186 lines
5.7 KiB
186 lines
5.7 KiB
'use strict';
module.exports = function (grunt) {
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
project: {
app: 'app',
assets: '<%= project.app %>/assets',
scss: '<%= project.assets %>/sass/app.scss',
tmp: '.tmp',
dist: 'dist'
clean: {
dist: ['<%= project.dist %>/'],
tmp: ['<%= project.tmp %>/']
copy: {
prod: {
files: [
cwd: '<%= project.assets %>/css/',
expand: true,
src: ['**.*'],
dest: '<%= project.dist %>/assets/css/'
cwd: '<%= project.app %>/',
expand: true,
src: ['**/*.html'],
dest: '<%= project.dist %>/'
src: '<%= project.app %>/components/config/config.json',
dest: '<%= project.dist %>/components/config/config.json'
src: '<%= project.app %>/index.html',
dest: '<%= project.dist %>/index.html'
adagios: {
files: [
src: '<%= project.app %>/components/live/adagios.js',
dest: '<%= project.app %>/components/live/live.js'
surveil: {
files: [
src: '<%= project.app %>/components/live/surveil.js',
dest: '<%= project.app %>/components/live/live.js'
sass: {
dev: {
options: {
style: 'expanded',
compass: false
files: {
'<%= project.assets %>/css/app.css': '<%= project.scss %>'
jslint: { // configure the task
client: {
src: [
'<%= project.app %>/app.js',
'<%= project.app %>/**/*.js'
exclude: [
'<%= project.app %>/bower_components/**/*.js',
'<%= project.assets %>/**',
'<%= project.build %>/**'
directives: {
node: true,
nomen: true,
unparam: true,
predef: [ // Global variables
'document', '$', '$get',
'angular', 'inject', 'JustGage',
'describe', 'beforeEach', 'it', 'expect',
options: {
edition: 'latest', // specify an edition of jslint or use 'dir/mycustom-jslint.js' for own path
junit: 'out/client-junit.xml', // write the output to a JUnit XML
log: 'out/client-lint.log',
jslintXml: 'out/client-jslint.xml',
errorsOnly: true, // only display errors
failOnError: false, // defaults to true
checkstyle: 'out/client-checkstyle.xml' // write a checkstyle-XML
useminPrepare: {
html: {
src: ['<%= project.app %>/index.html']
options: {
dest: '<%= project.dist %>/'
usemin: {
html: '<%= project.dist %>/index.html'
concat: {
generated: {
nonull: true
// Minify and concatenate bansho in one file
uglify: {
generated: {
nonull: true
options: {
mangle: true
watch: {
adagios: {
files: [
'<%= project.app %>/**/*.js',
'<%= project.app %>/**/*.html',
'<%= project.app %>/components/live/adagios.js',
'<%= project.assets %>/sass/{,*/}*.{scss,sass}'
tasks: ['copy:adagios', 'sass:dev']
surveil: {
files: [
'<%= project.app %>/**/*.js',
'<%= project.app %>/**/*.html',
'<%= project.app %>/components/live/surveil.js',
'<%= project.assets %>/sass/{,*/}*.{scss,sass}'
tasks: ['copy:surveil', 'sass:dev']
options: {
livereload: true
grunt.registerTask('default', ['watch']);
grunt.registerTask('development:adagios', [
'sass', 'copy:adagios', 'watch:adagios'
grunt.registerTask('development:surveil', [
'sass', 'copy:surveil', 'watch:surveil'
grunt.registerTask('production:adagios', [
'clean', 'sass', 'copy:prod','copy:adagios', 'useminPrepare:html', 'concat:generated', 'uglify:generated', 'usemin:html']);
grunt.registerTask('production:surveil', [
'clean', 'sass', 'copy:prod', 'copy:surveil', 'useminPrepare:html', 'concat:generated', 'uglify:generated', 'usemin:html']);