# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from rally.task import scenario from rally.plugins.openstack.scenarios.vm import utils as vm_utils from rally.plugins.openstack.scenarios.neutron import utils as neutron_utils from rally.task import types from rally.task import validation from rally.common import sshutils import time import StringIO import csv import json import datetime import logging from Elastic import Elastic LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class BrowbeatPlugin(neutron_utils.NeutronScenario, vm_utils.VMScenario, scenario.Scenario): @types.convert(image={"type": "glance_image"}, flavor={"type": "nova_flavor"}) @validation.required_openstack(users=True) @scenario.configure(context={"cleanup": ["nova", "neutron", "cinder"], "keypair": {}, "allow_ssh": {}}) def nova_create_pbench_uperf( self, image, flavor, zones, user, password, test_types, protocols, samples, external, test_name, send_results=True, num_pairs=1, elastic_host=None, elastic_port=None, cloudname=None, **kwargs): pbench_path = "/opt/pbench-agent" pbench_results = "/var/lib/pbench-agent" # Create env router = self._create_router({}, external_gw=external) network = self._create_network({}) subnet = self._create_subnet(network, {}) kwargs["nics"] = [{'net-id': network['network']['id']}] self._add_interface_router(subnet['subnet'], router['router']) # Launch pbench-jump-host jh, jip = self._boot_server_with_fip(image, flavor, use_floating_ip=True, floating_network=external['name'], key_name=self.context["user"]["keypair"]["name"], **kwargs) servers = [] clients = [] # Launch Guests if num_pairs is 1: server = self._boot_server( image, flavor, key_name=self.context["user"]["keypair"]["name"], availability_zone=zones['server'], **kwargs) client = self._boot_server( image, flavor, key_name=self.context["user"]["keypair"]["name"], availability_zone=zones['client'], **kwargs) # IP Addresses servers.append( str(server.addresses[network['network']['name']][0]["addr"])) clients.append( str(client.addresses[network['network']['name']][0]["addr"])) else: for i in range(num_pairs): server = self._boot_server( image, flavor, key_name=self.context["user"]["keypair"]["name"], availability_zone=zones['server'], **kwargs) client = self._boot_server( image, flavor, key_name=self.context["user"]["keypair"]["name"], availability_zone=zones['client'], **kwargs) # IP Addresses servers.append( str(server.addresses[network['network']['name']][0]["addr"])) clients.append( str(client.addresses[network['network']['name']][0]["addr"])) # Wait for ping self._wait_for_ping(jip['ip']) # Open SSH Connection jump_ssh = sshutils.SSH(user, jip['ip'], 22, self.context[ "user"]["keypair"]["private"], password) # Check for connectivity self._wait_for_ssh(jump_ssh) # Write id_rsa to get to guests. self._run_command_over_ssh(jump_ssh, {'remote_path': "mkdir ~/.ssh"}) jump_ssh.run( "cat > ~/.ssh/id_rsa", stdin=self.context["user"]["keypair"]["private"]) self._run_command_over_ssh(jump_ssh, {'remote_path': "chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa"}) # Check status of guest ready = False retry = 5 while (not ready): for sip in servers + clients: cmd = "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no {}@{} /bin/true".format( user, sip) s1_exitcode, s1_stdout, s1_stderr = jump_ssh.execute(cmd) if retry < 1: LOG.error( "Error : Issue reaching {} the guests through the Jump host".format(sip)) return 1 if s1_exitcode is 0: ready = True else: retry = retry - 1 time.sleep(5) # Register pbench across FIP for sip in servers + clients: cmd = "{}/util-scripts/pbench-register-tool-set --remote={}".format( pbench_path, sip) self._run_command_over_ssh(jump_ssh, {'remote_path': cmd}) # Quick single test # debug = "--message-sizes=1024 --instances=1" debug = None # Start uperf against private address uperf = "{}/bench-scripts/pbench-uperf --clients={} --servers={} --samples={} {}".format( pbench_path, ','.join(clients), ','.join(servers), samples, debug) uperf += " --test-types={} --protocols={} --config={}".format( test_types, protocols, test_name) # Execute pbench-uperf # execute returns, exitcode,stdout,stderr LOG.info("Starting Rally - PBench UPerf") exitcode, stdout_uperf, stderr = self._run_command_over_ssh( jump_ssh, {"remote_path": uperf}) # Prepare results cmd = "cat {}/uperf_{}*/result.csv".format(pbench_results, test_name) exitcode, stdout, stderr = self._run_command_over_ssh( jump_ssh, {'remote_path': cmd}) if send_results and exitcode is not 1: cmd = "cat {}/uperf_{}*/result.json".format( pbench_results, test_name) exitcode, stdout_json, stderr = self._run_command_over_ssh( jump_ssh, {'remote_path': cmd}) es_ts = datetime.datetime.utcnow() config = { 'elasticsearch': { 'host': elastic_host, 'port': elastic_port}, 'browbeat': { 'cloud_name': cloudname, 'timestamp': es_ts}} elastic = Elastic(config, 'pbench') json_result = StringIO.StringIO(stdout_json) json_data = json.load(json_result) for iteration in json_data: elastic.index_result(iteration) else: LOG.error("Error with PBench Results") # Parse results result = StringIO.StringIO('\n'.join(stdout.split('\n')[1:])) creader = csv.reader(result) report = [] for row in creader: if len(row) >= 1: report.append(["aggregate.{}".format(row[1]), float(row[2])]) report.append(["single.{}".format(row[1]), float(row[3])]) if len(report) > 0: self.add_output( additive={"title": "PBench UPerf Stats", "description": "PBench UPerf Scenario", "chart_plugin": "StatsTable", "axis_label": "Gbps", "label": "Gbps", "data": report}) cmd = "{}/util-scripts/pbench-move-results".format(pbench_path) self._run_command_over_ssh(jump_ssh, {"remote_path": cmd})