The server.cfg shipped with mcollective package tells mcollectived to
daemonize itself, and the config generated by cloud init tells it to run
in the background (assuming that the init script is responsible for
daemonization). This mismatch breaks PID file: start-stop-daemon forks,
detaches, records its pid, and runs mcollectived which daemonizes again.
As a result the PID recored in the PID file is wrong so subsequent
start/restart/stop action can't find the previously launched process
and starts an extra instance of mcollective.
In order to solve the problem
1) fix the init script (assuming that mcollectived daemonizes itself)
2) generate a proper server.cfg (with daemonize=1 statement)
Related-Bug: #1454741
Change-Id: I1b9ddc2d8ec790b5a6cb1095e32559cf506c48e7