This commit enanbles Ansible linting and does some minor refactoring to make existing Ansible roles compatible with the new rules. Several Ansible linting rules have been excluded to keep the number of changes from being too onerous. Also a new script in ci-scripts is used to check very config file included in the Browbeat repo for validity using the template Browbeat uses when it runs. Here's a list of the new linting rules * Ansible tasks must have names * When you use shell you must use become not sudo * Using become_user without using become is not allowed * If a repo is pulled it must be a pinned version of commit, not latest * Always_run is deprecated don't use it * Variables without {{}} and not in when statements are deprecated don't use them * No Trailing whitepaces * YAML checking, catches big syntax errors but not less obvious ones Change-Id: Ic531c91c408996d4e7d8899afe8b21d364998680
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# Playbook to check OSP install for common performance tuning issues
- hosts: localhost
name: Get MySQL Tuner Script
gather_facts: false
ansible_connection: local
- name: Get MySQL Tuner Script
get_url: url={{mysql_tuner_script}} dest={{playbook_dir}}
- hosts: undercloud
name: Checking Undercloud for common Performance Issues
remote_user: stack
- common
- controller
- undercloud
- keystone
- neutron
- nova
- hosts: controller
name: Checking Controller Nodes for common Performance Issues
remote_user: heat-admin
- common
- controller
- keystone
- neutron
- nova
- glance
- gnocchi
- hosts: compute
name: Checking Compute Nodes for common Performance Issues
remote_user: heat-admin
- common
- compute
- nova
- hosts: cephstorage
name: Checking Ceph Hosts for common Performance Issues
remote_user: heat-admin
- common
- ceph
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: False
become: false
ansible_python_interpreter: "/usr/bin/python"
name: Generating bug report
- name: Create results dir
file: "path={{result_dir}} state=directory"
- name: Template Bug report
template: src=templates/bug_report.j2 dest={{result_dir}}/bug_report.log
become: false
- name: Template MySQL report
template: src=templates/mysql_report.j2 dest={{result_dir}}/mysql_report.log
become: false
- name: Run MySQL report regex
replace: dest={{result_dir}}/mysql_report.log regexp='\[([^\s+]+)' replace=''
- name: Run MySQL report regex
replace: dest={{result_dir}}/mysql_report.log regexp='\r' replace=''