, *args, **kargs):
PkgInstallComponent.__init__(self, component_name, *args, **kargs)
def _get_python_directories(self):
py_dirs = dict()
py_dirs[self.component_name] = self.appdir
return py_dirs
def _get_pips(self):
return list()
def _get_pips_expanded(self):
shorts = self._get_pips()
if not shorts:
return dict()
pips = dict()
for fn in shorts:
full_name = sh.joinpths(settings.STACK_PIP_DIR, fn)
pips = utils.extract_pip_list([full_name], self.distro, pips)
return pips
def _install_pips(self):
pips = self._get_pips_expanded()
if pips:"Setting up %s pips (%s)" % (len(pips), ", ".join(pips.keys())))
#do this before install just incase it craps out half way through
for name in pips.keys():
self.tracewriter.pip_install(name, pips.get(name))
#now install
pip.install(pips, self.distro)
def _format_stderr_out(self, stderr, stdout):
combined = ["===STDOUT===", str(stdout), "===STDERR===", str(stderr)]
return utils.joinlinesep(*combined)
def _format_trace_name(self, name):
return "%s-%s" % (tr.PY_TRACE, name)
def _install_python_setups(self):
pydirs = self._get_python_directories()
if pydirs:"Setting up %s python directories (%s)" % (len(pydirs), pydirs))
for (name, wkdir) in pydirs.items():
working_dir = wkdir or self.appdir
record_fn = tr.touch_trace(self.tracedir, self._format_trace_name(name))
#do this before write just incase it craps out half way through
self.tracewriter.py_install(name, record_fn, working_dir)
#now actually do it
(stdout, stderr) = sh.execute(*PY_INSTALL, cwd=working_dir, run_as_root=True)
sh.write_file(record_fn, self._format_stderr_out(stderr, stdout))
def _python_install(self):
def install(self):
trace_dir = PkgInstallComponent.install(self)
return trace_dir
class PkgUninstallComponent(ComponentBase):
def __init__(self, component_name, *args, **kargs):
ComponentBase.__init__(self, component_name, *args, **kargs)
self.tracereader = tr.TraceReader(self.tracedir, tr.IN_TRACE)
def unconfigure(self):
def _unconfigure_links(self):
symfiles = self.tracereader.symlinks_made()
if symfiles:"Removing %s symlink files (%s)" % (len(symfiles), ", ".join(symfiles)))
for fn in symfiles:
sh.unlink(fn, run_as_root=True)
def _unconfigure_files(self):
cfgfiles = self.tracereader.files_configured()
if cfgfiles:"Removing %s configuration files (%s)" % (len(cfgfiles), ", ".join(cfgfiles)))
for fn in cfgfiles:
sh.unlink(fn, run_as_root=True)
def uninstall(self):
def post_uninstall(self):
def pre_uninstall(self):
def _uninstall_pkgs(self):
pkgsfull = self.tracereader.packages_installed()
if pkgsfull:"Potentially removing %s packages (%s)" % (len(pkgsfull), ", ".join(sorted(pkgsfull.keys()))))
which_removed = self.packager.remove_batch(pkgsfull)"Actually removed %s packages (%s)" % (len(which_removed), ", ".join(sorted(which_removed))))
def _uninstall_touched_files(self):
filestouched = self.tracereader.files_touched()
if filestouched:"Removing %s touched files (%s)" % (len(filestouched), ", ".join(filestouched)))
for fn in filestouched:
sh.unlink(fn, run_as_root=True)
def _uninstall_dirs(self):
dirsmade = self.tracereader.dirs_made()
if dirsmade:"Removing %s created directories (%s)" % (len(dirsmade), ", ".join(dirsmade)))
for dirname in dirsmade:
sh.deldir(dirname, run_as_root=True)
class PythonUninstallComponent(PkgUninstallComponent):
def __init__(self, component_name, *args, **kargs):
PkgUninstallComponent.__init__(self, component_name, *args, **kargs)
def uninstall(self):
def _uninstall_pips(self):
pips = self.tracereader.pips_installed()
if pips:"Uninstalling %s pips." % (len(pips)))
pip.uninstall(pips, self.distro)
def _uninstall_python(self):
pylisting = self.tracereader.py_listing()
if pylisting:"Uninstalling %s python setups." % (len(pylisting)))
for entry in pylisting:
where = entry.get('where')
sh.execute(*PY_UNINSTALL, cwd=where, run_as_root=True)
class ProgramRuntime(ComponentBase):
def __init__(self, component_name, *args, **kargs):
ComponentBase.__init__(self, component_name, *args, **kargs)
self.tracereader = tr.TraceReader(self.tracedir, tr.IN_TRACE)
self.tracewriter = tr.TraceWriter(self.tracedir, tr.START_TRACE)
self.starttracereader = tr.TraceReader(self.tracedir, tr.START_TRACE)
def _getstartercls(self, start_mode):
if start_mode not in STARTER_CLS_MAPPING:
raise NotImplementedError("Can not yet start %s mode" % (start_mode))
return STARTER_CLS_MAPPING.get(start_mode)
def _getstoppercls(self, stop_mode):
if stop_mode not in STOPPER_CLS_MAPPING:
raise NotImplementedError("Can not yet stop %s mode" % (stop_mode))
return STOPPER_CLS_MAPPING.get(stop_mode)
def _get_apps_to_start(self):
return list()
def _get_app_options(self, app_name):
return list()
def _get_param_map(self, app_name):
return {
'ROOT': self.appdir,
def pre_start(self):
def post_start(self):
def configure(self):
# First make a pass and make sure all runtime (e.g. upstart) config files are in place....
startercls = self._getstartercls(utils.fetch_run_type(self.cfg))
starter = startercls(self.cfg)
for app_info in self._get_apps_to_start():
app_name = app_info["name"]
app_pth = app_info.get("path", app_name)
app_dir = app_info.get("app_dir", self.appdir)
# Adjust the program options now that we have real locations
program_opts = utils.param_replace_list(self._get_app_options(app_name), self._get_param_map(app_name))
# Configure it with the given settings"Configuring runner for program [%s]" % (app_name))
runtime_info = (app_pth, app_dir, program_opts)
cfg_am = starter.configure(self.component_name, app_name, runtime_info)"Configured %s files for runner for program [%s]" % (cfg_am, app_name))
def start(self):
# Select how we are going to start it
startercls = self._getstartercls(utils.fetch_run_type(self.cfg))
starter = startercls(self.cfg)
am_started = 0
for app_info in self._get_apps_to_start():
app_name = app_info["name"]
app_pth = app_info.get("path", app_name)
app_dir = app_info.get("app_dir", self.appdir)
# Adjust the program options now that we have real locations
program_opts = utils.param_replace_list(self._get_app_options(app_name), self._get_param_map(app_name))
# Start it with the given settings"Starting [%s] with options [%s]" % (app_name, ", ".join(program_opts)))
runtime_info = (app_pth, app_dir, program_opts)
# This trace is used to locate details about what to stop
info_fn = starter.start(self.component_name, app_name, runtime_info, self.tracedir)"Started [%s] details are in [%s]" % (app_name, info_fn))
self.tracewriter.started_info(app_name, info_fn)
am_started += 1
return am_started
def stop(self):
# We can only stop what has a started trace
start_traces = self.starttracereader.apps_started()
killed_am = 0
killers = dict()
for mp in start_traces:
# Extract the apps name and where its trace is
fn = mp['trace_fn']
name = mp['name']
# Figure out which class will stop it
contents = tr.parse_fn(fn)
killcls = None
runtype = None
for (cmd, action) in contents:
if cmd == settings.RUN_TYPE_TYPE and action:
runtype = action
killcls = self._getstoppercls(runtype)
# Did we find a class that can do it?
if killcls:
LOG.debug("Stopping %s of run type %s" % (name, runtype))
if killcls in killers:
killer = killers[killcls]
killer = killcls(self.cfg)
killers[killcls] = killer
killer.stop(self.component_name, name, self.tracedir)
killed_am += 1
msg = "Could not figure out which class to use to stop (%s, %s)" % (name, fn)
raise excp.StopException(msg)
# If we got rid of them all get rid of the trace
if killed_am == len(start_traces):
LOG.debug("Deleting trace file %s" % (self.starttracereader.trace_fn))
return killed_am
def status(self):
def restart(self):
return 0
class PythonRuntime(ProgramRuntime):
def __init__(self, component_name, *args, **kargs):
ProgramRuntime.__init__(self, component_name, *args, **kargs)
class EmptyRuntime(ComponentBase):
def __init__(self, component_name, *args, **kargs):
ComponentBase.__init__(self, component_name, *args, **kargs)
def configure(self):
return 0
def pre_start(self):
def post_start(self):
def start(self):
return 0
def stop(self):
return 0
def status(self):
def restart(self):
return 0