# Basic set of initial stress tests to test overcloud before running complete set of benchmarks. browbeat: cloud_name: openstack rerun: 1 # Two types of rerun: # iteration reruns on the iteration # complete reruns after all workloads complete # rerun_type: complete rerun_type: iteration ansible: hosts: ansible/hosts metadata_playbook: ansible/gather/stockpile.yml ssh_config: ansible/ssh-config elasticsearch: enabled: false host: port: 9200 regather: false metadata_files: - name: hardware-metadata file: metadata/hardware-metadata.json - name: environment-metadata file: metadata/environment-metadata.json - name: software-metadata file: metadata/software-metadata.json - name: version file: metadata/version.json grafana: enabled: false host: example.grafana.com port: 3000 dashboards: - openstack-general-system-performance perfkit: sleep_before: 0 sleep_after: 0 default: image: centos7 machine_type: m1.small os_type: rhel openstack_image_username: centos openstack_floating_ip_pool: browbeat_public openstack_network: browbeat_private timing_measurements: runtimes ignore_package_requirements: true rally: sleep_before: 5 sleep_after: 5 plugins: - glance: rally/rally-plugins/glance - neutron: rally/rally-plugins/neutron - netcreate-boot: rally/rally-plugins/netcreate-boot - workloads: rally/rally-plugins/workloads shaker: server: port: 5555 flavor: m1.small join_timeout: 600 sleep_before: 0 sleep_after: 0 shaker_region: regionOne external_host: workloads: # PerfKitBenchmarker - name: fio-centos-m1-small enabled: false type: perfkit benchmarks: fio openstack_volume_size: 1 # Shaker - name: shaker-l2 enabled: true type: shaker density: 1 compute: 1 progression: linear time: 60 file: lib/python2.7/site-packages/shaker/scenarios/openstack/dense_l2.yaml - name: shaker-l3-north-south enabled: true type: shaker placement: double_room density: 1 compute: 1 progression: null time: 60 file: lib/python2.7/site-packages/shaker/scenarios/openstack/dense_l3_north_south.yaml - name: shaker-l3-east-west enabled: true type: shaker density: 1 compute: 1 time: 60 file: lib/python2.7/site-packages/shaker/scenarios/openstack/dense_l3_east_west.yaml # Rally - name: authenticate enabled: true type: rally concurrency: - 8 times: 100 scenarios: - name: authentic-keystone enabled: true file: rally/authenticate/keystone-cc.yml - name: authentic-neutron enabled: true file: rally/authenticate/validate_neutron-cc.yml - name: authentic-nova enabled: true file: rally/authenticate/validate_nova-cc.yml - name: cinder enabled: true type: rally concurrency: - 2 times: 10 scenarios: - name: create-attach-volume-cirros enabled: true image_name: cirros flavor_name: m1.tiny file: rally/cinder/cinder-create-and-attach-volume-cc.yml - name: keystonebasic enabled: true type: rally concurrency: - 8 times: 100 scenarios: - name: create-and-list-tenants enabled: false file: rally/keystonebasic/create_and_list_tenants-cc.yml - name: create-and-list-users enabled: true file: rally/keystonebasic/create_and_list_users-cc.yml - name: neutron enabled: true type: rally concurrency: - 2 times: 10 scenarios: - name: create-list-network enabled: true file: rally/neutron/neutron-create-list-network-cc.yml - name: create-list-port enabled: true file: rally/neutron/neutron-create-list-port-cc.yml - name: create-list-router enabled: true file: rally/neutron/neutron-create-list-router-cc.yml - name: create-list-security-group enabled: true file: rally/neutron/neutron-create-list-security-group-cc.yml - name: create-list-subnet enabled: true file: rally/neutron/neutron-create-list-subnet-cc.yml - name: nova enabled: true type: rally concurrency: - 2 times: 10 scenarios: - name: boot-snapshot-delete-cirros enabled: true file: rally/nova/nova-boot-snapshot-cc.yml image_name: cirros flavor_name: m1.xtiny - name: boot-list-cirros enabled: true image_name: cirros file: rally/nova/nova-boot-list-cc.yml flavor_name: m1.xtiny - name: boot-show-cirros enabled: true image_name: cirros file: rally/nova/nova-boot-show-cc.yml flavor_name: m1.xtiny - name: boot-bounce-delete-cirros enabled: true image_name: cirros file: rally/nova/nova-boot-bounce-delete-cc.yml flavor_name: m1.xtiny - name: boot-lock-unlock-cirros enabled: true image_name: cirros file: rally/nova/nova-lock-unlock-cc.yml flavor_name: m1.xtiny - name: glance enabled: true type: rally concurrency: - 2 times: 10 scenarios: - name: create-and-delete-image enabled: true image_location: /home/stack/cirros.qcow2 container_format: bare disk_format: qcow2 file: rally/glance/create-and-delete-image-cc.yml - name: simple-plugins enabled: true type: rally concurrency: - 8 times: 10 scenarios: - name: netcreate-boot enabled: true enable_dhcp: true image_name: cirros flavor_name: m1.tiny file: rally/rally-plugins/netcreate-boot/netcreate_nova_boot.yml - name: netcreate-boot-ping enabled: true image_name: cirros flavor_name: m1.xtiny ext_net_id: file: rally/rally-plugins/netcreate-boot/netcreate_nova_boot_fip_ping.yml - name: router-subnet-create-delete enabled: true num_networks: 5 file: rally/rally-plugins/neutron/router_subnet_create_delete.yml - name: glance-create-boot-delete enabled: true image_location: /home/stack/cirros.qcow2 flavor_name: m1.xtiny file: rally/rally-plugins/glance/glance_create_boot_delete.yml - name: neutron-securitygroup-port enabled: true file: rally/rally-plugins/neutron/securitygroup_port.yml - name: plugin-workloads enabled: false type: rally concurrency: - 1 times: 1 scenarios: - name: linpack enabled: true image_name: browbeat-linpack flavor_name: m1.small external_network: net_id: file: rally/rally-plugins/workloads/linpack.yml - name: sysbench enabled: true image_name: browbeat-sysbench flavor_name: m1.small external_network: net_id: # test_name: Type of Sysbench Benchmark to be run. Example: cpu test_name: cpu cpu_max_prime: file: rally/rally-plugins/workloads/sysbench.yml - name: browbeat-pbench-uperf enabled: true user: root image_name: browbeat-uperf flavor_name: m1.small # hypervisor_server: "nova:overcloud-compute-1.localdomain" # hypervisor_client: "nova:overcloud-compute-0.localdomain" external_network: net_id: protocols: tcp,udp instances: 1 num_pairs: 1 samples: 1 test_types: stream,rr message_sizes: 64,1024,16384 test_name: "browbeat-pbench-uperf" send_results: true cloudname: elastic_host: elastic_port: 9200 file: rally/rally-plugins/workloads/pbench-uperf.yml