Sai Sindhur Malleni 90bb494647 Update location of CI variables
This commit sets the variables for network creation to the
appropriate values. Since the network details are internal, this CI
variables file is being moved to internal git.

Change-Id: Ib55d2896991c74562f01e3cc56117af7110dc403
2017-02-02 14:31:33 -05:00

17 lines
516 B

# Checks the cloud for known bugs and produces a bug report
# not functional on osp8 or earlier, therefore errors are ignored
- name: Check Cloud for Bugs
"cd {{ ansible_env.HOME }}/browbeat/ansible; \
ansible-playbook -i hosts \
check/site.yml > {{ ansible_env.HOME }}/browbeat/results/check.log"
register: check_run
ignore_errors: true
until: check_run.rc == 0
retries: 2
delay: 60
ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS: "-F {{ ansible_env.HOME }}/browbeat/ansible/ssh-config"