--- - include: baremetal-prep-virthost.yml - name: Validate IPMI and instackenv.json hosts: undercloud gather_facts: yes roles: - validate-ipmi - name: Deploy the undercloud hosts: undercloud gather_facts: no roles: - undercloud-deploy - include: undercloud-metrics.yml - name: copy over config files hosts: undercloud gather_facts: no roles: - overcloud-prep-config - name: Perpare the baremetal overcloud hosts: undercloud gather_facts: yes roles: - baremetal-prep-overcloud - name: Prepare overcloud containers hosts: undercloud gather_facts: no roles: - { role: overcloud-prep-containers, when: containerized_overcloud|bool } - name: Prepare the overcloud images for deployment hosts: undercloud gather_facts: no roles: - overcloud-prep-images - name: Prepare overcloud flavors hosts: undercloud gather_facts: no roles: - overcloud-prep-flavors - name: Prepare the undercloud networks for the overcloud deployment hosts: undercloud gather_facts: no roles: - overcloud-prep-network - name: Prepare the SSL Configuration for the overcloud deployment hosts: undercloud gather_facts: no roles: - { role: overcloud-ssl, when: ssl_overcloud|bool } - name: Configure Browbeat hosts: undercloud roles: - browbeat/pre-install-setup - browbeat/oooq-metadata - name: Install Browbeat hosts: undercloud vars: - results_in_httpd: false roles: - browbeat/common - browbeat/browbeat - browbeat/template-configs - name: Run Browbeat hosts: undercloud roles: - browbeat/browbeat-run