#cloud-config resize_rootfs: false growpart: mode: false disable_ec2_metadata: true disable_root: false # password: RANDOM # chpasswd: { expire: True } ssh_pwauth: false ssh_authorized_keys: {% for key in common.ssh_auth_keys %} - {{ key }} {% endfor %} # set the locale to a given locale # default: en_US.UTF-8 locale: en_US.UTF-8 timezone: {{ common.timezone }} hostname: {{ common.hostname }} fqdn: {{ common.fqdn }} # add entries to rsyslog configuration rsyslog: - filename: 10-log2master.conf content: | $template LogToMaster, "<%%PRI%>1 %$NOW%T%TIMESTAMP:8:$%Z %HOSTNAME% %APP-NAME% %PROCID% %MSGID% -%msg%\n" *.* @{{ common.master_ip }};LogToMaster runcmd: {% if puppet.enable != 1 %} - service puppet stop - chkconfig puppet off {% endif %} {% if mcollective.enable != 1 %} - service mcollective stop - chkconfig mcollective off {% endif %} - iptables -t filter -F INPUT - iptables -t filter -F FORWARD # that module's missing in 0.6.3, but existent for >= 0.7.3 write_files: - content: | --- url: {{ common.master_url }} path: /etc/nailgun-agent/config.yaml - content: target path: /etc/nailgun_systemtype mcollective: conf: main_collective: mcollective collectives: mcollective libdir: /usr/libexec/mcollective logfile: /var/log/mcollective.log loglevel: debug daemonize: 1 direct_addressing: 1 ttl: 4294957 securityprovider: psk plugin.psk: {{ mcollective.pskey }} {% if mcollective.connector == 'stomp' %} connector = stomp plugin.stomp.host: {{ mcollective.host }} plugin.stomp.port: {{ mcollective.port|default(61613) }} plugin.stomp.user: {{ mcollective.user }} plugin.stomp.password: {{ mcollective.password }} {% else %} connector: rabbitmq plugin.rabbitmq.vhost: {{ mcollective.vhost }} plugin.rabbitmq.pool.size: 1 plugin.rabbitmq.pool.1.host: {{ mcollective.host }} plugin.rabbitmq.pool.1.port: {{ mcollective.port|default(61613) }} plugin.rabbitmq.pool.1.user: {{ mcollective.user }} plugin.rabbitmq.pool.1.password: {{ mcollective.password }} plugin.rabbitmq.heartbeat_interval: 30 {% endif %} factsource: yaml plugin.yaml: /etc/mcollective/facts.yaml puppet: conf: main: logdir: /var/log/puppet rundir: /var/run/puppet ssldir: $vardir/ssl pluginsync: true agent: classfile: $vardir/classes.txt localconfig: $vardir/localconfig server: {{ puppet.master }} report: false configtimeout: 600 final_message: "YAY! The system is finally up, after $UPTIME seconds"