Table of Contents ================= - `Ansible for Browbeat <#ansible-for-browbeat>`__ - `Getting Started <#getting-started>`__ - `Ansible Installers <#ansible-installers>`__ - `Performance Check <#performance-check>`__ - `Performance Tune <#performance-tune>`__ - `Adjust your overcloud <#adjust-your-overcloud>`__ Ansible for Browbeat ==================== Currently we support Ansible 1.9.4 within browbeat-venv and Ansible 2.0+ for installation. Playbooks for: * Installing Browbeat, collectd, elk clients, graphite, grafana, and grafana dashboards * Check overcloud for performance issues * Tune overcloud for performance (Experimental) * Adjust number of workers for cinder/keystone/neutron/nova * Deploy keystone in eventlet/httpd * Adjust keystone token type to UUID/Fernet * Adjust neutron l3 agents * Adjust nova greenlet_pool_size_max_overflow Getting Started --------------- Install your public key into stack's authorized\_keys :: # ssh-copy-id stack@ Then run generate\_tripleo\ script to generate your overcloud's hosts file for ansible and generate a "jumpbox" ssh config: :: # ./ ~/.ssh/config Review the hosts file the script generates. Ansible Installers ------------------ Install Browbeat '''''''''''''''' Image upload requires Ansible 2.0 :: # vi install/group_vars/all.yml Edit ansible vars file (Installation parameters) :: # ansible-playbook -i hosts install/browbeat.yml Install Collectd Agent (Requires a Graphite Server) ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Prior to installing the agent, please review install/group\_vars/all.yml file to ensure the correct parameters are passed. :: # ansible-playbook -i hosts install/collectd.yml To install collectd on everything other than Openstack machines, view the `README for collectd-generic `__. Install Kibana Visuals '''''''''''''''''''''' Prior to installing the Kibana visuals, please review install/group\_vars/all.yml file to ensure the correct parameters are passed. :: browbeat_path - Point to the browbeat directory, default is /home/stack/browbeat es_ip - Point to the ElasticSerach host, default is blank es_kibana_index - Point to the correct Kibana index, default is .kibana To Install Kibana Visuals :: # ansible-playbook -i hosts install/kibana-visuals.yml Install Generic ELK Clients ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Filebeat (official Logstash forwarder) is used here unless you chose the optional fluentd ``logging_backend`` option in ``install/group_vars/all.yml``. In this case a simple rsyslog setup will be implemented. :: ansible-playbook -i hosts install/elk-client.yml --extra-vars 'elk_server=X.X.X.X' The ``elk_server`` variable will be generated after the ELK stack playbook runs, but it's generally wherever you installed ELK. If you have an existing ELK stack you can point new clients to it as well, but you'll want to place a new client SSL certificate at the location of ``http://{{elk_server}}:{{elk_server_ssl_cert_port}}/filebeat-forwarder.crt`` Install ELK Clients for OpenStack nodes ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' :: ansible-playbook -i hosts install/elk-openstack-client.yml --extra-vars 'elk_server=X.X.X.X' Install graphite service '''''''''''''''''''''''' When installing graphite, carbon-cache and grafana on a director/rdo-manager undecloud host, Use the docker playbook instead of this one. This playbook is intended for use when you have enough resources to allocate dedicated systems for the graphing/stats related services. Prior to installing grafana, please review install/group\_vars/all.yml file and your ansible inventory file You will need to define values for the grafana\_host and graphite\_host IP addresses here. Optionally you can change the listening port for graphite-web. :: # ansible-playbook -i hosts install/graphite.yml Install graphite service as a docker container '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Prior to installing graphite as a docker container, please review install/group\_vars/all.yml file and ensure the docker related settings will work with your target host. This playbook is ideal when installing services on director/rdo-manager undercloud host(s). :: # ansible-playbook -i hosts install/graphite-docker.yml Install grafana service ''''''''''''''''''''''' When installing graphite, carbon-cache and grafana on a director/rdo-manager undecloud host, Use the docker playbook instead of this one. This playbook is intended for use when you have enough resources to allocate dedicated systems for the graphing/stats related services. Prior to installing grafana, please review install/group\_vars/all.yml file and your ansible inventory file You will need to define values for the grafana\_host and graphite\_host IP addresses here. Optionally you can change the listening port. :: # ansible-playbook -i hosts install/grafana.yml Install grafana service as a docker container ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Prior to installing graphite as a docker container, please review install/group\_vars/all.yml file and ensure the docker related settings will work with your target host. This playbook is ideal when installing services on director/rdo-manager undercloud host(s). :: # ansible-playbook -i hosts install/grafana-docker.yml Install Grafana Dashboards (Requires a Grafana Server) '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Review install/group\_vars/all.yml before deploying the grafana dashboards :: # ansible-playbook -i hosts install/dashboards-openstack.yml Gather Metadata --------------- Run the gather playbook to gather metadata about how the OpenStack cloud is currently configured. This playbook writes hardware(No. of CPUs etc), software(OpenStack Configuration), environment(No. of controllers etc) metadata files into the metadata directory which are transported to ElasticSearch along with test results to provide context for the result data. :: # ansible-playbook -i hosts gather/site.yml Performance Check ----------------- Run the check playbook to identify common performance issues: :: # ansible-playbook -i hosts check/site.yml Performance Tune ---------------- Run the tune playbook to tune your OSPd deployed cloud for performance: :: # ansible-playbook -i hosts tune/tune.yml Adjust your overcloud --------------------- To modify the number of workers each service is running: :: # ansible-playbook -i hosts browbeat/adjustment-workers.yml -e "workers=8" Openstack services will be running 8 workers per service. To modify number of workers each service is running and ensure Keystone is deployed in eventlet: :: # ansible-playbook -i hosts browbeat/adjustment-workers.yml -e "workers=8 keystone_deployment=eventlet" To run Keystone in httpd, change keystone\_deployment to httpd: :: # ansible-playbook -i hosts browbeat/adjustment-workers.yml -e "workers=8 keystone_deployment=httpd" To switch to fernet tokens: :: # ansible-playbook -i hosts browbeat/adjustment-keystone-token.yml -e "token_provider=fernet" To switch to UUID tokens: :: # ansible-playbook -i hosts browbeat/adjustment-keystone-token.yml -e "token_provider=uuid"