Sometimes when parted performs some action it fails to re-read updated partition table on a disk. It occurs mostly when you run parted command several times without delay. We had sleep(1) in execute utility as a fast workaround. Looks like the issue can be addressed with just additional call or partprobe right after failed parted command. This patch impelemnts this assumption. But it is still not a real fix, it is again just a workaround. Real fix is to launch parted one time for every disk passing to it a whole table (all partition at once). We are going to implement this as soon as possible, right after addressing most prioritized issues. Change-Id: I539800271260c3d3f1b3560f8111ba8b6cacc9c4 Implements: blueprint image-based-provisioning
190 lines
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190 lines
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# Copyright 2014 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import time
from fuel_agent import errors
from fuel_agent.openstack.common import log as logging
from fuel_agent.utils import utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def parse_partition_info(output):
lines = output.split('\n')
generic_params = lines[1].rstrip(';').split(':')
generic = {
'dev': generic_params[0],
'size': utils.parse_unit(generic_params[1], 'MiB'),
'logical_block': int(generic_params[3]),
'physical_block': int(generic_params[4]),
'table': generic_params[5],
'model': generic_params[6]
parts = []
for line in lines[2:]:
line = line.strip().rstrip(';')
if not line:
part_params = line.split(':')
'num': int(part_params[0]),
'begin': utils.parse_unit(part_params[1], 'MiB'),
'end': utils.parse_unit(part_params[2], 'MiB'),
'size': utils.parse_unit(part_params[3], 'MiB'),
'fstype': part_params[4] or None
return {'generic': generic, 'parts': parts}
def info(dev):
output = utils.execute('parted', '-s', dev, '-m',
'unit', 'MiB',
'print', 'free',
check_exit_code=[0, 1])[0]
LOG.debug('Info output: \n%s' % output)
result = parse_partition_info(output)
LOG.debug('Info result: %s' % result)
return result
def wipe(dev):
# making an empty new table is equivalent to wiping the old one
LOG.debug('Wiping partition table on %s (we assume it is equal '
'to creating a new one)' % dev)
def make_label(dev, label='gpt'):
"""Creates partition label on a device.
:param dev: A device file, e.g. /dev/sda.
:param label: Partition label type 'gpt' or 'msdos'. Optional.
:returns: None
LOG.debug('Trying to create %s partition table on device %s' %
(label, dev))
if label not in ('gpt', 'msdos'):
raise errors.WrongPartitionLabelError(
'Wrong partition label type: %s' % label)
out, err = utils.execute('parted', '-s', dev, 'mklabel', label,
check_exit_code=[0, 1])
LOG.debug('Parted output: \n%s' % out)
reread_partitions(dev, out=out)
def set_partition_flag(dev, num, flag, state='on'):
"""Sets flag on a partition
:param dev: A device file, e.g. /dev/sda.
:param num: Partition number
:param flag: Flag name. Must be one of 'bios_grub', 'legacy_boot',
'boot', 'raid', 'lvm'
:param state: Desiable flag state. 'on' or 'off'. Default is 'on'.
:returns: None
LOG.debug('Trying to set partition flag: dev=%s num=%s flag=%s state=%s' %
(dev, num, flag, state))
# parted supports more flags but we are interested in
# setting only this subset of them.
# not all of these flags are compatible with one another.
if flag not in ('bios_grub', 'legacy_boot', 'boot', 'raid', 'lvm'):
raise errors.WrongPartitionSchemeError(
'Unsupported partition flag: %s' % flag)
if state not in ('on', 'off'):
raise errors.WrongPartitionSchemeError(
'Wrong partition flag state: %s' % state)
out, err = utils.execute('parted', '-s', dev, 'set', str(num),
flag, state, check_exit_code=[0, 1])
LOG.debug('Parted output: \n%s' % out)
reread_partitions(dev, out=out)
def set_gpt_type(dev, num, type_guid):
"""Sets guid on a partition.
:param dev: A device file, e.g. /dev/sda.
:param num: Partition number
:param type_guid: Partition type guid. Must be one of those listed
on this page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GUID_Partition_Table.
This method does not check whether type_guid is valid or not.
:returns: None
# TODO(kozhukalov): check whether type_guid is valid
LOG.debug('Setting partition GUID: dev=%s num=%s guid=%s' %
(dev, num, type_guid))
utils.execute('sgdisk', '--typecode=%s:%s' % (num, type_guid),
dev, check_exit_code=[0])
def make_partition(dev, begin, end, ptype):
LOG.debug('Trying to create a partition: dev=%s begin=%s end=%s' %
(dev, begin, end))
if ptype not in ('primary', 'logical'):
raise errors.WrongPartitionSchemeError(
'Wrong partition type: %s' % ptype)
# check begin >= end
if begin >= end:
raise errors.WrongPartitionSchemeError(
'Wrong boundaries: begin >= end')
# check if begin and end are inside one of free spaces available
if not any(x['fstype'] == 'free' and begin >= x['begin'] and
end <= x['end'] for x in info(dev)['parts']):
raise errors.WrongPartitionSchemeError(
'Invalid boundaries: begin and end '
'are not inside available free space')
out, err = utils.execute(
'parted', '-a', 'optimal', '-s', dev, 'unit', 'MiB',
'mkpart', ptype, str(begin), str(end), check_exit_code=[0, 1])
LOG.debug('Parted output: \n%s' % out)
reread_partitions(dev, out=out)
def remove_partition(dev, num):
LOG.debug('Trying to remove partition: dev=%s num=%s' % (dev, num))
if not any(x['fstype'] != 'free' and x['num'] == num
for x in info(dev)['parts']):
raise errors.PartitionNotFoundError('Partition %s not found' % num)
out, err = utils.execute('parted', '-s', dev, 'rm',
str(num), check_exit_code=[0])
reread_partitions(dev, out=out)
def reread_partitions(dev, out='Device or resource busy', timeout=30):
# The reason for this method to exist is that old versions of parted
# use ioctl(fd, BLKRRPART, NULL) to tell Linux to re-read partitions.
# This system call does not work sometimes. So we try to re-read partition
# table several times. Besides partprobe uses BLKPG instead, which
# is better than BLKRRPART for this case. BLKRRPART tells Linux to re-read
# partitions while BLKPG tells Linux which partitions are available
# BLKPG is usually used as a fallback system call.
begin = time.time()
while 'Device or resource busy' in out:
if time.time() > begin + timeout:
raise errors.BaseError('Unable to re-read partition table on'
'device %s' % dev)
LOG.debug('Last time output contained "Device or resource busy". '
'Trying to re-read partition table on device %s' % dev)
out, err = utils.execute('partprobe', dev, check_exit_code=[0, 1])
LOG.debug('Partprobe output: \n%s' % out)
pout, perr = utils.execute('partx', '-a', dev, check_exit_code=[0, 1])
LOG.debug('Partx output: \n%s' % pout)