The undercloud.conf has some tunables that are important to know so I figured I would add it to the metadata collection Change-Id: I1d31b5a30c265807e9f37a78caa24e569687ef5b
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# Tasks to set undercloud facts
- name: Check that the undercloud.conf exists
become: true
stat: path=/home/stack/undercloud.conf
register: undercloud_conf
- name: Undercloud.conf
become: true
shell: python /tmp/openstack-config-parser.py undercloud /home/stack/undercloud.conf /tmp/out.yml
when: undercloud_conf.stat.exists
- name: Fetch output
fetch: src=/tmp/out.yml dest=/tmp/out.yml flat=yes
when: undercloud_conf.stat.exists
- name: Load configuration variables
include_vars: /tmp/out.yml
when: undercloud_conf.stat.exists
- name: Get max_connections on the database
shell: mysql -e "show variables like 'max_connections';" | grep max_connections | awk '{print $2}'
register: max_conn
ignore_errors: true
- name: Set max database connections
openstack_mysql_max_connections: "{{ max_conn.stdout }}"
- name : Get file descriptors for the mysql process
shell: cat /proc/$(pgrep mysqld_safe)/limits | grep "open files" | awk '{print $4}'
register: mysql_desc
- name: Set file descriptors fact for mysql
openstack_mysql_file_descriptors: "{{ mysql_desc.stdout }}"
- name : Get rabbitmq file descriptors
shell: rabbitmqctl status | grep total_limit | awk -F',' '{print $2}' | sed 's/.$//'
register: rabbitmq_desc
ignore_errors: true
- name: Set rabbitmq file descriptors
openstack_rabbitmq_file_descriptors: "{{ rabbitmq_desc.stdout }}"
- name: Get Controller Nodes number
shell: source ~/stackrc; nova list | grep controller | grep ACTIVE | wc -l
register: controller_count
- name : Set Controler number fact
osp_controllers_number: "{{ controller_count.stdout }}"
- name: Get Compute Nodes number
shell: source ~/stackrc; nova list | grep compute | grep ACTIVE | wc -l
register: compute_count
- name : Set Commpute number fact
osp_computes_number: "{{ compute_count.stdout }}"