Stacklight BST Serializer Format ================================ Stacklight serializer generates a JSON object with the following common key/value pairs: * entity - for BST statistics, the string "broadview-bst" * name - the statistic name (see below for the set of possible names) * timestamp - event time in microseconds (floating point) * value - metric value * asic-id - the number of the ASIC for which the stat is being reported * metric - metric name (not present for "device" statistic) * bv-agent - the IP address of the BroadView agent that reported the data The data is hierarchical - the entity "broadview-bst" is the parent to a number of statistics, and a statistic can have 0 or more metrics. This document details the format of Stacklight metrics as generated by the BST to Stacklight serializer (serializers/ BST --- This section describes in more detail the format currently used for BST metrics published to Stacklight. # entity The name field consists of the string "broadview-bst". # name BST statistic names consist of the following: * device * ingress-port-priority-group * ingress-port-service-pool * ingress-service-pool * egress-cpu-queue * egress-mc-queue * egress-port-service-pool * egress-rqe-queue * egress-service-pool * egress-uc-queue * egress-uc-queue-group ###Example: "name": "egress-port-service-pool" # timestamp The timestamp field is a floating point value which represents that time in microseconds of the statistic. ###Example: "timestamp": 1459361118000.0 # value The value field represents that reported value for the statistic. ###Example: "value": 366 # asic-id The ID of the ASIC on the device to which the report corresponds. ###Example: "asic-id": 3 # bv-agent This is the IPV4 internet address of the device (e.g., switch) that hosts the BroadView agent from which the report originated. ###Example: "bv-agent": "" # metric Note the structure of the "name" field values for BST. Except for "device", the name consists of the string "ingress" or "egress", followed by a '-' separated list of strings. These names imply some of the metadata that is associated with the named stat. For example, names which contain the "-port-" substring will have "port" metadata. Similarly, a name with "-service-pool-" substring will have "service-pool" metadata. Finally, be aware that a statistic reported by BroadView often comes in the form of an aggregate. For a given named statistic, there might be multiple metrics reported. In the case of ingress-port-priority-group, for example, both um-share-buffer-count and um-headroom-count are reported together in an array. They share the same metadata: asic-id, port, and priority-group (as implied by the name of the statistic). broadview-lib flattens this aggregate report into two separate metrics, one for um-share-bufffer-count, and one for um-headroom-count. This flattening aids indexers of the data; both metrics can be retrieved by searching on ingress-port-priority-group, or a more refined search can obtain just the um-share-bufffer-count data by providing that metadata as a search key. The following sections define the metrics and related metadata that are generated by the BST to Stacklight serializer for each BST statistic. ## device The device "name" has no metric field. ###Example: {"asic-id": "20", "name": "device", "timestamp": 1463014303000.0, "bv-agent": "", "value": 46000, "entity": "broadview-bst"} ## ingress-port-priority-group * priority-group - the priority group associated with the stat * port - the port impacted by the statistic * metric - either um-share-buffer-count or um-headroom-buffer-count ###Example: {"asic-id": "20", "name": "ingress-port-priority-group", "bv-agent": "", "metric": "um-share-buffer-count", "priority-group": 5, "value": 45500, "entity": "broadview-bst", "timestamp": 1463014303000.0, "port": "2"} {"asic-id": "20", "name": "ingress-port-priority-group", "bv-agent": "", "metric": "um-headroom-buffer-count", "priority-group": 5, "value": 44450, "entity": "broadview-bst", "timestamp": 1463014303000.0, "port": "2"} ## ingress-port-service-pool * service-pool - the service pool associated with the stat * port - the port impacted by the statistic * metric - um-share-buffer-count ###Example: {"asic-id": "20", "service-pool": 5, "name": "ingress-port-service-pool", "timestamp": 1463014303000.0, "metric": "um-share-buffer-count", "bv-agent": "", "value": 10000, "entity": "broadview-bst", "port": "2"} ## ingress-service-pool * service-pool - the service pool associated with the stat * metric - um-share-buffer-count ###Example: {"asic-id": "20", "service-pool": 1, "name": "ingress-service-pool", "timestamp": 1463014303000.0, "metric": "um-share-buffer-count", "bv-agent": "", "value": 3240, "entity": "broadview-bst"} ## egress-cpu-queue * queue - the queue associated with the statistic * metric - either cpu-buffer-count or cpu-queue-entries ###Example: {"asic-id": "20", "name": "egress-cpu-queue", "timestamp": 1463014303000.0, "metric": "cpu-buffer-count", "bv-agent": "", "value": 4566, "entity": "broadview-bst", "queue": 3} {"asic-id": "20", "name": "egress-cpu-queue", "timestamp": 1463014303000.0, "metric": "cpu-queue-entries", "bv-agent": "", "value": 0, "entity": "broadview-bst", "queue": 3} ## egress-mc-queue * queue - the queue associated with the statistic * port - the port associated with the statistic * metric - either mc-buffer-count or mc-queue-entries ###Example: {"asic-id": "20", "name": "egress-mc-queue", "timestamp": 1463014303000.0, "metric": "mc-buffer-count", "bv-agent": "", "value": 34, "entity": "broadview-bst", "queue": 1, "port": "1"} {"asic-id": "20", "name": "egress-mc-queue", "timestamp": 1463014303000.0, "metric": "mc-queue-entries", "bv-agent": "", "value": 89, "entity": "broadview-bst", "queue": 1, "port": "1"} ## egress-port-service-pool * service-pool - the service pool associated with the statistic * port - the port associated with the statistic * metric - either um-share-buffer-count, mc-share-buffer-count or mc-share-queue-entries ###Example: {"asic-id": "20", "service-pool": 5, "name": "egress-port-service-pool", "timestamp": 1463014303000.0, "metric": "um-share-buffer-count", "bv-agent": "", "value": 0, "entity": "broadview-bst", "port": "2"} {"asic-id": "20", "service-pool": 5, "name": "egress-port-service-pool", "timestamp": 1463014303000.0, "metric": "mc-share-buffer-count", "bv-agent": "", "value": 24000, "entity": "broadview-bst", "port": "2"} {"asic-id": "20", "service-pool": 5, "name": "egress-port-service-pool", "timestamp": 1463014303000.0, "metric": "mc-share-queue-entries", "bv-agent": "", "value": 0, "entity": "broadview-bst", "port": "2"} ## egress-rqe-queue * metric - either rqe-buffer-count or rqe-queue-entries ###Example: {"asic-id": "20", "name": "egress-rqe-queue", "timestamp": 1463014303000.0, "metric": "rqe-buffer-count", "bv-agent": "", "value": 3333, "entity": "broadview-bst", "queue": 2} {"asic-id": "20", "name": "egress-rqe-queue", "timestamp": 1463014303000.0, "metric": "rqe-queue-entries", "bv-agent": "", "value": 4444, "entity": "broadview-bst", "queue": 2} ## egress-service-pool * service-pool - the service pool associated with the statistic * metric - either um-share-buffer-count, mc-share-buffer-count or mc-share-queue-entries ###Example: {"asic-id": "20", "service-pool": 2, "name": "egress-service-pool", "timestamp": 1463014303000.0, "metric": "um-share-buffer-count", "bv-agent": "", "value": 5700, "entity": "broadview-bst"} {"asic-id": "20", "service-pool": 2, "name": "egress-service-pool", "timestamp": 1463014303000.0, "metric": "mc-share-buffer-count", "bv-agent": "", "value": 4567, "entity": "broadview-bst"} {"asic-id": "20", "service-pool": 2, "name": "egress-service-pool", "timestamp": 1463014303000.0, "metric": "mc-share-queue-entries", "bv-agent": "", "value": 3240, "entity": "broadview-bst"} ## egress-uc-queue * queue - the queue associated with the statistic * port - the port associated with the statistic * metric - uc-queue-buffer-count ###Example: {"asic-id": "20", "name": "egress-uc-queue", "timestamp": 1463014303000.0, "metric": "uc-queue-buffer-count", "bv-agent": "", "value": 1111, "entity": "broadview-bst", "queue": 6, "port": "0"} ## egress-uc-queue-group * queue-group - the queue group associated with the statistic * metric - uc-buffer-count ###Example: {"asic-id": "20", "name": "egress-uc-queue-group", "queue-group": 6, "timestamp": 1463014303000.0, "metric": "uc-buffer-count", "bv-agent": "", "value": 2222, "entity": "broadview-bst"}