DevstackPy is a set of python scripts and utilities to quickly deploy an OpenStack cloud.
- To quickly build dev OpenStack environments in a clean environment (as well as start, stop, and uninstall those environments) with as little baggage as possible.
- To describe working configurations of OpenStack.
- Which code branches work together?
- What do config files look like for those branches?
- What packages are needed for installation for a given distribution?
- To make it easier for developers to dive into OpenStack so that they can productively contribute without having to understand every part of the system at once.
- To make it easy to prototype cross-project features.
IMPORTANT: Be sure to carefully read stack and any other scripts you execute before you run them, as they install software and may alter your networking configuration. We strongly recommend that you run stack in a clean and disposable vm when you are first getting started. (TODO dry-run mode would be great!).
In order to determine what stack can do for you run the following.
./stack --help
This will typically produce:
Usage: stack [options]
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
openstack component: [db, glance, horizon, keystone,
keystone-client, melange, melange-client, nova, nova-
client, novnc, quantum, quantum-client, rabbit, swift,
Install/uninstall/start/stop options:
-a ACTION, --action=ACTION
required action to perform: [install, start, stop,
-d DIR, --directory=DIR
empty root DIR for install or DIR with existing
components for start/stop/uninstall
-i, --ignore-deps ignore dependencies when performing ACTION
-e, --ensure-deps ensure dependencies when performing ACTION (default:
-r COMPONENT, --ref-component=COMPONENT
component which will not have ACTION applied but will be
referenced as if it was (ACTION dependent)
-k, --keep-packages
uninstall will keep any installed packages on the system
Uninstall/stop options:
-n, --no-force stop the continuation of ACTION if basic errors occur
(default: False)
Stack prerequisites
- linux (tested on ubuntu 11.10 and rhel 6.2)
- python 2.6 or 2.7 (not tested with python 3.0)
For ubuntu 11.10:
$ sudo apt-get install git python-pip python-dev gcc -y
$ sudo easy_install netifaces termcolor pep8 pylint
$ git clone git:// DevstackPy
$ cd DevstackPy
For rhel 6.2:
$ wget
$ sudo yum install -y epel-release-6-5.noarch.rpm
$ sudo yum install -y python-pip gcc python-netifaces git
$ sudo pip-python install termcolor
$ git clone git:// DevstackPy
$ cd DevstackPy
Stack can do the following:
- install OpenStack components
- uninstall OpenStack components (from a previous stack install)
- start OpenStack components (from a previous stack install)
- stop OpenStack components (from a previous stack start)
Typically the interaction would be that you install a set of components and then start them.
Simple setup
For those of you that are brave enough to change stack here are some starting points.
Check out conf/stack.ini for various configuration settings applied (branches, git repositories...). Check out the header of that file for how the customized configuration values are parsed and what they may result in.
Check out conf/ for various component specific settings and files.
Note that some of these files are templates (ones ending with .tpl). These files may have strings of the format %NAME% where NAME will most often be adjusted to a real value by the stack script.
An example where this is useful is say for the following line:
admin_token = %SERVICE_TOKEN%
Since the script will either prompt for this value (or generate it for you) we can not have this statically set in a configuration file.
Check out conf/pkgs for package listings and conf/pips for python packages for various distributions.
Note that these files are in a modified json format which allows for simple comments (lines starting with #). These comments are useful for explanations of why a version was chosen or the like.
!Installing in a dedicated, disposable vm is safer than installing on your dev machine!
- Get and install the above prerequisites.
- git clone git://
You can override environment variables used in stack by editing stack.ini or by sourcing a file that contains your environment overrides before your run stack.
To adjust logging edit the conf/logging.ini file which controls the logging levels and handlers.
- You can also change which logging file name python will select (format defined here) by setting the environment variable LOG_FILE.
We want more information!
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