# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from collections import deque import elasticsearch from elasticsearch import helpers import logging import json import datetime import uuid import sys import time import os import re browbeat_uuid = uuid.uuid4() class Elastic(object): def __init__(self, config, workload, tool="browbeat", cache_size=1000, max_cache_time=10): self.config = config self.cache = deque() self.max_cache_size = cache_size self.last_upload = datetime.datetime.utcnow() self.max_cache_age = datetime.timedelta(minutes=max_cache_time) self.logger = logging.getLogger('browbeat.Elastic') self.es = elasticsearch.Elasticsearch([ {'host': self.config['elasticsearch']['host'], 'port': self.config['elasticsearch']['port']}], send_get_body_as='POST' ) self.workload = workload today = datetime.datetime.today() self.index = "{}-{}-{}".format(tool, workload, today.strftime('%Y.%m.%d')) def __del__(self): self.flush_cache() def load_json(self, result): json_data = None self.logger.info("Loading JSON") json_data = json.loads(result) return json_data def load_json_file(self, result): json_data = None self.logger.info("Loading JSON file : {}".format(result)) try: with open(result) as jdata: json_data = json.load(jdata) except (IOError, OSError): self.logger.error("Error loading JSON file : {}".format(result)) return False return json_data def combine_metadata(self, result): if (self.config['elasticsearch']['metadata_files'] is not None and len(self.config['elasticsearch']['metadata_files']) > 0): meta = self.config['elasticsearch']['metadata_files'] for _meta in meta: try: with open(_meta['file']) as jdata: result[_meta['name']] = json.load(jdata) except Exception: self.logger.error( "Error loading Metadata file : {}".format( _meta['file'])) self.logger.error( "Please make sure the metadata file exists and" " is valid JSON or run the playbook ansible/gather/site.yml" " before running the Browbeat test Suite") sys.exit(1) return result # Used to transform the cache dict into a elastic insertable iterable def cache_insertable_iterable(self): output = deque() for item in self.cache: es_item = {} es_item['_id'] = item['_id'] es_item['_source'] = item['result'] es_item['_type'] = item['_type'] es_item['_index'] = self.index output.append(es_item) return output def flush_cache(self): if len(self.cache) == 0: return True retry = 2 for i in range(retry): try: to_upload = helpers.parallel_bulk(self.es, self.cache_insertable_iterable()) counter = 0 num_items = len(self.cache) for item in to_upload: self.logger.debug("{} of {} Elastic objects uploaded".format(num_items, counter)) output = "Pushed {} items to Elasticsearch to index {}".format(num_items, self.index) output += " and browbeat UUID {}".format(str(browbeat_uuid)) self.logger.info(output) self.cache = deque() self.last_upload = datetime.datetime.utcnow() return True except Exception as Err: self.logger.error( "Error pushing data to Elasticsearch, going to retry" " in 10 seconds") self.logger.error("Exception: {}".format(Err)) time.sleep(10) if i == (retry - 1): self.logger.error("Pushing Data to Elasticsearch failed in spite of retry," " dumping JSON for {} cached items".format(len(self.cache))) for item in self.cache: filename = item['test_name'] + '-' + item['identifier'] filename += '-elastic' + '.' + 'json' elastic_file = os.path.join(item['result_dir'], filename) with open(elastic_file, 'w') as result_file: json.dump(item['result'], result_file, indent=4, sort_keys=True) self.logger.info("Saved Elasticsearch consumable result JSON to {}". format(elastic_file)) self.cache = deque() self.last_upload = datetime.datetime.utcnow() return False def get_software_metadata(self, index, role, browbeat_uuid): nodes = {} results = self.query_uuid(index, browbeat_uuid) pattern = re.compile(".*{}.*".format(role)) if results: for result in results: for metadata in result['_source']['software-metadata']: for service in metadata: if pattern.match(metadata[service]['node_name']): if metadata[service]['node_name'] not in nodes: nodes[metadata[service][ 'node_name']] = metadata return nodes else: self.logger.error("UUID {} wasn't found".format(browbeat_uuid)) return False def get_version_metadata(self, index, browbeat_uuid): version = {} results = self.query_uuid(index, browbeat_uuid) if results: for result in results: version = result['_source']['version'] return version else: self.logger.error("UUID {} wasn't found".format(browbeat_uuid)) """ Currently this function will only compare two uuids. I (rook) am not convinced it is worth the effort to engineer anything > 2. """ def compare_metadata(self, index, role, uuids): meta = [] for browbeat_uuid in uuids: self.logger.info( "Querying Elastic : index [{}] : role [{}] : browbeat_uuid [{}] ".format( index, role, browbeat_uuid)) software_metadata = self.get_software_metadata( index, role, browbeat_uuid) if software_metadata: meta.append(software_metadata) else: return False version_metadata = self.get_version_metadata(index, browbeat_uuid) if version_metadata: self.logger.info( "\nUUID: {}\nVersion: {}\nBuild: {}".format( browbeat_uuid, version_metadata['osp_series'], version_metadata['build'])) ignore = [ "connection", "admin_url", "bind_host", "rabbit_hosts", "auth_url", "public_bind_host", "host", "key", "url", "auth_uri", "coordination_url", "swift_authurl", "admin_token", "memcached_servers", "api_servers", "osapi_volume_listen", "nova_url", "coordination_url", "memcache_servers", "novncproxy_host", "backend_url", "novncproxy_base_url", "metadata_listen", "osapi_compute_listen", "admin_bind_host", "glance_api_servers", "iscsi_ip_address", "registry_host", "auth_address", "swift_key", "auth_encryption_key", "metadata_proxy_shared_secret", "telemetry_secret", "heat_metadata_server_url", "heat_waitcondition_server_url", "transport_url"] if len(meta) < 2: self.logger.error("Unable to compare data-sets") return False for host in meta[0]: if host not in meta[1]: self.logger.error("Deployment differs: " "Host [{}] missing ".format(host)) continue for service in meta[0][host]: for options in meta[0][host][service].keys(): if options not in meta[1][host][service]: self.logger.error( "UUID {} " "- Missing Option : " "Host [{}] Service [{}] {}".format( uuids[1], host, service, options)) continue if isinstance(meta[0][host][service][options], dict): for key in meta[0][host][service][options].keys(): if key not in ignore: if key in meta[1][host][service][options]: value = meta[0][host][ service][options][key] new_value = meta[1][host][ service][options][key] if value != new_value: self.logger.info( "Difference found : " "Host [{}] Service [{}] Section {} {} [{}]\n" "New Value: {}\nOld Value: {}".format( host, service, options, key, meta[0][host][service][ options][key], value, new_value)) else: self.logger.error( "UUID {} - Missing Value : " "Host [{}] Service [{}] {} [{}]".format( uuids[1], host, service, options, key)) def query_uuid(self, index, browbeat_uuid): body = {'query': {"match": {"browbeat_uuid": { "query": browbeat_uuid, "type": "phrase"}}}} results = self.es.search(index=index, doc_type='result', body=body) if len(results['hits']['hits']) > 0: return results['hits']['hits'] else: return False def index_result(self, result, test_name, result_dir, identifier='', _type='result', _id=None): data = {} result['browbeat_uuid'] = str(browbeat_uuid) result['cloud_name'] = self.config['browbeat']['cloud_name'] result['browbeat_config'] = self.config data['result'] = result data['test_name'] = test_name data['result_dir'] = result_dir data['identifier'] = identifier data['_type'] = _type data['_id'] = _id self.cache.append(data) now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() if len(self.cache) <= self.max_cache_size \ and (now - self.last_upload) <= self.max_cache_age: return True else: return self.flush_cache()