#!/bin/bash source ~/stackrc source browbeat.cfg log() { echo "[$(date)]: $*" } check_controllers() { for IP in $(echo "$CONTROLLERS" | awk '{print $12}' | cut -d "=" -f 2); do # Number of cores? CORES=$(ssh -o "${SSH_OPTS}" ${LOGIN_USER}@$IP sudo cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l) log Controller : $IP log Number of cores : $CORES log Service : Keystone log "\_Admin:" $(ssh -o "${SSH_OPTS}" ${LOGIN_USER}@$IP sudo cat /etc/httpd/conf.d/10-keystone_wsgi_admin.conf | grep -vi "NONE" | grep -v "#" | grep -E ${WORKERS["keystone"]}) log "\_Main:" $(ssh -o "${SSH_OPTS}" ${LOGIN_USER}@$IP sudo cat /etc/httpd/conf.d/10-keystone_wsgi_main.conf | grep -vi "NONE" | grep -v "#" | grep -E ${WORKERS["keystone"]}) log $(ssh -o "${SSH_OPTS}" ${LOGIN_USER}@$IP sudo cat /etc/keystone/keystone.conf | grep -vi "NONE" | grep -v "#" |grep -E ${WORKERS["keystone"]}) log Service : Nova log $(ssh -o "${SSH_OPTS}" ${LOGIN_USER}@$IP sudo cat /etc/nova/nova.conf | grep -vi "NONE" | grep -v "#" |grep -E ${WORKERS["nova"]}) log Service : Neutron log $(ssh -o "${SSH_OPTS}" ${LOGIN_USER}@$IP sudo cat /etc/neutron/neutron.conf | grep -vi "NONE" | grep -v "#" |grep -E ${WORKERS["neutron"]}) log Service : Cinder log $(ssh -o "${SSH_OPTS}" ${LOGIN_USER}@$IP sudo cat /etc/cinder/cinder.conf | grep -vi "NONE" | grep -v "#" |grep -E ${WORKERS["cinder"]}) done } check_running_workers() { for IP in $(echo "$CONTROLLERS" | awk '{print $12}' | cut -d "=" -f 2); do log Validate number of workers keystone_num=$(ssh -o "${SSH_OPTS}" ${LOGIN_USER}@$IP sudo ps afx | grep "[Kk]eystone" | wc -l) keystone_admin_httpd_num=$(ssh -o "${SSH_OPTS}" ${LOGIN_USER}@$IP sudo ps afx | grep "[Kk]eystone-admin" | wc -l) keystone_main_httpd_num=$(ssh -o "${SSH_OPTS}" ${LOGIN_USER}@$IP sudo ps afx | grep "[Kk]eystone-main" | wc -l) nova_api_num=$(ssh -o "${SSH_OPTS}" ${LOGIN_USER}@$IP sudo ps afx | grep "[Nn]ova-api" | wc -l) nova_conductor_num=$(ssh -o "${SSH_OPTS}" ${LOGIN_USER}@$IP sudo ps afx | grep "[Nn]ova-conductor" | wc -l) nova_scheduler_num=$(ssh -o "${SSH_OPTS}" ${LOGIN_USER}@$IP sudo ps afx | grep "[Nn]ova-scheduler" | wc -l) nova_consoleauth_num=$(ssh -o "${SSH_OPTS}" ${LOGIN_USER}@$IP sudo ps afx | grep "[Nn]ova-consoleauth" | wc -l) nova_novncproxy_num=$(ssh -o "${SSH_OPTS}" ${LOGIN_USER}@$IP sudo ps afx | grep "[Nn]ova-novncproxy" | wc -l) cinder_worker_num=$(ssh -o "${SSH_OPTS}" ${LOGIN_USER}@$IP sudo ps afx | grep "[Cc]inder-api" | wc -l) log $IP : keystone : $keystone_num workers admin/main combined log $IP : "keystone(httpd)" : $keystone_admin_httpd_num admin workers, $keystone_main_httpd_num main workers log $IP : nova-api : $nova_api_num workers log $IP : nova-conductor : $nova_conductor_num workers log $IP : nova-scheduler : $nova_scheduler_num workers log $IP : nova-consoleauth : $nova_consoleauth_num workers log $IP : nova-novncproxy : $nova_novncproxy_num workers log $IP : cinder-api : $cinder_worker_num workers # Keystone should be 2x for admin and main + 1 for main process # Nova should be 3x + 1 nova-api, core_count + 1 for conductor, and scheduler+consoleauth+novncproxy # Neutron ? done } run_rally() { if [ -z "$1" ] ; then echo "ERROR : Pass which service to run rally tests against" echo "Usage : run_rally SERVICE TEST_PREFIX" echo "Valid services : keystone, nova, neutron" exit 1 else echo "Benchmarking : $1" osp_service=$1 fi if [ -z "$2" ] ; then echo "ERROR : Pass test_prefix to run rally tests" echo "Usage : run_rally SERVICE TEST_PREFIX" echo "Valid services : keystone, nova, neutron" exit 1 else test_prefix=$2 fi for task_file in `ls rally/${osp_service}` do task_dir=rally/$osp_service if [ ${task_file: -3} == "-cc" ] then for concur in ${CONCURRENCY[${osp_service}]} do for ((run_count=1; run_count<=${RERUN}; run_count++)) do times=${TIMES[${osp_service}]} concur_padded="$(printf "%04d" ${concur})" test_name="${test_prefix}-iteration_$run_count-${task_file}-${concur_padded}" log Test-Name ${test_name} sed -i "s/\"concurrency\": 1,/\"concurrency\": ${concur},/g" ${task_dir}/${task_file} sed -i "s/\"times\": 1,/\"times\": ${times},/g" ${task_dir}/${task_file} truncate_token_bloat results_dir=results/${test_prefix}/$osp_service/${task_file}/run-$run_count mkdir -p $results_dir if $CONNMON ; then log Starting connmon # Kill any existing connmond session in screen, ansible install script creates this sudo screen -X -S connmond kill sudo sed -i "s/csv_dump:.*/csv_dump: results\/$test_prefix\/$osp_service\/$task_file\/run-$run_count\/current-run.csv/g" /etc/connmon.cfg connmond --config /etc/connmon.cfg > /tmp/connmond-${test_name} 2>&1 & CONNMON_PID=$! fi if $PBENCH ; then setup_pbench user-benchmark --config=${test_name} -- "./browbeat-run-rally.sh ${task_dir}/${task_file} ${test_name}" else # pbench is off, just run rally directly rally task start --task ${task_dir}/${task_file} 2>&1 | tee ${test_name}.log fi if $CONNMON ; then log Stopping connmon kill -9 $CONNMON_PID mv ${results_dir}/current-run.csv ${results_dir}/${test_name}.csv fi post_process $results_dir # grep the log file for the results to be run test_id=`grep "rally task results" ${test_name}.log | awk '{print $4}'` pbench_results_dir=`find /var/lib/pbench-agent/ -name "*${test_prefix}*" -print` if [ -n "${test_id}" ]; then rally task report ${test_id} --out ${test_name}.html if $PBENCH; then cp ${test_name}.html ${pbench_results_dir} fi fi if $PBENCH ; then cp ${test_name}.log ${pbench_results_dir} if $CONNMON ; then mkdir -p ${pbench_results_dir}/connmon/ for connmon_graph in `find ${results_dir}/ | grep -E "png$|csv$"` do cp ${connmon_graph} ${pbench_results_dir}/connmon/ done fi move-results --prefix=${test_prefix}/${task_file}-${concur} clear-tools fi if [ -n "${test_id}" ]; then mv ${test_name}.html $results_dir fi mv ${test_name}.log $results_dir sed -i "s/\"concurrency\": ${concur},/\"concurrency\": 1,/g" ${task_dir}/${task_file} sed -i "s/\"times\": ${times},/\"times\": 1,/g" ${task_dir}/${task_file} done # RERUN done # Concurrency fi done # Task Files } post_process() { if [ -z "$1" ] ; then echo "Error result path not passed" exit 1 else log Post-Processing : $1 results=$1 fi if $CONNMON ; then log Building Connmon Graphs for i in `ls -talrh $results | grep -E "*\.csv$" | awk '{print $9}'` ; do python graphing/connmonplot.py $results/$i; done fi } setup_pbench() { log "Setting up pbench tools" clear-tools kill-tools sudo /opt/pbench-agent/util-scripts/register-tool --name=mpstat -- --interval=${PBENCH_INTERVAL} sudo /opt/pbench-agent/util-scripts/register-tool --name=iostat -- --interval=${PBENCH_INTERVAL} sudo /opt/pbench-agent/util-scripts/register-tool --name=sar -- --interval=${PBENCH_INTERVAL} sudo /opt/pbench-agent/util-scripts/register-tool --name=vmstat -- --interval=${PBENCH_INTERVAL} sudo /opt/pbench-agent/util-scripts/register-tool --name=pidstat -- --interval=${PBENCH_INTERVAL} for IP in $(echo "$CONTROLLERS" | awk '{print $12}' | cut -d "=" -f 2); do sudo /opt/pbench-agent/util-scripts/register-tool --name=mpstat --remote=${IP} -- --interval=${PBENCH_INTERVAL} sudo /opt/pbench-agent/util-scripts/register-tool --name=iostat --remote=${IP} -- --interval=${PBENCH_INTERVAL} sudo /opt/pbench-agent/util-scripts/register-tool --name=sar --remote=${IP} -- --interval=${PBENCH_INTERVAL} sudo /opt/pbench-agent/util-scripts/register-tool --name=vmstat --remote=${IP} -- --interval=${PBENCH_INTERVAL} sudo /opt/pbench-agent/util-scripts/register-tool --name=pidstat --remote=${IP} -- --interval=${PBENCH_INTERVAL} sudo /opt/pbench-agent/util-scripts/register-tool --name=user-tool --remote=${IP} -- --tool-name=mariadb-conntrack --start-script=/opt/usertool/mariadb-track.sh done } truncate_token_bloat() { log "Truncating Token Bloat" IP=`echo "$CONTROLLERS" | head -n 1 | awk '{print $12}' | cut -d "=" -f 2` ssh -o "${SSH_OPTS}" ${LOGIN_USER}@$IP sudo "mysql keystone -e 'truncate token;'" } if [ "$UPDATED" = false ]; then log "Usage: ./browbeat.sh " log "Please update the browbeat.cfg before running" exit fi if [ ! $# == 1 ]; then log "Usage: ./browbeat.sh " exit fi if [ ! -f ansible/hosts ]; then log "ERROR: Ansible inventory file does not exist." log "In ansible directory, run: ./gen_hosts.sh ~/.ssh/config" exit fi complete_test_prefix=$1 if $DEBUG ; then log $CONTROLLERS fi # # 1) Show the current # of workers # 2) Run Tests (Keystone, Nova, Neutron) # 3) Update # of workers per-service # 4) Re-Run tests above # mkdir -p results check_controllers # Clean logs before run ansible-playbook -i ansible/hosts ansible/browbeat/cleanlogs.yml for num_wkrs in ${NUM_WORKERS} ; do num_wkr_padded="$(printf "%02d" ${num_wkrs})" ansible-playbook -i ansible/hosts ansible/browbeat/adjustment.yml -e "workers=${num_wkrs}" check_running_workers check_controllers run_rally keystone "${complete_test_prefix}-keystone-${num_wkr_padded}" ${num_wkrs} check_controllers run_rally neutron "${complete_test_prefix}-neutron-${num_wkr_padded}" ${num_wkrs} check_controllers run_rally nova "${complete_test_prefix}-nova-${num_wkr_padded}" ${num_wkrs} check_controllers run_rally cinder "${complete_test_prefix}-cinder-${num_wkr_padded}" ${num_wkrs} done ansible-playbook -i ansible/hosts ansible/browbeat/adjustment.yml -e "workers=${RESET_WORKERS}" check_running_workers check_controllers