Alexander Gordeev 291ef045f5 Improve test coverage for fuel_agent
* should be 100%
* also comes with fixups
Partially implements: blueprint image-based-provisioning

Change-Id: I73ff92f65c0872ad82917d22900c3f410986629d
2014-07-28 18:03:01 +04:00

214 lines
7.3 KiB

# Copyright 2014 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from fuel_agent import errors
from fuel_agent.openstack.common import log as logging
from fuel_agent.utils import utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def pvdisplay():
# unit m means MiB (power of 2)
result = utils.execute(
'--units', 'm',
'--options', 'pv_name,vg_name,pv_size,dev_size,pv_uuid',
'--separator', ';',
pvs = []
for line in result[0].split('\n'):
line = line.strip()
if not line:
pv_params = line.split(';')
'name': pv_params[0],
'vg': pv_params[1] or None,
'psize': utils.parse_unit(pv_params[2], 'm'),
'devsize': utils.parse_unit(pv_params[3], 'm'),
'uuid': pv_params[4]
LOG.debug('Found physical volumes: {0}'.format(pvs))
return pvs
def pvcreate(pvname, metadatasize=64, metadatacopies=2):
# check if pv already exists
if filter(lambda x: x['name'] == pvname, pvdisplay()):
raise errors.PVAlreadyExistsError(
'Error while creating pv: pv %s already exists' % pvname)
'--metadatacopies', str(metadatacopies),
'--metadatasize', str(metadatasize) + 'm',
pvname, check_exit_code=[0])
def pvremove(pvname):
pv = filter(lambda x: x['name'] == pvname, pvdisplay())
# check if pv exists
if not pv:
raise errors.PVNotFoundError(
'Error while removing pv: pv %s not found' % pvname)
# check if pv is attached to some vg
if pv[0]['vg'] is not None:
raise errors.PVBelongsToVGError('Error while removing pv: '
'pv belongs to vg %s' % pv[0]['vg'])
utils.execute('pvremove', '-ff', '-y', pvname, check_exit_code=[0])
def vgdisplay():
result = utils.execute(
'--units', 'm',
'--options', 'vg_name,vg_uuid,vg_size,vg_free',
'--separator', ';',
vgs = []
for line in result[0].split('\n'):
line = line.strip()
if not line:
vg_params = line.split(';')
'name': vg_params[0],
'uuid': vg_params[1],
'size': utils.parse_unit(vg_params[2], 'm'),
'free': utils.parse_unit(vg_params[3], 'm', ceil=False)
LOG.debug('Found volume groups: {0}'.format(vgs))
return vgs
def _vg_attach_validate(pvnames):
pvs = pvdisplay()
# check if all necessary pv exist
if not set(pvnames).issubset(set([pv['name'] for pv in pvs])):
raise errors.PVNotFoundError(
'Error while creating vg: at least one of pv is not found')
# check if all necessary pv are not already attached to some vg
if not set(pvnames).issubset(
set([pv['name'] for pv in pvs if pv['vg'] is None])):
raise errors.PVBelongsToVGError(
'Error while creating vg: at least one of pvs is '
'already attached to some vg')
def vgcreate(vgname, pvname, *args):
# check if vg already exists
if filter(lambda x: x['name'] == vgname, vgdisplay()):
raise errors.VGAlreadyExistsError(
'Error while creating vg: vg %s already exists' % vgname)
pvnames = [pvname] + list(args)
utils.execute('vgcreate', vgname, *pvnames, check_exit_code=[0])
def vgextend(vgname, pvname, *args):
# check if vg exists
if not filter(lambda x: x['name'] == vgname, vgdisplay()):
raise errors.VGNotFoundError(
'Error while extending vg: vg %s not found' % vgname)
pvnames = [pvname] + list(args)
utils.execute('vgextend', vgname, *pvnames, check_exit_code=[0])
def vgreduce(vgname, pvname, *args):
# check if vg exists
if not filter(lambda x: x['name'] == vgname, vgdisplay()):
raise errors.VGNotFoundError(
'Error while reducing vg: vg %s not found' % vgname)
pvnames = [pvname] + list(args)
# check if all necessary pv are attached to vg
if not set(pvnames).issubset(
set([pv['name'] for pv in pvdisplay() if pv['vg'] == vgname])):
raise errors.PVNotFoundError(
'Error while reducing vg: at least one of pv is '
'not attached to vg')
utils.execute('vgreduce', '-f', vgname, *pvnames, check_exit_code=[0])
def vgremove(vgname):
# check if vg exists
if not filter(lambda x: x['name'] == vgname, vgdisplay()):
raise errors.VGNotFoundError(
'Error while removing vg: vg %s not found' % vgname)
utils.execute('vgremove', '-f', vgname, check_exit_code=[0])
def lvdisplay():
result = utils.execute(
'--units', 'm',
#NOTE(agordeev): lv_path had been removed from options
# since versions of lvdisplay prior 2.02.68 don't have it.
'--options', 'lv_name,lv_size,vg_name,lv_uuid',
'--separator', ';',
lvs = []
for line in result[0].split('\n'):
line = line.strip()
if not line:
lv_params = line.split(';')
'name': lv_params[0],
'size': utils.parse_unit(lv_params[1], 'm'),
'vg': lv_params[2],
'uuid': lv_params[3],
#NOTE(agordeev): simulate lv_path with '/dev/$vg_name/$lv_name'
'path': '/dev/%s/%s' % (lv_params[2], lv_params[0])
LOG.debug('Found logical volumes: {0}'.format(lvs))
return lvs
def lvcreate(vgname, lvname, size):
vg = filter(lambda x: x['name'] == vgname, vgdisplay())
# check if vg exists
if not vg:
raise errors.VGNotFoundError(
'Error while creating vg: vg %s not found' % vgname)
# check if enough space is available
if vg[0]['free'] < size:
raise errors.NotEnoughSpaceError(
'Error while creating lv: vg %s has only %s m of free space, '
'but at least %s m is needed' % (vgname, vg[0]['free'], size))
# check if lv already exists
if filter(lambda x: x['name'] == lvname, lvdisplay()):
raise errors.LVAlreadyExistsError(
'Error while creating lv: lv %s already exists' % lvname)
utils.execute('lvcreate', '-L', '%sm' % size, '-n', lvname,
vgname, check_exit_code=[0])
def lvremove(lvname):
# check if lv exists
if not filter(lambda x: x['name'] == lvname, lvdisplay()):
raise errors.LVNotFoundError(
'Error while removing lv: lv %s not found' % lvname)
utils.execute('lvremove', '-f', lvname, check_exit_code=[0])