# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import collections import Connmon import datetime import Elastic import glob import Grafana import logging import os import re import shutil import time import Tools import WorkloadBase class Rally(WorkloadBase.WorkloadBase): def __init__(self, config, hosts=None): self.logger = logging.getLogger('browbeat.Rally') self.config = config self.tools = Tools.Tools(self.config) self.connmon = Connmon.Connmon(self.config) self.grafana = Grafana.Grafana(self.config) self.elastic = Elastic.Elastic(self.config, self.__class__.__name__.lower()) self.error_count = 0 self.pass_count = 0 self.test_count = 0 self.scenario_count = 0 def run_scenario(self, task_file, scenario_args, result_dir, test_name, benchmark): self.logger.debug("--------------------------------") self.logger.debug("task_file: {}".format(task_file)) self.logger.debug("scenario_args: {}".format(scenario_args)) self.logger.debug("result_dir: {}".format(result_dir)) self.logger.debug("test_name: {}".format(test_name)) self.logger.debug("--------------------------------") from_ts = int(time.time() * 1000) if 'sleep_before' in self.config['rally']: time.sleep(self.config['rally']['sleep_before']) task_args = str(scenario_args).replace("'", "\"") plugins = [] if "plugins" in self.config['rally']: if len(self.config['rally']['plugins']) > 0: for plugin in self.config['rally']['plugins']: for name in plugin: plugins.append(plugin[name]) plugin_string = "" if len(plugins) > 0: plugin_string = "--plugin-paths {}".format(",".join(plugins)) cmd = "source {}; ".format(self.config['rally']['venv']) cmd += "rally {} task start {} --task-args \'{}\' 2>&1 | tee {}.log".format( plugin_string, task_file, task_args, test_name) from_time = time.time() self.tools.run_cmd(cmd) to_time = time.time() if 'sleep_after' in self.config['rally']: time.sleep(self.config['rally']['sleep_after']) to_ts = int(time.time() * 1000) self.grafana.create_grafana_urls({'from_ts': from_ts, 'to_ts': to_ts}) self.grafana.print_dashboard_url(test_name) self.grafana.log_snapshot_playbook_cmd( from_ts, to_ts, result_dir, test_name) self.grafana.run_playbook(from_ts, to_ts, result_dir, test_name) return (from_time, to_time) def update_tests(self): self.test_count += 1 def update_pass_tests(self): self.pass_count += 1 def update_fail_tests(self): self.error_count += 1 def update_scenarios(self): self.scenario_count += 1 def get_task_id(self, test_name): cmd = "grep \"rally task results\" {}.log | awk '{{print $4}}'".format( test_name) return self.tools.run_cmd(cmd) def _get_details(self): self.logger.info( "Current number of Rally scenarios executed:{}".format( self.scenario_count)) self.logger.info( "Current number of Rally tests executed:{}".format(self.test_count)) self.logger.info( "Current number of Rally tests passed:{}".format(self.pass_count)) self.logger.info( "Current number of Rally test failures:{}".format(self.error_count)) def gen_scenario_html(self, task_ids, test_name): all_task_ids = ' '.join(task_ids) cmd = "source {}; ".format(self.config['rally']['venv']) cmd += "rally task report --task {} --out {}.html".format( all_task_ids, test_name) return self.tools.run_cmd(cmd) def gen_scenario_json(self, task_id): cmd = "source {}; ".format(self.config['rally']['venv']) cmd += "rally task results {}".format(task_id) return self.tools.run_cmd(cmd) def gen_scenario_json_file(self, task_id, test_name): cmd = "source {}; ".format(self.config['rally']['venv']) cmd += "rally task results {} > {}.json".format(task_id, test_name) return self.tools.run_cmd(cmd) def rally_metadata(self, result, meta): result['rally_metadata'] = meta return result def json_result(self, task_id, scenario_name, run, test_name, result_dir): rally_data = {} failure = False self.logger.info("Loading Task_ID {} JSON".format(task_id)) rally_json = self.elastic.load_json(self.gen_scenario_json(task_id)) es_ts = datetime.datetime.utcnow() if len(rally_json) < 1: self.logger.error("Issue with Rally Results") return False for metrics in rally_json[0]['result']: for workload in metrics: if type(metrics[workload]) is dict: for value in metrics[workload]: if not type(metrics[workload][value]) is list: if value not in rally_data: rally_data[value] = [] rally_data[value].append(metrics[workload][value]) if len(metrics['error']) > 0: iteration = 1 workload_name = value if value.find('(') is not -1: iteration = re.findall('\d+', value) workload_name = value.split('(')[0] error = {'action': workload_name.strip(), 'browbeat_rerun': run, 'iteration': iteration, 'error_type': metrics['error'][0], 'error_msg': metrics['error'][1], 'result': task_id, 'timestamp': str(es_ts).replace(" ", "T"), 'rally_setup': rally_json[0]['key'], 'scenario': scenario_name, } error_result = self.elastic.combine_metadata(error) index_status = self.elastic.index_result(error_result, test_name, result_dir, workload, 'error') if index_status is False: failure = True for workload in rally_data: if not type(rally_data[workload]) is dict: iteration = 1 workload_name = workload if workload.find('(') is not -1: iteration = re.findall('\d+', workload) workload_name = workload.split('(')[0] rally_stats = {'result': task_id, 'action': workload_name.strip(), 'browbeat_rerun': run, 'iteration': iteration, 'timestamp': str(es_ts).replace(" ", "T"), 'grafana_url': [self.grafana.grafana_urls()], 'scenario': scenario_name, 'rally_setup': rally_json[0]['key'], 'raw': rally_data[workload]} result = self.elastic.combine_metadata(rally_stats) index_status = self.elastic.index_result(result, test_name, result_dir, workload) if index_status is False: failure = True if failure: return False else: return True def start_workloads(self): """Iterates through all rally scenarios in browbeat yaml config file""" results = collections.OrderedDict() self.logger.info("Starting Rally workloads") es_ts = datetime.datetime.utcnow() dir_ts = es_ts.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") self.logger.debug("Time Stamp (Prefix): {}".format(dir_ts)) benchmarks = self.config.get('rally')['benchmarks'] if (benchmarks is not None and len(benchmarks) > 0): for benchmark in benchmarks: if benchmark['enabled']: self.logger.info("Benchmark: {}".format(benchmark['name'])) scenarios = benchmark['scenarios'] def_concurrencies = benchmark['concurrency'] def_times = benchmark['times'] self.logger.debug( "Default Concurrencies: {}".format(def_concurrencies)) self.logger.debug("Default Times: {}".format(def_times)) for scenario in scenarios: if scenario['enabled']: self.update_scenarios() self.update_total_scenarios() scenario_name = scenario['name'] scenario_file = scenario['file'] self.logger.info( "Running Scenario: {}".format(scenario_name)) self.logger.debug( "Scenario File: {}".format(scenario_file)) del scenario['enabled'] del scenario['file'] del scenario['name'] if len(scenario) > 0: self.logger.debug( "Overriding Scenario Args: {}".format(scenario)) result_dir = self.tools.create_results_dir( self.config['browbeat'][ 'results'], dir_ts, benchmark['name'], scenario_name) self.logger.debug( "Created result directory: {}".format(result_dir)) workload = self.__class__.__name__ self.workload_logger(result_dir, workload) # Override concurrency/times if 'concurrency' in scenario: concurrencies = scenario['concurrency'] del scenario['concurrency'] else: concurrencies = def_concurrencies if 'times' not in scenario: scenario['times'] = def_times for concurrency in concurrencies: scenario['concurrency'] = concurrency for run in range(self.config['browbeat']['rerun']): if run not in results: results[run] = [] self.update_tests() self.update_total_tests() test_name = "{}-browbeat-{}-{}-iteration-{}".format( dir_ts, scenario_name, concurrency, run) if not result_dir: self.logger.error( "Failed to create result directory") exit(1) # Start connmon before rally if self.config['connmon']['enabled']: self.connmon.start_connmon() from_time, to_time = self.run_scenario( scenario_file, scenario, result_dir, test_name, benchmark['name']) # Stop connmon at end of rally task if self.config['connmon']['enabled']: self.connmon.stop_connmon() try: self.connmon.move_connmon_results( result_dir, test_name) except Exception: self.logger.error( "Connmon Result data missing, \ Connmon never started") return False self.connmon.connmon_graphs( result_dir, test_name) new_test_name = test_name.split('-') new_test_name = new_test_name[3:] new_test_name = "-".join(new_test_name) # Find task id (if task succeeded in # running) task_id = self.get_task_id(test_name) if task_id: self.logger.info( "Generating Rally HTML for task_id : {}". format(task_id)) self.gen_scenario_html( [task_id], test_name) self.gen_scenario_json_file( task_id, test_name) results[run].append(task_id) self.update_pass_tests() self.update_total_pass_tests() if self.config['elasticsearch']['enabled']: # Start indexing index_status = self.json_result( task_id, scenario_name, run, test_name, result_dir) self.get_time_dict(to_time, from_time, benchmark['name'], new_test_name, workload, "pass", index_status) else: self.get_time_dict(to_time, from_time, benchmark[ 'name'], new_test_name, workload, "pass", ) else: self.logger.error( "Cannot find task_id") self.update_fail_tests() self.update_total_fail_tests() self.get_time_dict( to_time, from_time, benchmark[ 'name'], new_test_name, workload, "fail") for data in glob.glob("./{}*".format(test_name)): shutil.move(data, result_dir) self._get_details() else: self.logger.info( "Skipping {} scenario enabled: false".format(scenario['name'])) else: self.logger.info( "Skipping {} benchmarks enabled: false".format(benchmark['name'])) self.logger.debug("Creating Combined Rally Reports") for run in results: combined_html_name = 'all-rally-run-{}'.format(run) self.gen_scenario_html(results[run], combined_html_name) if os.path.isfile('{}.html'.format(combined_html_name)): shutil.move('{}.html'.format(combined_html_name), '{}/{}'.format(self.config['browbeat']['results'], dir_ts)) else: self.logger.error("Config file contains no rally benchmarks.")