# Basic set of benchmarks to validate on Tripleo Quickstart cloud browbeat: cloud_name: quickstart rerun: 1 rerun_type: iteration start_stop_collectd: false ansible: hosts: ansible/hosts metadata_playbook: ansible/gather/stockpile.yml logging_playbook: ansible/common_logging/browbeat_logging.yml start_collectd_playbook: ansible/install/collectd.yml stop_collectd_playbook: ansible/install/stop-collectd.yml check_collectd_config_playbook: ansible/install/check-collectd-config.yml ssh_config: ansible/ssh-config elasticsearch: enabled: false host: port: 9200 regather: false metadata_files: - name: hardware-metadata file: metadata/hardware-metadata.json - name: environment-metadata file: metadata/environment-metadata.json - name: software-metadata file: metadata/software-metadata.json - name: version file: metadata/version.json grafana: enabled: true host: example.grafana.com port: 3000 dashboards: - openstack-general-system-performance filebeat: enabled: false rally: sleep_before: 5 sleep_after: 5 plugins: [] shaker: server: port: 5555 flavor: m1.small join_timeout: 600 sleep_before: 0 sleep_after: 0 shaker_region: regionOne external_host: # file for shaker should be one of https://opendev.org/performa/shaker/src/branch/master/shaker/scenarios/openstack workloads: - name: quickstart-shaker-l2 enabled: true type: shaker density: 1 compute: 1 progression: linear time: 60 file: dense_l2.yaml - name: quickstart-rally enabled: true type: rally concurrency: - 1 times: 1 scenarios: - name: authentic-keystone enabled: true file: rally/authenticate/keystone-cc.yml - name: create-list-network enabled: true file: rally/neutron/neutron-create-list-network-cc.yml - name: boot-list-cirros enabled: true image_name: cirro5 file: rally/nova/nova-boot-list-cc.yml flavor_name: m1.xtiny