Browbeat Rally Plugin: nova-create-pbench-uperf ================================================ Warning: -------- Please review the "To make this work" section. Skipping any steps will result in failure. Note: ----- We do not support more then a single concurrency, and single time. YML Config: ----------- This section with describe the args in the nova-create-pbench-uperf.yml .. code-block:: yaml image: name: 'pbench-image' flavor: name: 'm1.small' zones: server: 'nova:hypervisor-1' client: 'nova:hypervisor-2' external: name: "public" user: "root" password: "100yard-" test_types: "stream" protocols: "tcp" samples: 1 test_name: "pbench-uperf-test" **Starting from the top:** **`image: name:`** This is the image that you want to Rally to launch in the cloud, this guest should have pbench pre-installed. **`flavor: name:`** is the size of the guest you want rally to launch. For the sake of being simple **`zones: server: client:`** This is where you want the guests to be pinned to. This can be the same hypervisor. **`external: name:`** name of the public network which will be attached to a router that Rally creates. **`user:`** the user to login to the remote instances **`password:`** not totally necessary, but the password for the user above. **`test_types:`** the tests for pbench-uperf to run (stream|rr) **`protocols:`** which protocols to run through (tcp|udp) **`test_name:`** give the test a name Before you begin: ----------------- 1. Create a pbench-image that has PBench preinstalled into the guest. 1a. Use image 1b. You can use : helper-script/pbench-user.file 2a. This will not setup the image for root access 2. Rally cannot use a snapshot to launch the guest, so export the image you created above, and re-import it. 3. Configure the nova-create-pbench-uperf.yml with the right params. Rally Standup: -------------- Rally will build the following: 1. Create Router 2. Create Network/Subnet 3. Set Router gateway to provided Public network 4. Attached newly created network/subnet to newly created Router. Functions: ---------- 1. Launch a PBench Jumphost, assign a floating IP to the Jump Host so Rally can reach it. 2. Launch a pair of guests 3. Run PBench-uperf between the pair of guests 4. Send results What this sets up: ------------------ .. image:: nova-create-pbench-uperf.png What do you get out of this? ---------------------------- Here is example output from this work : To make this work: ------------------ - PBench is only _verfied_ to work with root, so the user MUST be root. sudo will also not work. root is _ONLY_ needed within the guests that are launched within the cloud - Must update on the controller(s) `/etc/neutron/policy.json` :: create_router:external_gateway_info:enable_snat": "rule:regular_user", - Must update on the controller(s) `/etc/nova/policy.json` :: "os_compute_api:servers:create:forced_host": "", * Most recently OpenStack Newton Nova switched to having a default `policy.json` so the file will be blank. Simply add this rule above.